Charms and Pearls
Second: year Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Charms and Pearls: Second: year

T - Words: 1,691 - Last Updated: Aug 23, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Apr 14, 2014 - Updated: Apr 14, 2014
176 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes:


I had to google so much about 2005, it was... interesting.

It all started one day in the Ravenclaw common room.

“I can't take these stupid quills anymore,” Kurt exclaimed. Quinn looked up, confused. “Really?” she studied her quill, “I love them. I want to buy pink ink.”

“Well, I hate them,” Kurt pointed out and suddenly, he had an idea. He stood up. “I'll be back in ten,” he said and rushed out.

The next week, Eric flew in the Great Hall, holding a package. He landed on the Ravenclaw table. Kurt gave him a piece of bread and Eric flew off.

Everyone around him looked at the package curiously. Kurt quickly opened it and found a letter.

Hey kid,


You have no idea how hard it was for me not to laugh. Your aunt was visiting when Eric delivered your letter.

But here I present, I fulfilled your wishes. I hope you're happy with it. I went to the shop and bought a lot so you can hand them out if someone else needs one.

I love you and I can't wait to see you at Christmas.




Kurt opened the smaller box that his dad sent him. Other kids leaned closer to get a better look and Kurt grinned when he saw some confused, but also some excited faces.

“What are those?” Quinn asked stunned, “It looks amazing.”

“Ballpoint pens and pencils,” Kurt answered, “God, I missed them and oh look! Normal notebooks! I love parchment, but I needed them like air!”

“Wait, is that… Muggle stuff?” Artie Abrams, who is a freshman, asked. Another freshman, Tina Cohen-Chang, nodded. “Stationary stuff,” she clarified, “What- how?”

“I begged my dad to send me this,” Kurt explained, “I really missed my old Muggle stuff. Sketching with quill and ink is horrible and it sprains ink on my clothes!”

Weeks passed and everyone knew Kurt as ‘the kid with the Muggle stuff who refuses to use ink.' Kurt didn't mind. He was used to having names and labels, but to his surprise, this one wasn't negative.

His dad was right too. He had to hand out quite a lot to other Muggleborns who craved for Muggle stationary.

“Kurt, I have an idea!” Tina patted him on the back one day. She almost caught him staring at Felix Francus from the Gryffindor house. Luckily, Belinda was next to Felix.

“Belinda, really?” Tina asked, “You can get so much better.”

Kurt just nodded. “But, you were saying?”

“Oh, yeah, I have an awesome idea,” Tina said excitedly, “What about a club for Muggleborns. I mean, where wizard and witches can discuss Muggle topics. We all know for once that you are addicted to that new show. Eh-” “Grey's Anatomy? Yes I know.”

“Imagine talking about that with others. I'm only halfblood, but there are other Muggleborns here who watch that show. And that new song Belonging Together.” “We Belong Together by Mariah Carey?” Kurt asked. “Yes, that one! The Muggle world is interesting and you should be able to talk about it here.”

“I'm listening,” Kurt gestured to her to continue.

“What about… starting a club for Muggleborns only?” Tina suggested, “And you are probably the Muggelish Muggleborn here in Hogwarts with all the Muggle stuff your dad sends you on regular basis.”

Kurt turned to Tina. “Look, Tina, I have class now, but I'll think about it,” he said, “Okay?” Tina nodded. “Okay.”

And he really did. He started plotting. He told Quinn about his plans and showed him a poster he made with Tina.

“‘Muggleborns United. Join the MU!',” she read aloud, “Sounds good.”

“Really?” Kurt asked her. “Yeah,” Quinn said, “This can really happen, Kurt. I like it and I am pureblood.”

“What about halfbloods?” they heard.

Artie was standing – sitting - behind them “I mean, I am pureblood too, but I guess that halfblood students want to talk about Muggle stuff too. And maybe purebloods want to know more about Muggles. I mean, Muggle Studies help, but it's better to hear it from actual Muggles.”

“Yes, I'd like to join,” Quinn pointed out.

“This halfblood too,” they heard Mike.

Kurt furrowed his brow. “What about ‘Muggleborns and Friends.' The MaF will be a place for Muggleborns to talk about Muggle topics with halfbloods and curious purebloods?”

“Sounds great,” Artie nodded and Quinn hummed in agreement. “Good, I'll tell Tina.”

After a week of more plotting it was time for the big question: yes or no? Tina insisted on not going. “I know it was my idea, Kurt, but it's your club now and your problem if he say no,” she used as excuse. “Tina, you're the most unbelievable eleven year old I know,” Kurt had said back.

Kurt went away and Quinn stood up. She went to her room and opened a small box. She smiled and wiped away her tear. She felt so happy.

Kurt, on the other hand, was nervous as hell.

But here he was. Dumbledore knew he was coming so he ordered the gargoyle to let Kurt in.

The headmaster's office was a large circular room and Kurt spotted a lot of portraits on the wall. The office had a lot of spindly tables with silver instruments that whirred and emitted small puffs of smoke, as well as an incredible collection of books, which made up a private library, his Pensieve (Kurt has read about that thing) and Fawkes the phoenix.

“Kurt Hummel, hello,” Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, “Please, take a seat.”

Kurt did.

“So, why did you want to talk to me, Mr. Hummel?”

Kurt gulped. It was all or nothing now.

“Sir, as a Muggleblood I'm still kinda new to everything in the wizarding world,” he started and Dumbledore nodded, “And I don't know how after school clubs and that stuff works at Hogwarts, but in an American High School that is really normal, so I'm here to ask for-” “For my permission regarding your ‘MaF' club, right?” Dumbledore finished his sentence.

Kurt was stunned.

“Yes, sir, how do you know that?”

Dumbledore shrugged. “Ms. Cohen-Chang talks a lot.”


“Permission granted.”



“Permission granted,” Dumbledore repeated, “I like the idea and Hogwarts is home to everybody. If ‘MaF' makes people feel more home, then of course! Why not?”

“So, you're okay with it?” Kurt asked to be sure, “No hard pureblood feelings involved or what?”

Dumbledore shook his head, laughing. “Oh no, Mr. Hummel. I don't know much about, as you said, ‘American High Schools,' but here, I see no problems.”

Kurt jumped out of his seat. “Oh thank you, professor, thank you!”

He turned around to leave, but Dumbledore stopped him. “Kurt, is that the only thing you want to talk about?” he asked.

“Yes?” Kurt was confused, because that was the reason he came here.

“So, nothing to do with Mr. Francus?”

“N-no,” Kurt said nervously. Dumbledore nodded.

“Oh, Mr. Hummel, if I may,” he said, “I should suggest the Room of Requirement for your meeting place.”

Kurt turned back. He had never heard of that place. “The what?” he asked.

Dumbledore turned back to whatever he was reading before Kurt came in. “Oh, I suggest you find that out yourself.”

Kurt nodded and made his way to the library. He quickly found a book that looked promising and borrowed it. Back in the Ravenclaw common room, he started reading.

Two hours later, he found it.

‘The room is located on the seventh floor in the left corridor of the Hogwarts castle and has a hidden entrance opposite the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet. The way to open the room is to walk past it three times thinking about what you need, and the door will appear.'

Kurt looked up from his library book. He quickly shut it, stood up and rushed to the seventh floor.

It took him a few hours, but then he found it.

I wish to find the perfect place for Muggleborns, he thought and he walked past it three times.

To his surprise, a door appeared.

A few months later, the MaF was a huge success. Almost all Muggleborns were members and a handful half- and purebloods had joined too.

The Room of Requirement was absolutely amazing. It was almost too perfect. When Kurt opened the doors for the first time, months ago, he couldn't believe his eyes.

It was amazing.

It had a lot of Muggle stuff in it, like an actual TV. Kurt didn't know how a room could do such thing, but Muggle magazines and books were there too.

Other Muggleborns were as amazed as him and they quickly started their routines they made up on their way to the MaF. They also talked about Muggle news. Hurricane Katrina was the topic.

“I still can't tell you how much I love this place, Kurt,” Belinda told him, “It's my absolute favourite place. I'm so glad Felix dragged me in here. He seems like a dumb bloke, but don't be daft. He's one hell of a lad. It's a bloody honour to be here.” “It's my favorite place too,” Kurt said, skipping the whole way-too-British Felix part, “And it was an honor to start it.”

She nodded and skipped off.

“Oh, Kurtsie, I told you not to,” Tina pouted, “Not Belinda.” “She seems like a nice girl to me,” Kurt shrugged and walked away.

The MaF was amazing and he loved talking about Muggle things with all the Muggleborns, but every club has sub clubs.

They called themselves ‘the New Directions.' It was basically the American part of the club (with one Irish kid called Rory Flanagan from Hufflepuff) and weirdly enough, everyone liked singing. Even the guys.

Back in America, all the other boys in Kurt's class had taunted him for it.

And here, he was in a club that likes singing.

“Professor Flitwick asked me to join that hideous choir again,” Rachel Berry muttered. She was a Muggleborn from Slytherin with a big mouth, “I told him, again, that I don't like the songs they sing.” “Yes, they're pretty boring,” Santana Lopez, halfblood, also from Slytherin, agreed, “Every time the toads open their mouths… damn. I can't take that shit.”

“Yes, my daddies sing better than them and that means something,” Rachel grumbled, but she lost Kurt at ‘daddies.'

“Daddies?” he asked. ‘Yes, I have two daddies,” Rachel answered, “Nothing wrong with that, uh?” She looked dead serious. Kurt shook his head. “N-no. Love is love.” Rachel nodded.

“But back to the choir,” Brittany Pierce, halfblood, Hufflepuff, ‘saved' Kurt, “Everyone knows we're better.”

“Yeah. Our little family is so much better,” Finn Hudson, Muggleborn, Gryffindor, nodded.

“Showcircle?” Quinn suggested. The others all agreed.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING!” they yelled and all the other members looked at them


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