Amsterdam die mooie stad...
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Amsterdam die mooie stad...: Welkom in Amsterdam

T - Words: 1,005 - Last Updated: Jul 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 04, 2014 - Updated: Jan 04, 2014
263 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


Their apartment (LQ)

"Bij Starbucks heet ik Amy," a book by Els Quaegebeur. I havent read it, but I saw it in the Bijenkorf in Maastricht. Thats why ADMS!Els says: ‘Sorta. Or Amy, but yes.  The title means "At Starbucks, my name is Amy."

Also, Ive noticed how crappy the prologue looks with the story, chapter and end notes and that sucks.

By the way, in case you havent noticed: I love childish!Blaine. No worries, Im not turning him into a 5 years old child. Maybe 5 1/2, but not all the time.

... met hoeveel letters spel je dat?

‘Wow,' Blaine says when they enter the lobby, or it looks like a lobby. ‘This is amazing,' Kurt says awestruck. He is tired because of the jetlag, but he doesn't care now.

More people arrive and they all seem to think the same.Kurt can't help but watch them.

When all eleven interns and five plus ones are present, they hear a loud ping and they all turn to the elevator. Daphne Deckers and some more women step out of it. Daphne has a microphone.

‘Goedemorgen allemaal,' she says, ‘Hopelijk hebben jullie een goede vlucht gehad. Welkom in Amsterdam. Wat leuk om jullie te zien.'

It falls silent.

Of course, Kurt studied some dutch, but he wasn't prepared for this. And judging by the looks on everyone's else faces, he's not the only one.

‘I was just messing with you guys,' Daphne says kindly, ‘I said: “Good morning everybody. I hope you all had a nice flight. Welcome in Amsterdam. It's nice to see you all.'

Phew, she does speak English.

‘I assume you heard the most from your spokesperson, about the place and purpose of being here. I hope she also mentioned roommates and plus one's. Yes?' Kurt and Blaine nod and so do the most, but one woman shakes her head.

‘A small recap for the lady in the fabulous red coat,' Daphne says and the lady bows, ‘If you have a plus one, it's okay. You have a normal apartment with a kings sized bed or two queens sized beds. That depends on the relationship between you and your plus one. If not, you have to room with another intern. Of course, you'll get two queens sized beds then. Understood?' The lady nods.

‘Then the new information. You all get a person who will help you out,' she gestures to the women behind her, ‘She'll be here for you if you need any help about the city or the language etcetera. Please, see them as your friend and get to know them.'

After more talking, it's time to go to the apartments. The woman who will help you will guide you there. Daphne has a list of the names of the interns and the helpers.

‘...Kurt Hummel and plus one?' Kurt looks up. ‘Yup, that's us!' he grabs Blaine's hand and walks forwards.

‘Good to see you,' Daphne says and one of the helpers makes her way to them.

‘Hello,' she says and she extents her hand. She has short blonde hair, like Rachel once had for her Funny Girl rehearsal, and wears black, because all the women wear black.

Kurt takes it.

‘I'm Els de Lange.'

Blaine also shakes her hand and asks ‘Els? Like in else? Like somewhere else?'

‘Sorta,' Els answers, ‘Or Amy, but yes. Els like in somewhere else, but without the e at the end. E-L-S D-E L-A-N-G-E. And you are Kurt Hummel?'

‘Oh, no,' Blaine grins, ‘I am Blaine Anderson. My boyfriend here is Kurt Hummel.' Blaine puts his arms around Kurt's waist and Kurt feels panic-y.

It goes away when Els doesn't make a rude comment about it.

The Netherlands is quite gay friendly, especially in Amsterdam. Yes, it isn't 2012 anymore. They're more free in the states too. Already 27 states allow gay marriage, but there are still assholes out there.

‘Okay, shall we go to the apartment then?' Els says overly bright.

‘We'd love to,' Kurt says, longing for a bed to sleep in. ‘Follow me then!'

‘Wait!' Blaine says, 'Where's our stuff?' Kurt looks around and Blaine's right. It's nowhere to be seen.

‘No worries,' Els says when she sees Kurt's look on his face, ‘They'll bring it to your room. I bet it's already there.'

'Oh,' Blaine sighs in relief, ‘Thanks God.'

‘Floor 6, apartment 21,' Els says with her hand on the doorknob, ‘You ready?'

‘More than ready,' Blaine says and Kurt nods in agreement. ‘Let's get inside them,' Els shrieks and opens the door.

‘No…' ‘… way.'

In the beginning, it looks like a hotel room. A small hall with the door to the bathroom on the left. The only difference: there's also a door that leads them to the living room. When you open it, you have an amazing view.

In the left corner is a small, but really modern kitchen. It's beautiful. There's also a wooden table with comfy looking chairs. There's a living room with a bookcase and a really good looking couch and- ‘Kurt! Look at this awesome TV!' Blaine is basically jumping from excitement. The TV is huge, like, huge! There's also a stereo installation.

Next is the bedroom. The walls are dark blue and the floor is also blue, but lighter. There's also a really big kings sized bed with- ‘Kurt! The mattresses are so soft!', two nightstands, two closets and a cabinet.

There's also a desk, just outside the bedroom with an IKEA bureau stool. And paintings. A lot of paintings. In the hall, the bedroom, the living room and the “study.”

‘So?' Els asks, ‘What do you think?'

‘It's perfect!' Blaine screams from the bathroom, ‘Kurt, we have a shower and a bubblebath! And they're in the same bathroom.'

‘Says Rich Kid Anderson,' Kurt yells back and turns to Els, ‘Else, it's beautiful.'

‘So you have two options,' Els continues, ‘I'll start with guiding you around now, or I'll leave you so you two can sleep. You look tired. Stupid jetlag.'

They chose the second option. Els says her goodbyes and Blaine runs to the bedroom. ‘Sleeeeeeeep!' he growls. When Kurt joins him later, Blaine's already asleep. Kurt kisses him goodnight and falls asleep too.  


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