Klaine Advent 2015
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Klaine Advent 2015: Vow

T - Words: 729 - Last Updated: Dec 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
170 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Just to be clear:

Blaine - Prep

Kevin - Kev

Matt - Musican

Mira - Bow

Verena - Penguin

Wes - Warbler

Artie - A.A

Santana - Snix

Klaine Advent 2015 Day 22, "Vow"

And when I grow up
I will eat sweets every day
on the way to work and I
will go to bed late every night!
And I will wake up
when the sun comes up and I
will watch cartoons until my eyes go square
and I wont care cause Ill be all grown up!

When I Grow Up - Matilda

Blaines new apartment is beautiful- thanks his mom for helping them pay the rent. Both he and Kevin knew it was time to leave the dorms. The twins considered moving in with them, but theyre still at the dorms. The apartment was still just too small for four loud NYADA students.

But they will come over to celebrate the fact that Blaine and Kevin have found a new place. Verena, who is bringing Mick, and Wes will be there too. And Artie and Santana. Rachel passed, saying she was too busy.

And most importantly... Kurt. Hes coming over too.

"Prep, stop dreaming about your man and help me with the snacks!" Kevin yells from the kitchen. Blaine coughs.

"Jeez, I cant wait for Penguin to bring her boyfriend. More people kissing!" Kevin adds sarcastically.

Mick doesnt have a nickname yet. Matt hasnt given him one, because he doesnt like him.

Then again, Kurt doesnt have one either, but Matts told Blaine its not because he dislikes Kurt, its because he feels like theres no nickname good enough for Kurt.

And Kurt needs something special.

Because he is special.

Yes, Blaine might be drooling over him again, but that isnt a bad thing. Hes still so happy he got a second shot.

His drooling is being interrupted by Kevin yelling from the kitchen once again. "Prep, now!"

"Are you guys happy?"

Everyone turns to Mira. "What do you mean, sis?" Matt asks.

Mira shrugs. "Im just saying... are you guys happy? Have you achieved what you wanted when you were younger? Has New York reached your expectations?"

"Thats a huge question," Kurt points out.

"Wait, Snix, Warbler and I arent going to NYA-" "Shhhh, you get the point A.A," Blaine cuts him off, "Then, have the Brooklyn Film Acadamy, NYU, and the life of a college drop-out lived up to your expectations?"

Santana raises her glass in response and smirks.

"I guess were all pretty good here," Wes answers, "I mean, New York is not what I expected to be, but to be honest, that was to be expected."

"Well, Im rocking my new style," Artie spins around. Mira applauds his skills. "And so do Blaine and Rachel." Kurt leans to kiss Blaines cheek.

Kevin grunts.

"We know youre in love, Kev!" Kurt sing-songs, "Dont take it out on the people who do have a relationship."

"Back to the question!" Verena says, "Because now, I want to know. What about you, Musican?" Matts about to answer, when Mick cuts in. "Isnt it musician?"

"Yes it is," Matt sighs, annoyed. Hes really not into the mood for Mick.

"Then why is it Musican?"

"Because I dont play by your rules," Matt retorts. Mira tries not to hit her brother for being so lame. "Now, please answer the question."

"Im just glad that I now have the friends I wished for when I was growing up," he answers.

It falls silent. Until...

"Im happy I am in New York, the city of my dreams, dancing my heart out. Im glad to be away from Germany," Verena says.

"Im happy to know that I can show my talent to the rest of the world," Kevin adds.

"I feel lucky to be at NYADA, and that Im studying a career that can help other people by entertaining them," Mira says.

"I am happy to be studying law, so that in the future, I can bang my gavel for the living," Wes deadpans.

Santana coughs, stands up, takes a bow, and sits down again.

"I feel good about the fact that Ive accomplished something I always wanted," Artie says, "despite the fact that people kept calling me I couldnt do it."

"Im happy that I can combine the two things I love the most: fashion and music. Im also lucky to be with the love of my life," Kurt smiles, "Love is everywhere."

"Im happy that you gave me a second chance," Blaine tells him, "And that were now in the city of our dreams, doing what we want. And I promise to keep it that way."

"Like a vow?"


Everyone just sits back, taking in all the answers.

"Bow, this was one hell of a question," Blaine eventuall says, and everyone starts laughing. Theyre all doing well.


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