Amsterdam die mooie stad...
Intern Assemble Previous Chapter Story
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Amsterdam die mooie stad...: Intern Assemble

T - Words: 1,038 - Last Updated: Jul 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 04, 2014 - Updated: Jan 04, 2014
202 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


This was so weird, though, because I was hit with a car a few days ago... ah well.

And surprise, there is no Dutch in this chapter, buuuut...

Critina = Idiot (female) in Italian.

Elle na pas menti = She didnt lie in French.

I do not speak Italian and French, so I might be wrong.

... met hoeveel letters spel je dat?

Isabelle is absolutely exhausted. It's only five pm, but she can't do it anymore. It has been such a busy day.

Her mobile phone rings and she smiles when she sees Kurt's name on the caller ID.

‘Hey babe,' she says, ‘What a surprise-‘ ‘Blaine!' Kurt cries out. ‘Eh, no, it's Isa, not Blaine,' she says amused, ‘Must've dialed the wrong number, dear.'

‘I know it's you, Isa,' Kurt sounds extremely sad. Isabelle frowns. That barely happens and she doesn't like it. The last time she heard him sounding this sad it was because of Blaine.

‘But I'm calling you because of Blaine.'


Well… this can't be right.

Kurt starts crying and Isabelle hears a loud BUMP. ‘Kurt!' she almost yells, ‘Are you okay? What was that?' ‘I- I just fell against the wall,' Kurt sniffs, ‘But Blaine-‘ ‘Did he… cheat? On you. Again?' Isabelle asks softly, ‘I mean, uh… no. Of course not. He wouldn't, I'm sorry I-‘

‘I just got a call,' Kurt says, ‘It was the- what was it? Eerste hulp? Spoedgevallen? I don't know!'

‘Shh, shh,' Isabelle tries, ‘Breathe in, breathe out.'

‘There has been an accident.' More crying. ‘A road accident. And 2018 started so geweldig.'

‘A road accident?' Isabelle yells. Everything around her suddenly goes blurry and her hands grip onto something. She has no idea what, but she doesn't care. Did she hear it right? A road accident?

‘Kurt, I-‘ ‘It was a drunk driver. Blaine was on his way home from the Alber Thain when the idiot hit him in bright daylight!'

‘Daylight?' Isabelle asked disgusted.

‘Yes, bless the daylight,' Isabelle hears another sniff, ‘A lot of people saw the car and a lot of people called 112, the Dutch 911 and- oh.'


‘I have to-to go,' Kurt says quickly.

‘But-‘ ‘Someone knocked on my door,' he cut her off, ‘Must be Els. She must've heard. I gotta go!' ‘Kurt-‘ ‘Bye Isa, I'll call you.'

‘Kurt? Kurt? Kurt!' But it's no use. The line is dead and Isabelle starts crying.

When Kurt opens his door, it isn't Els. It's Sierra Rodriquez from Spain with her best friend, Remco Lupo. They live in apartment 20.

‘I-‘ ‘You okay, Kurt?' Sierra asks, ‘Rem and I heard you crying and-‘ But Kurt breaks again. He leans on the door frame. ‘Dude!' Remco yells and they both try to hug him, but Remco backs away. They aren't friends and it would make it all a little bit too awkward.

Sierra, on the other hand, doesn't hesitate and wraps her arms around Kurt.

Then, door 22 slams open and Maddie's head pokes out of it, face covered in face mask. ‘Shut up!' she yells, ‘People are trying to-‘ But she trails off when she sees Kurt. She shrieks and closes her door with a loud BAM.

That makes door 23 open. ‘Maddie!' they hear Pedro, ‘Critina! For fucks sake-‘ But he also stops when he sees Kurt crying in Sierra's arms. He rushes to the scene and Peter joins them too.

Door 22 opens again, but this time it's Aurelie. ‘Maddie…' she closes her eyes and sighs deeply, ‘Elle n'a pas menti. You're really crying.'

Aurelie also rushes to the scene and takes over from Sierra. Kurt instantly feels more comfortable.

Everyone from the sixth floor, except from Maddie, is standing in the hallway. It's 11:30pm and no one knows what to do.

‘We need to Kisch sisters,' Peter says out of nowhere after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence. Most hum in agreement, because everyone knows Kurt and Blaine are the closest with Arala and Aliah.

Remco runs off to the fifth floor, where the Kisch sisters live in apartment 11. No one really goes to the fifth floor, despite Janet, Alice, Amira, her best friend Stephanie Cha and Sjenna James from Greece and her boyfriend Vince Armen living there.

They never had a reason to.

Until now.

Remco returns with the sisters a few minutes later and it looks like he's calling someone. Kurt's not sure. It's all a blur.

‘Kurt,' Arala whispers, ‘Talk to me.' Kurt barely hears it.

‘Talk to me,' she repeats softly.

That makes Kurt snap.

He talks. He tells everyone in the hallway everything. When he's done, there are also tears in Arala's eyes. Not only hers, though. All the ladies are openly crying and Peter, Pedro and Remco look shocked too.

‘This is horrible,' Remco says, ‘But no worries, I called Els.' So, he did call someone. ‘She's on her way.'

‘Should someone inform Daphne?' Aurelie asks. ‘I'm going!' Aliah says and runs away.

Els arrives a few seconds later. Sierre quickly tells her everything. The next thing Kurt knows it that he is being dragged by Els to her car. He is too shell-shocked to be surprised by Els having a car.

They drive and drive and drive until they arrive at a hospital.

Els drags Kurt inside and talks with a woman in white. Kurt doesn't understand that much Dutch. ‘Come on,' Els whispers when she's done ‘This way.' Els leads him the way.

‘Els?' Kurt chokes out, ‘What happened? Is he hurt?' ‘I- I don't know, Kurt. They didn't tell me.' Kurt knows she's lying because she is a terrible actress. But he plays along and nods.

‘Kurt, here, sit down,' Els gestures to a row of plastic chairs, ‘Wait here for me, okay?'


‘Don't leave.'


‘Don't follow me inside.'


‘Don't follow me at all.'





That's all he can do. Even when Els leaves and woman asks him if he's okay in Dutch, he nods. But he is not okay, not at all.

He's not okay and he's tired and he feels numb and… he's dozing off.



Off... to a deep sleep.


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