Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Coming to think of it, I couldve put Blaine in Watford and have his Dalton friends join him, but oh. Also, despite the fact that I didnt name their houses, not all of them are Hufflepuffs!
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 3, "Competition"
Were gonna rock it tonight,
Were gonna jazz it up and have us a ball!
Theyre gonna get it tonight;
The more they turn it on the harder theyll fall!
Quintet - West Side Story
Tina walks over from the Ravenclaw table, much to Sams distress, who thinks that during lunch houses need to be seperated. ("What if she costs us points, Blaine, what if Hufflepuff loses because Tina has an entire scheme against us?")
But Sam remains silent after Blaine shoots him a semi-threatening glare.
"Are you guys ready for today?" Tina asks happily. Santana, who has joined them from the Slytherin table, nods. "No school, witches!" she yells happily as she puts her arms around the blonde Hufflepuff next to Blaine. Brittany just smiles.
"Its a perk, for sure," Puck, from Gryffindor, says. More people from other houses join them, and Sam curses himself and his Hufflepuff friends for having so many friends from other houses.
"What exactly is the difference between wizards and mages?" Rachel asks as she straightens her silver/green tie. She needs to look at her best for the guests.
"The name?" Artie asks, "And apparently mages uses English spells."
"Do they have potions too?"
"Calm down, Potion Master," Quinn tells Blaine, "I heard that there are differences. For example, they dont have magic, but magick. And no Quidditch." Some people groan.
"And technology!"
That intrigues Blaine, As a pureblood wizard, he has never really used Muggle technology, but his Muggleborn and halfblood friends have tried to explain the use of some devices several times.
"I dont understand why we need to have a friendly competition between Hogwarts and Watford," Lauren rolls her eyes.
"Chosen Ones competition? A classical which one is better? competition. Harry Potter or Simon Snow?"
"Best headmaster? McGonnagall or Dumbie versus the Mage or, uh, what was her name again?" "Natasha Grimm-Pitch."
"You-Know-Who or the Insidious Humdrum?"
"To improve relations between school," Tina answers and sighs, "Its really not that interesting. I just want to know more about Mages."
Blaine has to agree. Whereas wizards and witches are amazing, he wants to know why Mages are different from them. He cant wait for the students of Watford School of Magicks to arrive.
And he doesnt have to wait long.
"Look!" a Slytherin girl yells loudly. She points to a flock of giant birds in the air. All the Hogwarts students rush outside to get a better view. On the back of those birds are students.
Blaine knows theyre all seventh years, but according to Mages law, youre of age at eighteen. Basically, he and those Mages are equal.
As the birds land, Blaine realises one group of people are younger.
A boy with curly blond hair gets off, holding the hand of a girl with goldblonde long har.. A chubby girl with dark skin and red-ish hair joins them,
Simon Snow.
And the others must be Agathe Wellbelove and Penelope Bunce. The Mage. the headmaster of Watford, mustve taken them with them to show off. The 30 year old Harry Potter didnt come back for the occasion, but no ones surprised.
But while everyones attention goes to the 14 -14!- year old Simon Snow, Blaines attention goes to another boy. Hes wearing a green Watford blazer, grey pants, a red jumper and a red tie. In contrast to some others, he isnt wearing a boater.
He and a group of Watford students dont seem that excited to see Simon Snow get all that attention- and they arent the only ones. Except for Snow, Wellbelove and Bunce, everyone immediately tries to contact Hogwarts students.
Rachel lifts her chin and steps forward to a group of Watford girls. "Hello!" she says loudly, "My name is Rachel Barbra Berry, prefect from Slytherin house." The Watford girl is a bit taken aback, but then starts a conversation with Rachel.
More of Blaines friends follow suit.
He can see Sam and Artie talking to a group of girls. Sam is doing impressions.
Quinn, Brittany and Santana approach a group of Watford boys, who are clearly pleased to see them.
Artie, Mercedes and Mike are talking about Muggle technology ("Muggle? Oh, we just call them the Normals!") with some boys and girls.
And Blaine...
Blaines a bit lost.
Hes watching the Watford boy who caught his eyes earlier. Hes in the mids of a conversation with the Ravenclaw prefect.
The Ravenclaw prefect excuses himself and the boy sees Blaine standing. He smiles and moves forward. "Well hello there," he says, "You look awfully lonely."
"Hi," Blaine says and oh god-
He ungracefully extends his hand. "M-My name is Blaine."