Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
I assume a lot of people are writing the "Excuse me, hi, can I ask you a question? Im new here" line. I shall continue my Hogwarts!Blaine/Watford!Kurt verse instead.
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 17, "Question"
How to
How to
How to succeed
How To Succeed - How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying
Still 2012
Kurt only wants to ask him one question.
But then Robbie enters the shop. "Kurt, the British mage!" he says excitedly, "Good to see you!" Blaine turns around- and drops his wand.
Robbie picks it up and hands it back to Blaine. "Blaine, this is the British one Ive been talking about." When he sees the confused look on Kurts face, he explains: "Hes just started working here, and his accent made it very obvious that hes from England. So I told him that every now and then, an Englishman stops by. Thats you! Kurt, this is..."
"Blaine, I know."
Blaine blushes.
"Oh, have you guys met before?" Robbie asks, looking pleased. Then he calls out: "Diane, come on in! Apparently our two Brits know each other!" "Brits? Really?" Blaine shoots him a glare. Diane comes running in.
And Kurt cant believe it.
Blaine Anderson is here, in New York, in a shop hidden for Normals. Blaine obviously isnt Normal, but he isnt magickal either. Why is he working in a magickal graphic design shop in New York?
"Werent you in Wales?" Kurt asks. Its not the question he planned on asking ("What are you doing here?"), but its close enough.
Its like Blaine casts a Stay cool on himself- or the magical equivalent of it. He takes a deep breath and looks at Kurt.
"I wasnt? Who told you that?" Blaine asks, "Ive never been to Wales."
Kurt needs to talk to Finn about this.
"Oh, I heard someone saying you moved there for this Kwidditsch thing you wizards have," Kurt tries to wave it away.
"Puck seriously kept on spreading that rumour?" Blaine mutters, "I told him, I played Quidditch for a while, but not on that level and not in Wales."
Diane and Robbie shuffle away. They get that Kurt and Blaine havent spoken in a long time.
After theyre gone, Kurt asks the question. Blaine takes his time to answer. "Uh... I moved here a couple of weeks ago, because my brother lives here. Hes shooting a Muggle, or No-Maj, movie. The producers are completely in awe every time Cooper does something extraordinary, because they dont know hes a wizard. He was in LA for a while, but now hes here and I am too."
Actually I stalked Rachel after a year of no contact.
Actually, Rachel told me you were moving to New York with your brother.
Actually, I persuaded my brother to take that movie because I knew itd film in New York.
Actually, Im a creep and I love you and Im sorry for stalking you, because its kind of a gross thing to do.
But Blaine remains silent.
Its awkward.
They were never a thing, but they both know that it couldve happened. They both know that at one point they were both crushing on each other. They never told each other, but they just know.
"Why a magickal shop, though? You arent magick."
"Why are you in a graphic design shop?"
They both spoke at the same time. Blaine gestures to Kurt to go first.
"I study Normal graphic design at NYU, but I still love the magick graphic design. Again, why a magickal shop?"
"I... like it here."
After you left, I got into magick. I cant do it, because Im magic, but I really like it.
Yes, Im creepy, oh god.
He can never tell Kurt.
"This is weird," Kurt eventually says. Blaine hums in agreement and looks ashamed. Kurt has no idea why, but he has the feeling Blaines not telling him something.
But they havent spoken in a year, so Kurt doesnt expect Blaine to tell him his life story. "Wait, where do you live?" He hopes Blaine doesnt look too much into it. He simply wants to know where he lives. New York isnt small, but maybe they live nearby.
Then again, Kurt and Finn live in Bushwick. Blaines brother is a Normal/Muggle/whatever word he was using movie star.
"Next door, actually," he nods to the right. Basically, he nods to a wall, but Kurt gets it. He lives in the building next to the shop. "My brother wanted a penthouse, but I told him not to. Mostly because I didnt want people on different floors to hear my cauldrons."
"You still make potions?"
And Blaine finally smiles. "How about I show you?"