July 8, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 8, 2014, 7 p.m.
So, right now Ive written 4 chapters nad I realized that I dont know a thing about interning and fashion. Well...
Also, its an unbetad fic. If you see any mistakes, feel free to report them. English isnt my first language because Im dutch (surprise, surprise).
I got the circle thing from The Fault In Our Stars, because I didnt know about that. Im from the south and most people think thats farmland (...no), but Ive been to Amsterdam.
Last note: I know its been 5 years and Team Bushwick is still living together, but I just cant imagine them having someone and sharing an apartment with them.
... met hoeveel letters spel je dat?
‘So,' Rachel peeps, ‘What are you going to do?'
‘Give him a break, Berry,' Santana snaps, ‘He just finished his story.'
The three of them are sitting in their living room with a cup of the. Blaine isn't home yet.
‘I don't know,' Kurt sighs, 'My dad supports me, but Blaine…'
‘You just said that Isa told you that you're allowed to bring Blaine with you, so do it. You want it. Otherwise I'm willing to go with you.' ‘
And besides, you and Blaine were planning on –finally- moving out after Hobbit's graduation in July. What if instead of getting a cheap apartment in New York, you guys get an expensive apartment in Amsterdam, paid by Vogue.'
'Unless you go over the gas/light/water limit. Then you'll have to pay that part-‘ ‘Again, shut up, Berry!' Santana growls in agony.
Yes, they've been living together since 2012 and yes, Santana does love Rachel, but Rachel can be so annoying.
‘I know, but Blaine has his dreams,' Kurt takes a sip from his almost-cold tea before continuing, ‘He wanted to start acting for real. Having shows, like me.'
‘What's going to happen to your shows?' Rachel asks. Of course, she's the one who is concerned about Kurt's acting career.
‘Well, the current play stops in June, so…' 'You see!' Rachel jumps us, ‘The universe wants you to go!'
‘Besides,' Santana interrupts, ‘You'll finally have your own place with bowtie-suspender-pants. Remember his first year in the city? It was still the three of us and Blaine, with Sam and Tina, in the other loft because it was cheaper. Until he moved in here – hello Rich Kid Anderson – and Artie got his spot.'
‘I just… I don't want him to give up his dreams for me and-‘ ‘Shut it,' Santana stops his rambling, ‘That boy is so in love with you, he'll be too miserable to perform, knowing that he's the reason you declined this offer. ‘
But I-‘ ‘Blaine will be miserable!' Santana shouts, almost dropping her cup.
The door opens and Blaine enters the loft. ‘I'm home and why will I be miserable, San?' he asks.
Kurt's eyes widen.
‘Wat'cha mean, Anderson?' Santana says too innocently.
‘Well, I was about to open the door when I heard you shouting. So, what's up?' Blaine dumps his bag at the door and puts his hands on his hip.
‘Ask Kurt!' Rachel says and leaves. Santana nods, turns back to Kurt, winks and leaves too.
Blaine doesn't know what to say. His gaze follows Santana. He turns back when she's out of sight. Kurt bites his lip.
He can do this. It's okay to want things, right?
‘Care to elaborate?' Blaine asks.
July 2017
They're at New York airport. Kurt is going.
‘It's time to say goodbye, kiddo,' Burt hugs him tightly.
Kurt smiles. ‘I'll be back for Christmas, dad,' he says.
Rachel basically jumps on him, so Santana and Sam have to hold her back when Tina is saying her goodbyes.
When Rachel is calmed down, Sam and Santana hug him and wish him good luck. Artie smiles warmly at him and Kurt hugs him too.
There are a lot of hugs.
Carole gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Blaine is smiling at him while Tina is hugging Blaine and whispering something in his ear.
Rachel makes a few photo's on her new iPhone 8c and Carole is crying.
Kurt knows why. Since Finn's passing four years ago, she only has Kurt (and Blaine). Now he's (they're both) leaving. Burt comforts her, or at least tries, because Carole can't stop.
But then it's time to check in and leave.
‘Ready?' Blaine asks.
Ready, Kurt says. Hes determined to make it.
The flight was long, but not unpleasant.
They land at Schiphol, Amsterdam at 10am, dutch time zone. Kurt and Blaine are chatting about the movies they watched on the plane. ‘The Devil Wears Prada,' Kurt says, 'Still one of the best.'
‘There,' Blaine whispers and points to a man with a board saying “Kurt Hummel + extra.”
‘I am an extra!'
They roll their luggage to the man. He wears a black suit and white gloves. Just like the movies, Kurt thinks.
‘Mr. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel?' the man asks when he sees Kurt. ‘That's me!' Kurt says, ‘Wait, let me get my ID. It's somewhere-‘ ‘No need for that,' the man stops him, ‘I know it's you and your plus one, Blaine Devon Anderson. ‘I- yes.' ‘Follow me, please.'
‘What?' he asks when he sees Blaine grinning like crazy. ‘Now I'm a plus one,' he says happily. Kurt doesn't know how to respond.
The man, Bastiaan, is a taxi driver. The taxi's in the Netherlands don't look like the bright yellow ones in New York.
‘So, this is Amsterdam?' Blaine asks, making an attempt to start a conversation with him, ‘Doesn't look like the postcards.' ‘
Oh, Amsterdam is huge,' Bastiaan pronounces Amsterdam differently, 'There are different circles, like layers. Amsterdam is layered like an union.'
‘Union?' Kurt asks. That's a weird choice of words.
‘Well, you have the center, with all the places on the postcards, like the nine streets, de Dam and het Anne Frank Huis. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you'll be staying in, eh, “layer one” instead of the center.'
‘No problemo,' Blaine says.
‘First time in Amsterdam, then?'
‘Uh-uh,' Kurt nods.
‘Neh,' Blaine says and Kurt's jaw drops, 'Been here before.'
‘And you never told me?' Kurt asks, still shocked. He starts hitting Blaine playfully. ‘You bastard!'
‘Gee whiz, Kurt, I sorta forgot.'
‘How can you forget Amsterdam?' Kurt hears a silent “Uh-uh” from Bastiaan.
‘Woah, I was six years old, okay? We went here for Coop's sixteenth birthday. Now, willyoustophittingme?'
‘Here it is,' Bastiaan stops for a big and modern looking place, 'I'll help you with your luggage, but I won't go inside with you. So, good luck.'
Bastiaan opens the doors. Its time to begin.