July 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
Oh god here it is here it is it is the actual end oh man oh man oh- thank you. Really, thank you. This fic has been quite therapeutic in a way. The quote is Quinns, by the way, she said it in Michael after she sang Never Can Say Goodbye. The date (September 16th) is my birthday, he he he. I was planning on trying to set it in March (you know, March 15th...), but it was so convenient that their anniversairy falls on a Saturday in 2017. I didnt even plan on that.
And yeah... Im not good with saying goobyes (maybe I shouldve put that in the story).
Thank you for reading.
[mock salute] Yuè Lan signing off!
September 16th 2017
[white sheet appears on screen] [voice off-screen] Hey there, Warble On! I hope you are having a lovely day, if not, my ask box is still open after all these years! Links in the description of this video.
Ah, now you might wonder: what is this video? or maybe youve already seen the title of this video. Yup, Im finally doing a Draw-My-Life video with the help of… [also off-screen] Hi! Its our anniversary today. Hes grinning like an idiot while saying that. Oh shut up!
Anyway, lets get started, uh.
[hand appears on screen] [holding a Sharpie] So this is me [draws a well-drawn mini version of himself] When I was thirteen, I realized I was gay [draws an entire rainbow] [helps]
[new page] I came out when I was fourteen [drawn!Blaine steps out of the closet] and well, things didnt work out [drawn!Blaine is sad] because as we all might know, trigger warning, I got beaten the shit out of me and my friend. Im not going to draw that. Understandable.
[new sheet] So I went to Dalton [draws Dalton Academy crest] [drawn!Blaine wearing a blazer] where I met my friends who are coming over this weekend! [sounds excited] Yes, they are. Anyway, it was just a silly bet. I had to start a YouTube channel [draws his friends with smiling faces, handing drawn!Blaine a camera]
So I started BWA [draws YouTube logo]. Blaine Warbler A, because you didnt know my name back then. The Warbler part because my friends and I were part of this acapella choir called the Warblers. Cuuuute. And I started making videos about self-help, but also about other things. [draws WEDNESDAY WELL-BEING and SATURDAY SHOW] *annotation: again, thanks Trent!*
And surprisingly, people started watching it. Including me. Including you. [drawn!Blaine behind his laptop, looking surprised] And basically, nothing really changed after that- I mean, I am a man of routine and schedule. But then I turned eighteen. [new page] [drawn!Blaine wearing a button saying 18] and things started to get bad.
The pressure of school and the fact that it was ending became too much. The thought of me having to go out there and start planning a future was too much. I stopped making videos [drawn!Blaine puts camera in a drawer and looks sad] and tried to focus on those last months without the additional pressure of BWA.
I decided to go to NYU without a major and well… He became a recluse, basically [drawn!Blaine in his room] [mutters] Your drawing of me is way better… So then [draws Kurt] OH MY GOD. But you will join the story later on.
[new page] [drawn!Blaine looking homeless] Kurt didnt recognize me because I looked horrible. I did! But I just wasnt sure because college!Blaine didnt look like Dalton!Blaine at all! That beard was alive, I swear. Yes, so glad you eventually helped me shave. [sighs] [sarcastic] Isnt it fun to be afraid of freaking razors?
[drawn!Blaine picks up camera] So, maybe I mightve been a recluse- sort of- but I did start making videos again. Meanwhile, Kurt started to recognize me as a friendly face, I guess and we started to talk a lot. [draws Kurt next to drawn!Blaine] Oh, you are adorable!
And Kurt slowly started to help me with my problems in several ways. Somewhere, he fell for me. True, very true. Did I fall for Kurt? Gosh, I dont even know. Everything was confusing. I mean, sure I thought he was cute but I didnt know if I liked him or not. Well, you did say yes when I asked you out on our first date.
Thats the moment I realized I did like you. [coos]
So, but yeah, I think we already went too far in the story [new page] [swats Blaines hand away] Hey! Oh sweetheart, you forgot that around that time you started grooming yourself again and I started to recognize you as BWA, one of my inspirations.
Yes, but you didnt tell me till after summer break! Because I didnt know how to approach the subject. Yes, because I am fragile. Was fragile. Good days and bad days, Kurt. I still have those days Im just not feeling it.
… True.
Anyway, we started to date [drawn!Blaine kissing drawn!Kurt] and as you may know, wed like to keep that part private. There were some problems in the beginning. But here we are, still together. [sounds fondly] Still together.
[laughs sweetly] Anyway, the year went by and Kurt graduated. [drawn!Kurt holding a diploma, looking proud] And together we moved out of the dorms to this nice lil apartment. [drawn!Blaine and drawn!Kurt unpacking boxes]
There, I, of course, continued my video making and I started making videos more often [drawn!Blaine filming something with his phone] so yeah, you can say that I became an active vlogger.
[new page] Then, I graduated too and even though Im still looking for something to do with my degree [drawn!Blaine is also holding a diploma, but looks unsure] Im happy making videos. You can say that Im a real Youtuber.
Youve always been a real Youtuber. Aaaw, thank you, darling.
[new page] But yeah, here we are [draws himself once again, but this time as a grown up] The last couple of years have been crazy, but great. Ive done a lot of bad stuff in the past, but every day I wake up I remember something Kurts friend once told me. [grins]
"You cant change your past, but you can let go and change the future and man, I love that quote. Chills everywhere.
Anyway, this has been my life so far. Id like to thank all of you for the past seven years, its been a blessing and god- now it sounds like Im saying goodbye! Im not saying goodbye, people! I will be here for another seven years [laughs] [new page]
Anyway… Courage. [draws big courage drawing and adds drawn!Blaine] [helps]
[drawn!Blaine saluting] Blaine Warbler Anderson [waits] [drawn!Kurt saluting too] and Kurt Porcelain Hummel signing off!