June 11, 2022, 2:17 p.m.
June 11, 2022, 2:17 p.m.
It’s easy to miss, but I changed the glee timeline a bit. This story takes place in Kurt’s junior year (season 2), but some season 3 plot points have already happened.
Blaine Anderson: Are you okay?
Eddie Andrews: Yes?
Eddie Andrews: Why?
Blaine Anderson: Oh I saw the lyrics.
Blaine Anderson: The one that you
just posted on your timeline.
It’s beautiful, but really sad.
Eddie Andrews: It’s about my mom.
Blaine Anderson: Your mom?
Eddie Andrews: She died when I was eight.
Eddie Andrews: We used to sing together.
Like, all the time.
Eddie Andrews: I don’t dream of
becoming a lyricist, but writing
music makes me feel closer to her.
Eddie Andrews: She always encouraged
me to be my best self, even when
other kids were mean towards me.
Eddie Andrews: She’d say that I deserved
to be who I am and if no one likes it,
then I can make my own stuff.
Eddie Andrews: Like music.
Eddie Andrews: She is music. I could sing
a pop song. I could yodel from a
mountain top. I could headbang to
some heavy metal. She’d
be there, in my heart.
When Kurt realises he just poured his heart out to Blaine Anderson, his fingers freeze. He just did that. He’s never talked about his mom like that with anyone other than his dad. Sure, he and Blaine have moved closer in the past few weeks, and Kurt’s shared more than he initially anticipated, but this is a whole new level.
Eddie Andrews: God, sorry.
I don’t know why I told you all of that.
Blaine Anderson: It’s okay.
It’s the semi-anonymity, isn’t it?
Eddie Andrews: I guess.
Blaine Anderson: I get that.
Blaine Anderson: I commented on your
lyrics before and that’s how we
started talking and I remember that you
said that it’s about a loss of a loved one.
Eddie Andrews: Yes, everything I write is
somewhat related to my mom’s death.
Blaine Anderson: I have one question, though.
Blaine Anderson: Didn’t your mom get
a new job?
That’s why you’re moving
to Lima next year.
When Kurt wrote that lie all these weeks ago, he did it on a whim. He didn’t think Blaine would care. He definitely didn’t think Blaine would remember. For a second, he panics, but then he remembers he’s good at improvising.
Eddie Andrews: Oh.
Eddie Andrews: Yeah.
Eddie Andrews: I don’t have two
moms if that’s what you’re wondering.
Blaine Anderson: ???
Eddie Andrews: This is going to
sound very stupid.
But I kind of want to keep
the fact that my mom died hidden.
Eddie Andrews: Not a great first
impression at a new school.
Eddie Andrews: I know it’s stupid.
Eddie Andrews: Sorry.
Blaine Anderson: Hey, hey, it’s okay.
I get it, kind of.
Blaine Anderson: Transferring schools is hard,
especially when it’s unexpecting.
I also tried to create an amazing
first impression at McKinley.
Eddie Andrews: Did it work?
Blaine Anderson: No. I don’t think so.
Kurt’s walking around McKinley, staring at his phone. He rereads Blaine’s last message over and over again. He’s confused. By now it’s clear that Blaine does not see his friends at school as genuine friends, but he can’t possibly think he didn’t make a great impression?
Kurt started this catfish plan to find out more about Blaine, and it’s working, but not in the way he expected. He wanted to find the dirty secrets, but instead he gets to see a new side of Blaine. When he started this, he never expected to reach this level of comfort. Sure, as Eddie, Kurt still had to lie, but he talked to Blaine about his mom, because maybe, just maybe, Blaine genuinely cares.
He’s so focused on the phone that he doesn’t notice Azimio coming around the corner.
He definitely notices when he’s being slammed against the locker.
It’s been a while. Since Karofsky transferred to keep his secret, the bullying definitely decreased, but that doesn’t mean that it fully disappeared. Homophobes still love to bully the gay kid and that doesn’t change overnight. There’s a reason Kurt still checks the hallways every day. He didn’t this time, and Azimio must’ve noticed.
Since he’s not used to being slammed against the locker every day anymore, his body needs some seconds to recover from the initial shock. He blinks a couple of times and when Azimio calls him a slur, he sighs heavily. Azimio walks away, laughing, and Kurt gets up.
“Oh my God, Kurt!”
Mercedes runs towards him. She helps him up and she screams some angry words at Azimio, but Kurt isn’t focused on that. He should be happy to see Mercedes, since they never really patched things up, but someone else catches his eyes.
Blaine is standing there.
Blaine’s looking at them.
Blaine saw all of this happen.
When he realises that Kurt’s watching him, he looks away and he shakes his head. Kurt can feel the anger rise. Fuck that. He was so close to being convinced that Blaine was different after all, but now he’s just standing here, looking away. He still can’t look at Kurt because he probably thinks Kurt deserved this. After all, Blaine is the better one, isn’t he?
“I would’ve defended you,” Kurt says to him.
Blaine looks up in shock. This is the first time they acknowledge each other’s existence.
“Yeah. I might hate your guts, but I still would’ve defended you,” Kurt says. Mercedes puts her arm around him and she also stares Blaine down. “Where are you when this happens?”
When Blaine doesn’t say more, Kurt shakes his head and looks away in disgust.
“Coward,” he sighs and Mercedes looks sad.
Kurt and Mercedes turn around and walk away. Blaine can choke in his own words.
Mercedes hands Kurt his phone. He had dropped it. Luckily, there’s no crack or any kind of damage. Kurt puts it away immediately. He can’t think about this now. He can’t think about Blaine.