Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Oh man, I used a song from a musical I havent see yet... I wasnt planning on doing that.
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 10, "Jumble"
Hello twelve
Hello thirteen
Hello love
Changes all
Down below
Up above
Time to doubt
To break out
Its a mess
Its a mess
Time to grow, time to go
Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love - A Chorus Line
"I dont think its supposed to be like this."
"Oh, shut up Anderson and have some fun!" Santana yells happily, "Were definitely gonna beat those guys. On the internet, they recommend four people should play!"
"They meant four people on the field," Kurt sighs, "Two on this side of the net, two on the other. Not four vs four! Were with eight people on one tennis field!"
"Yes, the four of us are going to beat those fuckers!" Santana stands into position, "You serve, Gilbert!"
"I dont know if this is safe," Dani says anxiously from the other side of the net. Brittany, whos on Kurts side too, nods. She puts down her baby blue tennis racket and sits down. "I dont want to hit someone."
"Guys, where are we waiting for?" Sam shouts. Hes standing with Mercedes behind Dani and Elliott. "Sam, have you ever played this before?" Mercedes asks him, "because Kurt is right, were not supposed to be with eight."
"Please play already, it is getting boring," Artie sighs. Hes obviously not playing, but he has to keep an eye on the scores. Rachel is forbidden to play after she hit Elliott with her racket, and shes sitting next to Artie on the ground with her arms crossed and with a frown on her face.
Without warning, Santana retrieves a tennis ball out of one of her pockets in her tennis skirt and serves. Brittany immediately jumps up and stands in position too. Elliott, who got thrown off guard, quickly plays back.
The game is on.
"But...but..." Kurt trails off. Its no use. So instead of complaining, he sighs deeply and joins Blaine, who is already playing.
"EAT MY ASS, WHITE!" Santana yells as the tennis ball hits her racket. "Already did that!" Dani yells back. Brittany, the athletic one she is, smashes the ball to the other side. Both Mercedes and Elliott dive (Sam doesnt, since he has no idea how to play tennis) for the ball, but they miss. Brittany cheers loudly and Santana wraps her arms around her.
"Outta way!" Blaine yells as he serves. Just when Sam plays back, Artie throws another ball into the game.
"Artie, no!" Rachel yells, outraged.
"Artie, fuck yes!" Santana and Blaine yell.
"Fuck the rules!" Artie shouts as he tears his paper with the scores in parts.
And before they know it, eight people are playing with four tennis balls. On the side-line, Artie and Rachel (who has calmed down) are dancing and singing.
Well... they are "playing."
Kurt has hidden his head behind his racket out of protection.
Brittany has taken one of the balls and is playing with herself in the side-line. You can hear her count: "...Seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy-four..."
Sam is just running around, not knowing what to do. He misses every ball aimed at him.
Santana and Dani are basically duelling. They are friends, and Danis new girlfriend is amazing, but on the field theyre almost killing each other.
Blaine and Mercedes are the only ones actually playing, and Elliott tries to join their game, but he is too slow.
Its a mess.
"That was fun," Blaine says when they get back to their apartment.
"That was disasterous," Kurt corrects him, "It was a jumble of people not knowing what the was going on. Theres a reason we needed to rush Sam to the clinic after Artie ran into him with his wheelchair. Artie wasnt even supposed to be on the field."
"But it was fun?"
"But it was fun."