Klaine Advent 2015
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Klaine Advent 2015: Regret

T - Words: 967 - Last Updated: Dec 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

My parents have their 23rd wedding anniversary today! Also, thank you vreniii for picking out the song. I was doubting between this one and Whispering from Spring Awakening.

I guess this is the end of the Hogwarts!Blaine/Watford!Kurt thing.

Klaine Advent 2015 Day 18, "Regret"

Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.

Origin of Love - Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Still 2012

Blaine opens the door. The place isnt cheap, despite the fact that it looks like no one has lived in it for ages, but thats the perks of being rich. Inside, it looks just like a Muggle house. Or should he call it No-Maj? Hes so used to saying Muggle, he doesnt know if he can do that. Cooper has been living in the States for years, so he uses the term No-Maj.

Theres only a lack of technology, but theyve been adapting. Cooper has taught him how to use a mobile phone and a laptop for this wifi thing, and Blaine loves the so-called television. He cant wait till someone introduces technology to the wizarding world.

But then you upstairs, you can notice something is different. Coopers room is very Muggle-ish, but Blaine...

The first thing you see is...

"A tent?" Kurt seems amused.

"Yeah, my mum gave it to me as a present a couple of years ago, and Ive been using it ever since. Its a cheap one, but I like it." He gestures for Kurt to climb in it, but Kurt only backs away. "Is there a reason you want the two of us in that thing?" he asks.

Blaine looks at him with a confused look on his face, but then burst out laughing. "Oh, I guess mages dont have magical tents! Really?" Kurt furrows his brow, so Blaine just goes in and tells Kurt to follow him. "Lumos maxima," Blaine makes sure theres light.


"Trust me, youll love it!"

And fortunately, Kurt follows him. When he sees that its bigger on the inside, he gasps loudly. "Blaine, its like a bloody TARDIS in here!"

Blaine has no idea what a TARDIS is. "Uh, thanks?"

There are a couple of rooms in the tent, but he mostly uses the part he calls the kitchen area. Shelves with flasks and bottles with ingredients are everywhere. Theres a stack of books on the floor. One cauldron contains a potion Blaines still creating. Its very noisy.

"So thats the boiling noise I heard."

"Ah well, there is this spell called mufflatio, but the Ministry is very strict when it comes to Prince-spells," Blaine shrugs. He looks behind and he sees Kurt taking in the entire place. From the inside, it really looks like a tent, but over the years Blaine has decorated the place with wizarding and Muggle things.

And Blaine uses his time to look at Kurt. He knows theyre both the blame for the fact that they let contact slide, and he regrets that. But what is he supposed to do now? He came all this way. Sure, he didnt expect Kurt to enter the shop, but he cant deny that he came to New York to see him.

Come to think about it, he couldve asked Rachel for his number too, but Blaine and cell phones arent friends. What else was he supposed to do? Send Kurt an owl? Can owls cross the ocean? He couldnt send Kurt a message through a Patronus, because mages dont use Patronuses.

Maybe he should kiss him. But would he want that?

Blaine wants it.

The tent is amazing. Kurt can add that on the "MAGICAL THINGS THAT AMAZE ME" list, together with moving pictures, wandlore and Kwidditsch.

The tent isnt that stylish, but it is cozy. There are moving Kwidditsch posters and posters of magical bands on the walls.

He keeps on looking around, because he knows Blaine is watching him. He tries not to blush, and he has feeling that for the first time in his life, he succeeds. He didnt even have to spell a Keep it together on himself. It isnt awkward anymore. Theyre both in a way at ease.

But Kurt is tired of this thing they have going on. They havent seen each other in a year. They only spent a couple of days together at Hogwarts, but the connection was still there when they wrote each other letters. Hence, the connection is still here and they keep on dancing around the subject they need to discuss.

And all the other things they need to discuss. They havent talked in so long. It felt like they were waiting for the right time to act.

And Kurt is done waiting.

It might be too soon, or too inappropriate, but he steps towards Blaine and just kisses him.

In the beginning, Blaine doesnt react, but then he kisses back.

When they pull away, theyre both smiling. Blaine looks away and blushes. "Wow, I didnt expect that to happen so soon."

"Too soon?" Kurt asks worriedly.

But Blaine shakes his head. "No, a year too late!"

And they both start laughing. Blaine picks up his wand. "Accio map!" A map flies towards them, so Kurt assumes it is a summoning spell (charm?). Blaine unfolds it and studies it with a serious look on his face.

"So, there is this cute new restaurant on the west side of Vertic Alley and Ive always wanted to go there..." He trails off, but Kurt gets the hint. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Yeah?" Blaine grins sheepishly, "I mean, if that kiss was any indication, I think the two of us will see each other a lot more after today."

"No regrets?"

"Just love."

Kurt lowers the map and takes Blaines hand. " So I assume that is a yes?"

Kurt throws his arms around Blaine and kisses him again. "Yes, wizards god, yes!" And together, they walk away. Blaine lifts his wand again, smiles at Kurt, and then says: "Nox."


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