July 1, 2023, 3:50 p.m.
July 1, 2023, 3:50 p.m.
Hey folks, I am back and I have some news. I have actually written almost all of the fic. Yes, I have finished chapter 16 up to 23 (🤯). I am almost at the end. I haven’t started chapter 24 yet, but all in good time, you know? The reason I hadn’t posted any of 16 - 23 yet is because I finished chapter 16 just now, so I obviously couldn’t post the others.
But now I can, so I will! A part of me considered posting it all in one go, since I am very excited to share it, but that is a bit much, so I have decided to post a new chapter every day.
Apart from that, I have also started writing a side-story from Quinn’s POV. It’s not finished yet and it’s longer than I expected, but it’s fun. Anyway, thanks for sticking around and enjoy reading.
Kurt doesn’t mean to torture himself, but he is. Why else would he be obsessed with the Instagram of one certain Quinn Fabray?
Kurt and Quinn never befriended each other on social media, because why would they? But Kurt’s befriended Blaine, and when Quinn suddenly popped up in the “Friends you might know” list, he should’ve closed the app, but he didn’t.
Blaine might not be super active on social media, but apparently Quinn is.
And unlike Blaine, she is posting about her trip.
Blaine isn’t in any photos, since they’re mostly aesthetic photos of food, buildings and landscapes, but it’s another confirmation that she is in the country.
Kurt needs to get out of the city.
A part of him thinks about going to London a month earlier than planned, but he’s not sure if Adam would appreciate that. It might also be questionable of Kurt to seek out his ex when he’s trying to flee from his new crush and his girlfriend. He and Adam are fine, which is why Kurt is going, but it feels wrong.
He doesn’t really have a lot of trips planned. When he first got to Ljubljana, he knew that he could travel throughout Europe, like André, but he decided that he had time to figure it out, but now it’s April and he’s halfway through his time here.
Fuck, Kurt misses his friends from home. He misses his dad. He talks to them a lot through text and he calls, but it is different. He knew he signed up for this and he knew it would only be for six months, but now he’s lonely.
He misses Blaine.
Blaine became his person in Ljubljana.
Of course he has Sunil and Tadeja. He also has people from his classes and from his play, and the International Student Organisation hosts a lot of events. Kurt’s also gone to the gay scene in Metelkova a few times and he’s met really cool people there as well.
Kurt isn’t alone, but he is lonely.
All of those people are here, and yet they can’t hold a candle to Blaine, which is pathetic.
The day after, Sunil and Kurt are on a train to Trieste. It’s a city in Italy, close to the border of Slovenia. Kurt’s already taken the bus to Zagreb but it’s still mindboggling that he can just take public transport into another country. This train even continues to Austria!
Kurt’s been wanting to see Trieste for a while. He had sort of planned on going here with Blaine, since he once told Blaine that he wanted to see the city, but of course, that plan fell through. Instead, Sunil is accompanying him.
When Kurt asked Sunil if he were down for a last minute trip to Italy, Sunil yelled “Fuck yeah!” and that was that.
The trip isn’t that long and the next thing Kurt knows, he’s in fucking Italy.
Kurt and Sunil try to see the biggest sights. They go to the beautiful piazza’s and cathedrals. Kurt isn’t religious and Sunil is Buddhist, but the church did go big with the aesthetics and they can appreciate that. There’s also a castle just outside of the city centre and there is a gorgeous pier, since Trieste lies at the coast.
And there’s coffee! There is a lot of good coffee.
“The owners of the coffee brand Illy are from here,” Sunil reads from his phone and Kurt thinks he might’ve found heaven. They stop by at multiple caffetteria’s, as they’re called in Italian.
Kurt’s having a great day and sure, it does sting a bit that Blaine isn’t here, because the two of them have talked about going to Trieste, but it is what it is.
The next day, Kurt knocks on Sunil’s door to ask if they can have breakfast in the city together.
And after classes, he texts Sunil to meet up in town to hang out at the Ljubljana river.
In the evening, he wonders if Sunil wants to grab some Boni together.
Kurt thinks he’s being such a great friend, but Sunil sets him straight.
“Look, Kurt, I’m flattered that you want to spend so much time with me, but you need to stop and think for a second,” Sunil says.
Kurt raises an eyebrow.
“We’re friends. Boni buddies and all that jazz. I like hanging out with you, but at this point I think you’re just using me to replace Blaine,” Sunil adds on.
Kurt wants to protests and tell Sunil that he is definitely wrong, but the words get stuck in his throat, because he knows that Sunil is right.
“And quite frankly, I don’t like that,” Sunil continues and Kurt feels like an ass, “I want you to hang out with me because you like me. We’re friends. I don’t want to be second best. You’re always with Blaine, sometimes even ditching me for him, and the moment he’s out of the picture, you come crawling back to me. How am I supposed to feel?”
“Sunil… I am so sorry,” Kurt says, but those words fall flat. Sunil looks really hurt. “I do like hanging out with you. I do think we’re friends and I hope to maintain that friendship even after we both go home to our own countries. But you’re right. I miss Blaine.”
“You’re forgiven,” Sunil says earnestly, “It is really crappy of Blaine to do this to you, so I get it. I just wanted to set things straight and make it clear to you.”
“Thanks. And it is crappy.”
“Won’t you see him at the game?” Sunil asks, “Maybe you can talk it out.”
“What game?”
“The rugby game,” Sunil answers.
Right. Kurt had completely forgotten about that. He, Sunil, Blaine and Quinn have tickets for a game.
“I don’t think he wants to talk,” Kurt says back, “I don’t think I should go.”
“Oh, I am definitely going,” Sunil says.
Kurt raises an eyebrow.
“Isn’t he ghosting you as well?”
Sunil nods.
“Yes, but I like rugby.”
Kurt understands what Sunil is saying, but he still thinks it’s not a good idea. Kurt also wants answers, but cornering Blaine at a public rugby game while his girlfriend is around isn’t a great idea. And he really believes that Blaine isn’t going to talk.
Blaine needs to come to Kurt. Trying to reach Blaine will only backfire.
It sucks, but it’s the truth.
“Does Tadeja like rugby?” Kurt asks.
“I don’t know. Why?”
“She should get my ticket.”
Kurt holds up his hand to silence Sunil.
“She can have my ticket. Make it a double date.”
It physically hurts to suggest that, but it’s what it is.
“… Okay.”
“Cool, I’ll e-mail it to you.”
“Then, I’ll just be off-”
“Woah, woah, woah!” Sunil exclaims, “What about the Boni?”
“You still want to get Boni?” Kurt asks.
Sunil looks amused.
“Of course. As I said, I needed to set things straight. You want to get Boni with me because we’re friends, and not because I am a substitute for Blaine, right?”
“Definitely!” Kurt says, and he means it. Sunil was right. Kurt did use him. But it’s a good thing Sunil called him out, because now Kurt’s aware of it and he can fully focus on just chilling with Sunil. “I’m craving Asian food.”
“Roza Slon or Bistro Suwon?”
“Let’s get fancy!”
“Suwon it is,” Sunil says, “Lead the way.”
Unlike Kurt, I didn’t go to Trieste. I wanted to, and I planned on it, but I had a pandemic. Italy was completely off-guard in the first half of 2020. There was a trip in February, but I didn’t go, because it was very early and I was still getting used to Slovenia. I thought it was fine because I thought I had time. Ah well.
Roza Slon is a Thai place and Bistro Suwon is a Korean restaurant. Roza Slon was actually my last Boni, unknowingly. The day after, I found out that the Boni period had ended. Bistro Suwon didn’t reopen after the first wave, so I was under the impression Covid killed it (like it killed Falafel Hiša and Grill no.52, forever in my heart). I have lamented over the closing of Bistro Suwon for years, but guess what, IT DIDN’T CLOSE! I only just found out while looking it up for this chapter. Hooray!