Aug. 24, 2013, 11:44 p.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 11:44 p.m.
The Makeover with Capital M was planned. This saturday! Blaine hasn't gone to the dance classes since the "accident," so he meets Verena daily. She gives him a little recap. Most of the times it starts with something like "She's mental!"
She's nice and Blaine gets to know her. Verena is from germany. After she graduated, she came to the states. She worked a year and went to NYADA after that. Blaine told her his story. Also about the Makeover. Verena said she liked his preppy clothes -"Yeah, they call me Prep"- but maybe it was a good way to get over Kurt.
'Wake up, wake up, wake up, Prep!' Kevin is dancing and singing in their room. 'Kev, what the-' 'It's Makeover day!' Blaine looks at his alarm. 'It's seven am you idiot!' Blaine snaps. 'I know, we'll meet Mira and the Musican at half past eight in our room. Get dressed! We'll have breakfast in town.'
Blaine is standing in front of the mirror when the twins come in. 'Prep!' Matt shouts, 'Today is the last day with you like this.' 'You ready?'
They wanted to surprise Blaine. Breakfast at Tiffany's. Amazing. Blaine really enjoyed it, until a memory slipped back in his mind.
"Wait, I don't get it. You don't look sad at all," Blaine said. "It was still amazing," Kurt said excited, "I mean, I flew in a plane for the first time in my life, I had breakfast at Tiffany's, I sung on a Broadway stage." "I love you," Blaine said while Kurt was drinking his coffee. "I love you too. You know when you stop to think about it, Kurt Hummel's had a pretty good year."
'You okay, Prep?' Kevin asks. Blaine doesn't respond. 'Blaine?' Blaine snaps out of his trance. 'Eh yes, I was just thinking,' Blaine lies, 'I'm fine.' Kevin doesn't look convinced. 'Ehm, where are we going?' Blaine asks.
'Believe it or not,' Kevin says excited, 'But Mira has connections!' Mira nods. 'Wait for it... We're going to Vogue!' A very happy Matt nods but Blaine can't stop thinking about Kurt, skyping and telling Blaine he got an internship.
'Cool, uh?' Matt says. Blaine nods. 'And not just Vogue,' Kevin adds, 'She knows THE... okay, I'm going to say it... THE Isabelle Wright!' Kevin and the twins keep on talking, but Blaine can't hear them. He hears something else."You're hanging out with fashion icon Isabelle Wright and I'm running for senior body president with a former stripper..."
'... isn't it cool, Prep?' Blaine wakes up out of his trance, again. 'Yeah, yeah, it is amazing.' 'Okay, we have one hour. From ten to eleven, but Isabelle will help us, which is awesome!' Mira exclaims.
'I like your style,' Isabelle says sweetly, 'But Mira told me you wanted a new start. To get over your ex?' Blaine still doesn't agree but nods. 'Okay, we'll start with getting rid of your gel.' What. 'You have it?' Matt asks and Kevin nods. 'Here, his hairgel bag.' He hands a bag full of bottles with hairgel to Isabelle. She smiles. 'It's okay. I'm not going to throw it away. I'll use it here. Thanks.' 'My-' 'Shush, Prep!'
Half an hour passed and Blaine looked different. No curl, jeans that aren't high water and too tight, just one layer and SOCKS.
'We should sing,' Kevin says, 'Musican, what song?' Matt shrugs and says, 'Mira, sissie, what to sing?'
'I know a song,' Mira answers without thinking, 'I Feel Pretty from West Side Story.West Side Story. "Beauty of the stage. You're going to do it all over again tomorrow night," Kurt said.'I'm in,' Isabelle says. Kevin and Matt agree too. 'Prep?' Blaine shrugs. 'Sure, why not?'
Another hour had passed - "Screw the time, Mira!" Isabelle shrieked, "This is fun!" - and Blaine Anderson was reborn. His new look is kinda badboy, or no.. not that badboy. It just looks casual and the clothes aren't too tight.
'Well, that was fun,' Isabelle says and turns to Mira, 'Mira, it was nice to see you again, but you should go. Other people need this room.' 'Thanks Isabelle,' Mira hugs her, 'And we'll go.' 'Bye Isabelle,' Kevin shakes her hand. 'Bye Ise,' Matt says. Matt and his nicknames... 'Thanks,' Blaine says shy.
They're about to leave when Blaine says 'Greet Kurt for me.' He walks away before Isabelle can say anything and before he can regret it.