These Walls Are Really Talkative
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These Walls Are Really Talkative: Chapter 4

T - Words: 1,985 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jul 23, 2015 - Updated: Jul 23, 2015
206 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


Being afraid of fire, eating with plastic spoons because of the heat, being so goddamn afraid of sharp things., not being able to offer your friends anything to eat or drink... me in a nutshell.

Also, I was scrolling through my dash the other day, and I saw this gifset of Blaines Time Capsule. Guess what? He ends the video with saluting and then says: "Blaine Anderson, signing off!" Oh my god.

May 25th 2011

["Blaine-wave"] Hey guys, Warble On! [laughs. The "Warble On" quote is still new, but Blaine likes using it and so do his friends and fans]. Im great, how about you? If youre also feeling great [points down] or if youre not feeling great [points down, again].

For todays Wednesday Well-being, shout out to my friend Trent for that name, Id like to talk about trust.

Its a human trait. Or, I dont know if you can actually call it a trait [thinks] Ah, you get what Im trying to say [laughs, waves it away] Where was I?

Oh yeah, its a human "trait" and it is completely normal if you want someone trustworthy in your life. For long, I didnt have one- well, maybe my brother. I ought to introduce you to him since Ive mentioned him a couple of times, but he already has a huge ego, this will only make it worse.

But like I was saying, for a long time, I didnt have one. Now I have a couple of them; my friends. [smiles, looking grateful] Anyway, what Im trying to say is that theres someone out there for you. Maybe it feels like no one will listen, but this time, listen to me. Listen to me telling you that there is someone for you.

You dont have to trust every person you meet, but sometimes its good to have someone to talk to. Let it out, let it go, open up.

Speaking of trust, Ive been doing this for seven months! I cant believe this. Youve already found my school [pretends to look mad], but Id like to trust you enough to call me Blaine Anderson.

[pretends to gasp] Yes, I just did that!

And, well, looks like I have to go already. Sorry for the short video, but hey, life happens.

[mock salute] Blaine Warbler Anderson, signing off!

April 24th 2014

"Can I ask you why you call yourself a cliché?"

"Because I am," Kurt says quietly. Theyre in the library after all.

Blaine doesnt believe that. Kurt isnt like anyone he has ever met. Hes amazing, hes funny, hes kind, hes talented… sure, he might be the most popular guy on the floor and he has a deeper story, but Kurt is not a cliché.

"Youre so not."

"I study musical theatre and my favourite musicals are RENT and Wicked," Kurt points out, "If that isnt cliché, then I dont even know."

"Yes, and I work in a library and I adore Harry Potter," Blaine retorts, "In the book fandom, Harry Potter is, like, equal to Wicked. Everyone knows it."


Kurt sits down at their usual table in the library. Hes been hanging around in the library almost every other day. When Blaine asked him why, he answered that the library is his escape from his social life, which is in Blaines eyes a bit weird. Kurt looks so content with his busy social life.

Theyve already claimed the table in the very back as their table. During breaks or after work, they talk a lot. Since the table is far away in the back, they dont have to whisper the entire time. No one can hear them.

"Uh, because a couple of years ago, I realized it was easier to be a cliché than, well, than what I was back then," Kurt admits, looking ashamed. It is kind of cute, but it is also very sad.

"Do you want to tell me?"

"Uh…" Kurt looks around to make sure no ones around. Not like it matters, no one can hear them, but Blaine can see the relief on his face when he sees that they are alone. "I should tell you, the death of my brother isnt the only baggage I have, yknow."

So Blaine braces himself. Hes ready. Hes helped people all over the world, so he can damn sure help his…


Yes, Blaine realizes, were friends.

He tries not to smile, because then it would look Blaines smiling about Kurts misery and he cant scare him away now.

"At high school, there was this guy… he hated me, I hated him, but when I tried to be pretentious, he tried to kill me."

Blaines openly gaping at him.

"I- dont know it that douche would actually kill me, you know, but it still wasnt nice knowing that he walked around on campus," Kurt continues, "So its no secret that I was unhappy. Sure, I had Mercedes and glee and my dad, but life got worse. Eventually, I found the beauty of the internet," he smiles fondly at whatever memory, "I never knew the internet could help me that much. Do you know what I mean?"

"… Yeah," Blaine says, because of course he does.

"I watched a lot of videos, I read a lot of articles, I spent a lot of time on online forums and slowly, I started to realize that I could be better than that. I could be better than that fragile, unhappy kid from Ohio. I could be so much better- cause I am so much better than before!, right?"

That was Legally Blonde.

"So when Mercedes and I left that shit town behind, I changed. Im not a completely different person, but I have the feeling that the me inside of me, finally became me. Because here, I could be me."

"That still doesnt explain why youre a cliché," Blaine says, "You just embraced a better environment. Thats completely normal. Dont act like its a bad thing."

Kurt doesnt say anything for a while and Blaine wonders if he went too far. Kurt is just staring at him, like hes trying to figure something out. "Why are you so good at this? Like its your job."

Well, because it kind of is.

May 2nd 2014

Blaines walking around his room, eating take-out noodles with his mothers chopsticks. Hes racking his brain. Tomorrow is Saturday and he still doesnt have a topic for the Saturday Show.

Then someone knocks on his door.

He used to think it was weird, but by know, he knows its Kurt. He opens his door without hesitation and Kurt greets him warmly. "Do what do I owe this pleasure?" he asks, licking off his chopsticks, "Normally, you never come over on a Friday."

"Can I come inside?"

Blaine almost drops his food. Sure, hes used to Kurt knocking on his door, but hes never actually been inside his room. Most of the time, Kurt picks him up to go somewhere.

"I didnt clean?" Blaine asks, like that is logical to ask Kurt. Wow, his social skills still fail him.

"Dont care," Kurt just steps inside and Blaine doesnt know what to do. Is he supposed to offer him something to drink now? Oh god, what if hes going to ask for food? Is he supposed to supply him with food? Oh my god, what does he do? Maybe he just needs to wait for Kurt to ask him for anything? But isnt that impolite?

"Uh, Blaine, youve been staring at your floor for the past two minutes," Kurt pulls him out of his trance.

Well, at least he hasnt been thinking out loud.

He awkwardly closes the door behind him and he drops his empty take-out box in the trash bin. And what now?

"What what now?"

Oh shit, this time he did think out loud.

"I mean, is there anything you want?" Please dont ask for food or anything, like, I cant do that shit so please bear with me-

"I am here for your story!" Kurt says happily, like its obvious. But its not and the expression on Blaines face must have made that very clear, because Kurt takes a deep breath and adds: "Youve been so kind to me, I mean, listening to my whining about the past. I really want to return the favour. I mean, Ive already gathered that you are very, uh, anti-social so I understand if you have difficulties with telling me, but I should tell you-"

"I got baggage too," Blaine sings. He saw his chance and took it.

Kurt cracks a grin. "That is a good one," he says, "But that isnt an excuse. Youve listened to my baggage and now I am here for you. Nice room, by the way." He looks at the posters and he is clearly checking the titles in on his bookshelf and- "Oh, nice camera!"

Blaine blushes. "It- uh, is. Right? And really, you dont have to hear my baggage. I, uh- its not like I bottle it all up or something."

"Probably true, because I always hear you talking," Kurt says, "I never knew you had friends over."

"I dont!" Blaine blurts out, "I mean, uh, I sort of talk to myself?"

Well, that is such a bad lie.

But Kurt just chuckles. "Yes, I bet these walls are really talkative," he jokes, "All those posters. Do they talk back?"

"Yes, they do," Blaine deadpans, "And, uh, then, uh…" He needs to stop saying uh. "Then, make yourself at home, I guess? I dont have much to offer because I didnt expect anyone."

After a couple of minutes of awkward staring, Blaines initial debate dies away. Maybe it is good to have someone to talk to. He ought to call Wes, but he doesnt want to annoy him. Wes is probably living a beautiful life without him.

"Uh, I dont know where to start," Blaine admits, "What- What do you want to know? Maybe its easier if I just answer questions, because I dont know how- what- I-" "Stop, just stop!" Kurt grabs his hands, "Deep breath. Courage."


"I- yes, sorry. Courage, youre right. Courage," gosh, this still is so awkward, "Nice word, dont you think?" "Yes, someone taught me that a couple of years ago, but dont go changing the subject, Anderson."

Blaine starts looking around, not meeting Kurts eyes. This is good, Blaine reminds him, Yes, this is good for you. It might be completely awkward to sit on your bed with another guy you might, possibly, maybe, like, but this is good. Good.

"Then ask me."

"Good, why are you alone in your room? Do you dislike the students of our floor?"

"Im not alone, Im with my talkative walls," Blaine jokes, "But uh, Im just not good around people. I have a sort of social anxiety. Theres been a lot of progress, but being in an unfamiliar environment sort of made me relapse? If I can call it that."

"And is there anything you can do about that?"

"I dont even know," Blaine doesnt want to keep on talking about this, "Next question."

"Why do you never cook?" Kurt asks, "I mean, youre always living on take-off or ready-meals. You told me you dont cook and I guess youre loaded enough to order in every day, but still. Dont you want to make your own food? Mercedes and I love it-"

"Fears!" Blaine quickly yelps, "I- uh, I am afraid of fire and I cant stand heat and all that. I mean, I eat soup with a plastic spoon because otherwise the spoons too hot, you know?" Of course he doesnt, cause its stupid. "And sharp stuff. I am afraid of sharp stuff, especially knives. As you can imagine, being afraid of knives and fire isnt that handy when it comes to cooking."

"Okay, so, one last question for today. What do you think of-"

Then someone knocks on the door. Blaine yelps. He always gets startled by sudden and unexpected noises and movement.

Kurt is inside, so who could that be.

"Kurt, are you in here?" Mercedes is bonking on the door.

Kurt seems disappointed that he couldnt ask his last question. "Duty calls," he sighs, "See you around, Blaine. Expect me to come over more often."

What the fuck.

May 3rd 2014

[holding the camera in his hand] ["Blaine-wave"] Hey people, Warbler On! You know where to find me [winks] so come talk to me.

As you can see, this Saturday Show video will be a bit different, I mean, I am holding the camera [points to camera]. Remember that video I did back in 2012 about my Dalton dorm? I showed my room and well, now Im going to do it again.

[shows room] So this is the quick overview. Youve already seen that wall a lot [shows the wall behind] with my posters above my bed. And this [moves camera] is my "cube"! Isnt it hideous? [turns camera back to himself] So, it is time for room tour 2.0…



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