Just The Way You Look Tonight
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Just The Way You Look Tonight: Reunions

T - Words: 591 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Jul 22, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
190 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: TBCAllow me to explain the Finn part before some of you all go like "THAT WAS UNNECESSARY." It was my little reference toSIMGM!Brittany(or just SIMGM) because I am still mad at Finn for what he did to Santana and how glee wrote IKAG.I wrote this thing before Cory's passing (I finished it like 2 days before I heard it and I still can't believe it) and his passing made me see and appreciate the good things of Finn, but I will be bitter forever.

Kev, Musican, Bow... welcome to Ohio!'

'You're house is huge, man!' Kevin says, 'It has three fucking spare rooms.' 'Too bad we all sleep at Blaine's room,' Mira says. 'Yeah, his bedroom where he has his own damn iMac!' Matt shouts. 'Cool it, guys,' Blaine shushes his friends, 'We're happy my parents are at Italy for spring break.'

'They dunno Prep?' Kevin asks.

'Of course they know,' Blaine says, 'But the thought of other guys sleeping in the same room as me is a little bit crazy for them.'



'Welcome back, kiddo!' Burt shrieks. 'It's good to be back.'

Everything goes well, but then two days later, Kurt's dad asks weird questions,again.'Boys news?' he asks. 'Boys news?' Kurtsounds surprised, 'You never ask about boys news.'

'Yeah, but now you're single and I do wanna know if you're dating and who you're dating.' 'Dad, I'm not a child a-' 'Doesn't matter. Ran into Blaine yet?' Burt sounds serious. 'Euh, no. B-But I promised Rachel I'll contact him,' he adds quickly, 'I'll do it at the reunion.' 'And there is another guy?' Burt asks.

'Well, there is,' Kurt admits, 'I've kinda been crushing on him for a while now, but I don't even know his name. Don't even know if he's into guys.'

The reunion is the next day at the Lima Bean. Kurt calls Rachel before he leaves. 'Rach, i'm nervous,'he says, 'What if he's like a vampire now?Everyonesays his new look is so different.' 'Relax, Kurt. They also said that his personality is still the same. That's what matters.'

Kurt steps into his car and heads to the Lima Bean, stillnervous as hell.

'Quinn!' 'Kurt!' Kurt sees Quinn in the parking lot. 'You could make it,' Quinn cheers, 'I mean, I heard Santana didn't.' Kurt shrugs.

'Kurt! Quinn!' Kurt turns around and it's...oh my god. 'Artie?' 'Artie!' Quinn and Kurt both don't know what to say. 'Yes, it's me. New York Artie.' 'I see you had a NY makeover.' 'Yes he had!' they hear.

'Mercedes!' Kurt shouts, 'Girl!' He runs to Mercedes and seesthe others.Everyone is there, except Blaine. And Santana of course.

'Yousearching for Blaine?' Brittany asks and Kurt nods. 'He couldn't make it,' Sam tells Kurt and Kurt can feel his heart -his heart?- sink.Shit.'Why?' Kurt simply asks.

'Blaine couldn't make it?' they hear. Rachel has arrived.

'He's in Ohio,' Mike says, 'I'll meet him saturday.' Sam nods, 'And I'll meet him sunday with Tina.' 'Then why isn't he here?' Puck asks annoyed. 'He brought some NYADAfriends and he didn't want to bother them and us with each other,' Artie answers.

'Well that's idiot,' Finn says. 'You're an idiot,' Brittany snaps.


'You look sad,' Mira says. 'The reunion is today, Bow,' Matt whispers, but Blaine can hear him and Mira seems to notice. 'Oh, Prep! Sorry,' she runs to Blaine and hugs him, 'But at least you'll meet three of your friends.'

'I kinda need to go somewhere today, 'Blaine says, 'You wanna come with me?' 'Sure, why not?' Kevin shrugs.

'Hummel Tires & Lube,' Kevin reads aloud. 'Hummel... Hummel, Kurt Hummel! Oh no, Prep.' 'H-He won't be here. I bet he's at the reunion,' Blaine sputters, 'I just need to see his dad.' 'His dad?' Matt asks, but Blaine ignores him.

'Mr. Hummel?' Blaine shouts, 'Burt?'

'Hey hey hey,' they hear, 'I know that voice.' Burt Hummel looks older, but he's still Burt. 'Anderson! You look different!' Blaine smiles. 'Hi, just wanted to pop by. Not to long. I have guests so...' He turns to his friends/

'Burt, this is Mira-' 'Hello.' '-and her twin brother, Matt-' 'Howdy!' 'and Kevin.' 'Hello, sir.'

They stay for a few minutes.


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