June 11, 2022, 2:23 p.m.
June 11, 2022, 2:23 p.m.
Please be safe during monsoon season! Damn, the weather in the world is wack.
It’s been a week of no contact. Mercedes’s words are still floating in Kurt’s head. He knows she’s right, but he just doesn’t know how to tell Blaine the truth. He wants to, truly, but how? Mercedes and Kurt are still on the rocks, but they talk again at school. It’s nice to at least still have someone, although Kurt’s keeping his promise by letting Mercedes stay out of it from now on.
Ghosting Blaine feels terrible. Blaine hasn’t sent a new message since he confessed that he’s in love with Kurt.
No, not Kurt.
Blaine’s in love with Eddie.
Kurt is Eddie. Blaine doesn’t know that, but Kurt is Eddie, which means that Blaine is in love with Kurt. God, what a mess. Kurt watches Blaine walk around and on the outside, Blaine looks fine and he acts very cheerful, but on the inside he must be devastated. Kurt now knows that Blaine’s persona at McKinley is a lie. Blaine probably acts inane on purpose.
Sometimes Kurt catches Blaine checking his phone. It always breaks his heart. Blaine looks hopeful for a second, but then his eyes go sad and he shoves his phone in his bag or pocket. Kurt was already trying to find a way to get out of the situation, but now everything’s worse.
Especially since Kurt can’t deny that he likes Blaine’s attention. Still, the lie of Eddie is too strong. Kurt can barely look at his phone or laptop without feeling his throat close up or without his eyes watering. He’s done something terrible, he knows that. He let Blaine get to know him. Blaine opened up his heart and he gave it to Kurt, but it’s all a lie.
For a week, just the thought of the account existing is too much. He’s happy that there’s Regionals to take his mind off things. They sing a song written by Rachel called Get It Right, and it’s all about how Rachel messes things up.
Oh, the irony of it all.
Kurt’s sitting in the living room with Finn. He’s half listening to Finn complaining about his life. Usually, he’s more attentive, since he and Finn are now half-brothers, but his mind is somewhere else.
But when Finn mentions Rachel, Kurt immediately gets reminded of what he’s done.
“I just- nothing seems to please her,” Finn sighs, “I am dating a Kardashian. She’s only talking about NYADA these days.”
“Well, so am I,” Kurt says. Finn knows that Kurt and Rachel are both aiming for the NYADA scholarship.
“True, but no offense dude, I don’t want to kiss you,” Finn says.
“Likewise.” At least, not anymore.
“But every time I’m alone with Rachel, she’s talking about New York. I kinda started talking about football only to counter her, but yeah, it does kind of suck.”
“You still want to become quarterback?” Kurt asks. Rachel mentioned it many times before. It’s one of the reasons she wants to expose Blaine. It makes Kurt feel sick. He’s certain that Blaine’s not even interested in the position, since he’s never mentioned it.
God, Kurt’s gotten to know Blaine so well. He’s fucked.
He’s once again stuck in his thoughts, so he barely registers it when Finn says yes. Finn then starts talking about a possible football scholarship and about scouts and even about New York, but Kurt is thinking about something else: does Finn know what Kurt and Rachel have done? Finn’s not the smartest person, and Kurt says that with affection, but he’s a big reason for Rachel to come up with this terrible plan. Rachel still seems to be on board. She refuses to acknowledge that Kurt’s quit talking to Blaine.
“Finn,” Kurt interrupts Finn’s passionate spiel about football.
“Yeah?” Finn doesn’t mind the interruption. Rachel must do it all the time.
“Has Rachel ever talked with you about your quarterback status?”
“No. Why?”
“Just wondering.”
Blaine Anderson: I’m sorry.
I must’ve scared you off.
Blaine Anderson: It’s been a week, Eddie.
Please give me a sign that you’re okay.
Blaine Anderson: I’m so sorry.
I ruin everything, apparently.
Blaine Anderson: Sorry.
Kurt stares at his laptop screen. He reads the messages again and again and he hates himself for letting Blaine feel all of this. Blaine finally opened up and allowed himself to feel things he was afraid to feel, but Kurt can’t let this go on.
He opens a new tab in his browser and he types ‘how to delete facebook account’ in the search bar.
Ten minutes pass and Kurt’s staring at a Facebook page that confirms that the account has been deactivated. It’s as if Eddie Andrews has never existed.