Klaine Advent 2015
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Klaine Advent 2015: Fan

T - Words: 980 - Last Updated: Dec 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
172 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Random thing with Kurt living in the loft with the Unholy Trinity, because I can. Bit inspired by the Symphony Verse.

Klaine Advent 2015 Day 6, "Fan"

Live in living color (live in living color)
Something specials up tonight
Yes Im live in living color
Life aint lived in black and white

Live In Living Color - Catch Me If You Can

Working in a coffee shop is horrible.


Thats why Kurt isnt working in one. Hes good at the Spotlight Diner with Santana, but Brittany and Quinn were too stubborn to listen. Actually, only Quinn was the stubborn one. Brittany just liked the logo of the coffee shop, since it displayed a couple of cats.


But the job is shitty, the coffee is gross and their bagels are disgusting.


"They pay good," Quinn says in her defense, "And sometimes theres good music." And shes right about the latter. Every Saturday, they have an open mic. Not everyone can sing, but theres this one group.


They call themselves B-Flat, Well-Yeah and D-One. All the names are ridiculous. B-Flat plays the guitar and sings, Well-Yeah plays the drums, D-One plays the drums. They are quite impressive.


Its only their second time playing in the coffee shop, but Kurts already sitting in the front row. B-Flat starts singing a song hes never heard of (original song?) and Kurt cant help but swoon.


The trio doesnt have a band name, but they dont need one.


And so Kurts life continues, but every Saturday, hes in the shitty coffee shop, sitting on the front row.


And things are changing around him. Kurt slowly starts to learn the lyrics to the songs, and the trio obviously has found a certain set they keep on playing. Sometimes, they do surprise the audience.


But thats one thing. Another thing is that people have joined Kurt on the front row. The trio starts getting fans, but Kurt can proudly say that hes the first one, no matter what Kitty Wilde says.


One day, his boss Günther calls Kurt and Santana to work on a Saturday evening, and they relucantly agree. They need the paycheck. Whereas Santanas just pissed she cant be around Brittany, who has Saturday evenings off, Kurt is sad to know that he misses the trio.


Work is long and exhausting, and when they get back to the loft, Kurts not into Quinns huge news. He tells her to go away so that he can sleep.


The next morning, Quinn is eager to tell him.


"... and he totally missed you!" she exclaims and gestures wildly, "B-Flat kept looking at your usual seat, until this Jane Hayward girl took your spot. Then, he kept on looking at the door. He was totally hoping youd come in."


"Yes, but if hes so eager to see him, why doesnt he just talk to him?" Santana is always the spoil sport. "Maybe he cant speak," Brittany suggests.


Kurt tries to hide his shame. He always runs away after the set, because he doesnt want to talk to B-Flat. What if he makes a fool out of himself?


He continues the day, but the thought keeps lingering in his head.


And then he sees them.


The trio.


B-Flat is handing Well-Yeah a cup of coffee and D-One splits a cookie. Kurt is frozen. Should he talk to them? A part of him really wants to, because they need the recognition they deserve and maybe B-Flat will talk back. On the other hand, what is he supposed to tell them?


He takes a deep breath and plays the song Courage in his head, before stepping to the trio.


"Hey," he greets them warmly. B-Flat is the first to notice, and his eyes widen.


Maybe Quinn was right.


Well-Yeah notices too, and takes over. "Hello!" he says happily.


"Uh, I just wanted to tell you that I listen to your music every Saturday, and that youre amazing," Kurt rambles. D-One chuckles. "Why thank you, uh..." "Kurt," Kurt supplies.


"Why thank you, Kurt," D-One smiles. Well-Yeah tries to elbow B-Flat subtly, but instead, it looks like he almost crashes his ribs.


"Ouch!" B-Flat yells at his friend, "Was that necessary, Wes?"


"Im sorry, Blaine," Well-Yeah -Wes- says and rolls his eyes, "Its not polite to leave Kurt hanging. Tell him youre grateful." But B-Flat, or Blaine, just blushes.


So Kurt starts. "I love your voice. Did you write Courage? I love that song!"


Blaine just nods. Hes a bit shy.


Wes elbows him again. "Uh, yes, thank you," Blaine says quietly, "I, uh... I know you yeah. You always stop by, and, uh..." He trails off.


"OH MY GOD I CANT TAKE THIS!" they hear. D-One has his hands in the air, and a frustrated look on his face. "THE SECOND-HAND EMBARRASEMENT. JUST TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM ALREADY, B!"


"David!" both Wes and Blaine yell. Blaines face flushes red again, and he obviously tries to avoid Kurts gaze.


"We will leave you now, right Wes?" David says sternly. Wes just shrugs. "Good luck, B," he says as he follows his grinning friend.


Blaine flips them off.


"Uh... so you like Courage?" he eventually says, and Kurt can see hes proud of himself for looking at Kurt.


"Yes, its my favourite number. You three should leave that trashy coffee shop behind and find a record deal," Kurt says, and then mentally hits himself for possibly overstepping.


"Well, they pay," Blaine shrugs, "But youre right, its a shitty place." Then he takes a deep breath and looks around. Kurt follows his gaze and sees Wes and David motioning to him to go on.


"Ah, to hell with it!" Blaine eventually says, "Youre right! The coffee is shit, so do you want to grab a cup with me at a better place?"


Kurt doesnt have to think twice.


"I sure do."



Blaine loves telling the story of how he first met his husband. Wes and David just let him, because otherwise Blaine will have a mini tantrum. Its not their first interview on television, but Blaine keeps insisting on telling the story.


Especially when Kurts in the audience.


Blaine, Wes and David has gotten a lot of fans over the past six years, but Kurt will always be the first one.


And Kurt wouldnt want it any other way.


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