I'd cry a river just for you
Cup - Spring Awakening Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'd cry a river just for you: Cup - Spring Awakening

T - Words: 2,975 - Last Updated: Jun 12, 2022
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jun 12, 2022 - Updated: Jun 12, 2022
276 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Oh for the purpose of the story, we live in a magical world where Westerville and Ohio are only a few minutes away by bus. I mean, in glee, Blaine walked the entire route. Who knows, man?


Kurt’s lying on his back, staring at his ceiling. He’s waiting for Blaine.

One more year, he tells himself. Then they’re sixteen and they can drive to each other and they no longer need to rely on public transport. It will also allow Kurt to escape the school bus.

High school would’ve been so much more bearable with Blaine at his side.

It’s kind of pathetic how much Kurt needs him, to be honest, but right now he’s justified. He replays Mercedes’s words in his head.

Kurt and Mercedes became instant friends on their first year of high school. Without Blaine, Kurt spent the first few weeks unnoticed. No one paid him any attention, and it only benefited him. He knows it’s not Blaine’s fault that they’re not going to the same school anymore, but Blaine’s dad’s, but Kurt was so angry being lonely. Then Mercedes ran into him in the auditorium.

Blaine will forever be Kurt’s best friend, but damn, Mercedes has become a close second. Sometimes, Kurt suspects that Blaine is jealous, and that is fair, because he’s equally jealous of Blaine’s new friend Wes.

It’s stupid. They don’t own each other.

But when you’ve spent four years of your lives joined at each other’s hip, it takes longer than a year to readjust.

And they’re both glad to hear that the other is making friends. Well, if Mercedes is still Kurt’s friend after this.

See the father bent in grief
The mother dressed in mourning
Sister crumbles, and the neighbors grumble
The preacher issues warnings

Kurt groans and he moves to his CD player. Spring Awakening is his latest musical obsession. He initially wasn’t interested in a story about sex, but Blaine told him it’s a story about miscommunication and Kurt has to agree. Still, the last line of this part of Whispering is echoing in his head.

There is nothing wrong with him.

Mercedes doesn’t know.

But Mercedes can’t know.

The sound of someone descending the staircase makes Kurt sit up and as on a cue, the door opens and Blaine appears. He must’ve gotten here immediately after class, because he’s still wearing his Dalton Academy blazer and his hair is gelled back.

“Finally!” Kurt says jokingly.

“Next time you’re coming to my place,” Blaine mutters playfully, “The bus is hell, Kurt.”

Blaine takes off his blazer and Kurt hates that he likes that. The blazer looks good on him, but it’s a reminder that they don’t see each other every day anymore. They still hang out at each other’s houses after school, but sometimes they’re too busy to come over.

“You rang?” Blaine falls face-down on Kurt’s bed, next to him.

Blaine’s an amazing best friend for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is that Kurt’s coming out changed nothing between them. Some kids would call him a homo for lying next to another gay kid, but Blaine doesn’t care less. He never has.

What will Mercedes say, though?

“Mercedes has a crush on me,” Kurt explains.

“Poor girl,” Blaine says. He’s moved his head slightly so that he can look at Kurt.

“What do I do? I don’t know if I can tell her. No one knows, except for you!”

Not Kurt’s dad. Not Mercedes. Not even Rachel, another kid at McKinley who’s very vocal about having two dads.

“Well, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. She’s a friend, but how do I dump her without hurting her feelings and staying in the closet?”

Blaine’s still looking at Kurt, but he shrugs. He looks very apologetic when he does so. Kurt doesn’t have an answer for this problem, and neither does Blaine.

At least he’s happy that Blaine isn’t telling Kurt to just come out. It’s 2008 and things are slightly changing for the better, but it’s still scary.

“How do I tell her?”

“Maybe the same way you told me?” Blaine suggests, “Watch RENT with her. I can come along if you want.”

Kurt groans and puts his hands on his face. “But what if she tells people. What if my dad finds out?”

Kurt can feel Blaine move around and a few seconds later, Blaine’s sitting next to him, looking down on him. He has Kurt’s hands in his own to prevent Kurt from hiding.

“I’m not going to tell you what to do, but maybe you can tell him first? This way, you don’t have to worry about him finding out. It’s been on your mind, right?”

Kurt nods.

“And remember what I said last year in New York? I think he’ll be supportive, even if he doesn’t really like it.”

That’s indeed the thing that’s preventing Kurt from saying. His dad is such a manly man. He’s a mechanic, for God’s sake! But Blaine’s right. That same man bought him princess dolls and had tea parties with him.

Maybe Kurt can do this.

Kurt’s asked his dad if they can talk. They’re now sitting in their dining area with a cup of coffee. His dad usually doesn’t like Kurt drinking this much caffein at his age, but Kurt appreciates that his dad didn’t fight him. It’s his dad’s way of showing comfort.

Still, Blaine’s downstairs in Kurt’s room, as back-up.

Kurt didn’t rehearse this. He’s thought about telling his dad in many ways, but now that it’s happening, he can’t help himself. He wants it go be over as soon as possible.

“Dad, I’m gay.”

His dad looks down and he nods. Kurt’s heart breaks a little bit. Is he disappointed?

“I know.”


“I’ve known since you were 4,” his dad says kindly. He’s not looking at Kurt, though. “All you wanted was a pair of sensible heels.”

Kurt lets out a teary laugh and the sound makes his dad look up. As expected, he’s not thrilled, but he’s… he’s understanding. Or, he’s trying.

“Thanks for telling me, kid. I love you.”

He gets up and Kurt thinks that’s the end of it, but to his surprise and relief, his dad moves closer to hug him. “Does anyone know?”

“Just Blaine,” Kurt answers, “He’s waiting downstairs.”

His dad makes an affirming sound. He knows that Blaine came over.

“Are you two, uhm…”

Kurt shakes his head. “He’s straight.”

“Ah, okay. Well, he’s a good friend.”

Kurt hugs his dad closer and he nods. “He is.”


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