June 11, 2022, 2:14 p.m.
June 11, 2022, 2:14 p.m.
Of course the next chapter is almost 1k long... Well, I’m aiming for 500 - 1000 words a chapter now. Hopefully I can keep that up.
After some days of no contact, Kurt decides to message Blaine again. After all, he’s on a roll. This needs to keep going.
Eddie Andrews: Hey.
Eddie Andrews: I am still sad to hear
that you feel like you have no friend.
Sorry might sound super random.
Eddie Andrews: Is there no one at McKinley?
Blaine Anderson: Yeah, but that’s high school.
I hope college will be different.
I want it to be different.
Eddie Andrews: Oh, you have college plans?
Eddie Andrews: Responsible.
I’m still figuring things out.
Blaine Anderson: Hopefully.
I kinda need a scholarship.
But those kind of scholarships
are really exclusive.
Blaine Anderson: That’s why I am
already working on it in my junior year.
Blaine Anderson: Two other people
at my school are after it.
There are only two spots.
Eddie Andrews: That sounds difficult.
Kurt would know. After all, he’s after one of those spots. He’s actually kind of surprised that Blaine knows that he and Rachel exist in the first place.
Blaine Anderson: It is.
Blaine Anderson: I hope I don’t come off
as incredibly entitled, but I
absolutely need that scholarship.
Blaine Anderson: And it sucks,
because both my competitors
are really talented.
But I’d never tell them that.
Kurt’s eyes widen. Blaine genuinely think he and Rachel are talented? Kurt’s pretty certain Blaine still believes the ruse, so he’s not saying it so that he can win Kurt over.
What does this mean?
Kurt is kind of annoyed at Blaine for saying that he needs it. Blaine came from Dalton Academy. Everyone knows that you need to have money for that. Sure, Blaine was in his eyes too good for the place, but it doesn’t take away that he’s loaded.
Meanwhile, Kurt’s dad is barely holding up. The only reason why Kurt and Finn haven’t gotten jobs yet is because Kurt’s dad wants them to focus on school. Little does he know that Kurt’s slipped some of his savings in his dad’s wallet before and Finn’s done the same. It just sucks to hear someone like Blaine acting as if he knows what it’s like to need money.
Eddie Andrews: How so?
If I were you, I’d like to know
everything about the other person.
Eddie Andrews: Like, just out of
common decency or whatever.
Blaine Anderson: Hmmm yeah.
Altho tbf those two have never
given me the time of day.
Blaine Anderson: In fact, I’m pretty sure
they absolutely hate my guts.
They don’t even know me.
Eddie Andrews: Do they perhaps
think they deserve those spots more?
Blaine Anderson: idk
Blaine Anderson: And honestly?
That’s none of my business.
I don’t know these people.
“He called me talented?”
“Us,” Kurt says, “He called us talented. See?”
Kurt shows the message again and Rachel is positively glowing. Rachel turns into such a big zealot when it’s about praise, even if it’s from the enemy.
“What are you two gossiping about?” Mercedes asks.
Kurt quickly pockets the phone and he easily lies: “NYADA gossip. Best to start early.”
Mercedes narrows her eyes and she opens her mouth. Kurt’s certain that she’s going to call them out on their bluff. Then, Mercedes’s gaze shifts to something else. Kurt looks over his shoulder and he has to suppress a groan when he sees Blaine.
But then Blaine walks towards them. Both Kurt and Rachel square up. What does he want?
“Hey Mercedes.”
“Hey!” Mercedes says.
Blaine completely ignores Kurt and Rachel, which is great, because then he can’t see the looks of confusion.
“Thanks again for helping me out with my chemistry homework. I brought you this as a thank you,” Blaine opens his messenger bag and he takes out a chocolate bar. He hands it to Mercedes with a big smile. “I hope you don’t have a peanut allergy. In hindsight, I should’ve asked you that, but it’s my grandma’s homemade chocolate.”
“You’re too sweet!”
Blaine laughs kindly. “Thanks to my grandma. She insists on doubling the amount of sugar in these recipes. Anyway, see you around.”
He waves and walks away. Mercedes looks at her gift with a fond look.
“Okay, what the fuck?” Rachel says when Blaine’s out of earshot, “What the fuck was that? You let yourself get pampered by the enemy?”
“Pampered?” Mercedes says indignantly, “I helped him, he thanked me. How is that pampering?”
“Can’t you see he’s playing you like a fiddle?” Kurt says, “With that sweet smile and his grandma’s homemade chocolate bars. This is probably how he wrapped everyone else around his finger.”
Rachel nods. “He probably bought that chocolate at the nearest supermarket!”
“Wow,” Mercedes looks downright angered by her friends, “Can’t you see that he’s just a kind guy? I don’t have to be friends with him, but he can be nice.”
“It’s us versus them, Mercedes!” Rachel bites out.
“There is no us, there is no them, are you two hearing yourselves?” Mercedes backs away in disgust, “You’re just jealous because he’s more talented than you, Rachel, and Kurt, you just hate him since he’s a gay guy with more straight friends than you.”
“How dare you?” Rachel shrieks loudly. Some people stare to look.
“It’s because he’s acting straight!” Kurt hisses back, “I bet he thinks he’s better than me for it.”
“There’s no one way to be gay. You of all people should know that,” Mercedes shakes her head, “Fuck this, I’m out. Don’t talk to me in glee later today.”
And with that, Mercedes angrily storms off.
Rachel looks disappointed and hurt. “Can you believe her?” she asks Kurt.
But Kurt watches his best friend walk away in anger and for the first time since he’s thought of Blaine as the enemy, he wonders if he’s wrong.