Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 5, "Escape"
Now look how alive we are
Its too late to turn the clock back
Its too late for all of that
Its too late to beg forgiveness
Lets face what were lookin at
Too Late To Turn Back Now - Bonnie & Clyde
Still 2011
The World of Mages scares Blaine. Blaine has heard of the wars going on, but hearing students from Watford speak about it, is cruel.
Blaine knows theres been war too. Despite the fact that hes utterly boring, class always pays attention to Professor Binns when hes discussing the First and the Second Wizarding War.
But that ended ages ago, when Blaine was still a child. Now, the infamous Harry Potter is more busy with his wife Ginny and his three kids than saving the wizarding world. Simon Snow is only fourteen, but then again- Harry had already beaten You Know Who several times by then.
The Gryffindors are proud of the fact that he was one of them.
The Slytherins still come up with theories about Potter getting into their house instead.
The Ravenclaws tend to over-analyse those theories and appreciate both the truth and the theories.
The Hufflepuffs wish their schoolmates good luck with a possible debate.
But Watford doesnt have Houses, and theyre still at war. People are saying that the Mage didnt bring Snow and his friends to show off, but to keep an eye on them.
The Watford students agree- including Kurt.
"Wait, what exactly are you doing?" Kurt asks as he hands Blaine a jar of balls of green tea leaves. Blaine single-handedly drops a couple od those balls in his cauldron.
"Brewing," he answers, "Im known for my potions, but most of them are based on different kind of tea leaves. Professor Trelawney often provides those leaves. "Now, could you hand me the small, brown ones? Earl Grey!"
"Up, up and away!" Kurt spells the green tea leaves away, and Blaine cant help but watch. Magick is interesting, and its nothing like magic. Whereas Blaine wouldve used ascendio by pointing his wand up in the air, Kurt uses a spell and a bracelet.
Yes, magick is weird.
But then again, Kurt thinks magic is weird. ("Why does everyone use wands?" "Those spells are hardly pronouncable!") Also, the thought of peace is unsettling for him. Peace is the ideal, but every Mage knows that in order to accomplish that, people must die.
Wizards arent affected by the Insidious Humdrum, cause he -it?- causes damage to magickal creatures, not to magical, but a lot of older wizards and witches still remember the constant state of panic. He Who Must Not Be Named basically caused the same panic.
People like Professor Longbottom are the living proof of that. Everyone in Herboloy pretends not to notice it when Professor Longbottom clearly flinches when someone accidentally talks about a touchy subject.
Kurt has explained the concept of Dead Spots to Blaine, and its terrifying. "You feel like sufficating," he told him, "You cant breathe anymore. Everything that feels alive gets sucked away. I dont know how wizards and witches work, but for Mages, its horrible. Magick is supposed to be around you, so when its gone, Mages go batshit insane."
"They sound an awfully lot like Dementors."
Kurt nodded. He knows about Dementors, because apparently, Watford has provided its students with information about magical creatures too.
"Its the worst," he continues, "Ive been in one once. Its terrifying- there is no escape."
Their sad, private moment gets interrupted by Blaines cauldron boiling. "Im sorry," Blaine says while measuring the other ingredients, "It must really suck."
"Well, my dad and I manage," Kurt just shrugs it off, "You cant stop living because of it. And anyway, we have Simon Snow."
Theres so much hope in his voice. Blaine wonders if this Simon Snow knows how much he means to these people.
"Oh, and then there is an upcoming civil war between the Coven with the Mage and the Old Families like the Pitches..."
Gosh, will Kurt ever have some peace?