Sept. 10, 2022, 4:30 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2022, 4:30 a.m.
Fun fact, I invented the Machoke Moving Company from the previous chapter, or so I thought.
Klaine Advent 2018 Day 8: House
Dimension six: Supernatural
Kurt did not keep the bag.
That’s the first thing he noticed when he woke up.
It’s kind of a shame, because it’d be nice to have a bag to keep all his stuff. Blaine has his bag and that bag, including everything in it, gets transported with him from dimension to dimension. It’s probably because that bag belongs to their actual dimension, but Kurt’s bag belongs to the Pokémon dimension.
It doesn’t really explain why everything inside gets transported as well. After all, Blaine still had the knife from the apocalypse in it, but Kurt’s also too tired to figure it out. Everything about this dimension hopping is crazy. Sometimes Kurt still thinks he’s dreaming.
Kurt looks around and he’s once again in the loft. He can’t hear anyone else, so he just gets dressed and he decides to have breakfast. Then he’ll look for Blaine. He draws the curtains of his bedroom and he does a double take when he sees the book lying on the coffee table.
No, Kurt thinks, It can’t be this easy. Nothing’s ever been this easy!
His thoughts of breakfast disappear and he hurries to the living room. He opens the book and he browses to the right page and Kurt can’t believe it when he sees ‘Pokémon’ on one page with the images of the boat tickets underneath is and ‘Supernatural’ on the other. As expected, there are two shapes underneath the word.
This is the weird book, and it’s already here. He’s never found it this quickly before. He found it on the air craft after walking around for a while, he found it in the library of Hogwarts after going in the Restricted Section and he found it in the hospital wing after a whole day.
It can’t be this easy.
Kurt grabs the book, a bag, and his shoes and he goes downstairs. Breakfast be damned. If necessary, he eats a bagel in the city. He has to figure out where he is and he has to find Blaine.
He walks around the streets of New York, and even though there’s nothing out of the ordinary, something feels wrong. It’s a sunny day and Kurt knows that his pale skin doesn’t like the harsh sunlight, but it almost feels like he’s burning. Not only that, but Kurt keeps smelling all kind of weird scents around him and it is incredibly overwhelming, it almost makes him faint.
Also, his hunger grows. Maybe he shouldn’t have skipped breakfast. Kurt smells a lot of different scents, but he also smells the scent of cinnamon and fresh wood and a certain cologne. Kurt had no idea you could smell wood, but it’s amazing. It unfortunately only makes his hunger grow.
He’s in pain. It’s too much. He’s not even one block away and he decides to go back to the loft.
When he’s home, he feels so unwell, he decides to go to the bathroom. He washes his face and when he decides to look at himself in the mirror, there’s no reflection.
What the-
“Where have you been?”
Kurt jumps in shock. Santana is standing next to him. Where did she come from?
“Out, I just-”
“Out?” Santana asks, “Are you crazy? The sunlight is harsh today, Hummel. You burn before these humans could burn you at the stake.”
Santana scoffs and she turns around to leave.
“I’m incredibly hungry,” Kurt says.
“Blood’s in the fridge,” Santana says back.
Kurt looks at his lack of reflection. Then it hits him. The sunlight is painful, he smells a lot of scents, he doesn’t have a reflection, and he’s craving for something. He’s not craving for bagels, he’s craving for food.
“I am a vampire?” Kurt yells out in shock and he hears Santana laugh from the living room.
“You sure are, Hummel,” she says, “Aren’t we all? Anyway, you heading out tonight? Some of us are going to Gilbert’s this night.”
Kurt doesn’t answer. He’s horrified. That’s where all these scents came from. He was smelling people. That’s also why those scents increased his hunger. He wanted to drain them.
At the thought of draining people, Kurt feels a sudden want.
Kurt shakes his head. This isn’t really him. He can’t think about sucking blood out of innocent people. But he is so hungry. No, he’s thirsty.
There’s blood in the fridge, so Kurt raids it. There are literal gallons of blood in the fridge and Kurt doesn’t even have time to question where the blood comes from, because he is just so thirsty.
Santana’s eye roll is audible. Kurt had no idea eye rolls were audible, but vampires must have super senses, not only can he smell amazingly, he can see and hear more than ever.
“This is why I barely go outside, Hummel,” she says, “All those bags of flesh are just around you. What were you thinking when you decided to walk around New York? I just teleport.”
Holy shit, he can probably teleport as well. He finishes his drink and there’s blood over him, but he doesn’t care.
The scent of cinnamon, wood and cologne still overwhelms him, but there’s no one there except for Santana. He sniffs in Santana’s direction, and he smells nothing. Maybe it’s because she’s another vampire.
Santana sniffs as well. “There’s someone here.”
Then, someone knocks on the door. Santana’s eyes turn demonic and her fangs appear. Kurt tries not to scream when he sees it, because Santana looks more terrifying than ever.
The door slides open and Blaine is standing in the hallway. “Kurt?”
“Blaine?” Kurt says and he basically jumps on Blaine. The scent of cinnamon, wood and cologne is stronger than ever. He’s smelled Blaine outside without knowing.
Kurt looks at Blaine and he sees some reddish glow in Blaine’s eyes.
“No offense, but what are you?” Santana asks before Kurt can ask. She’s still got her fangs out, but her eyes are back to normal.
“Uh, apparently I am a werewolf,” Blaine says.
Santana looks from Kurt to Blaine and back. “And you two know each other?”
“Yes, Santana,” Kurt says.
“Okay, cool,” she says, “By the way, I’m about to head out. I’ll be here at midnight, okay? I mean, you’re coming with us to Gilbert’s, right?”
“Sure,” Kurt says, not knowing if he’ll still be here at midnight.
“Cool,” Santana says again and then to their surprise, she disappears.
“Okay, what the fuck,” Blaine says, “What the hell is she?”
“We’re vampires,” Kurt says, “What happened to you? I woke up with a weird thirst for blood and without a reflection in the mirror.”
“I woke up and I was surrounded by Warblers,” Blaine says, “Turns out we’re a pack of werewolves. It wasn’t difficult to figure it out, because they have stuff about werewolves littered in Wes’s apartment. Also, I could smell a lot, like, woah. That’s how I found you. You smell like Kurt.”
“But Santana has no scent?” Kurt asks, puzzled, “I don’t think vampires can be smelled.”
Blaine taps his nose. “Werewolf nose, Kurt. You think vampires can smell a lot, well us werewolves are experts. So I followed your scent and I found you. I’ve never found you this quick before. This house smells like vampires.”
That reminds Kurt of the book. “Speaking of finding things…” he nods towards the coffee table and Blaine’s jaw drops when he sees the book.
“No way, this is too easy!” he says, but Kurt shakes his head.
“Maybe not, because I can’t figure out what the book wants,” Kurt says. This time, the shapes aren’t as generic as in the Pokémon dimension. On the contrary, the shapes are very detailed, but Kurt just doesn’t recognise them.
“Then let’s figure out,” Blaine says and he tugs Kurt towards the door.
Kurt stops him with his super strength and Blaine almost falls to the floor.
“Sorry!” Kurt says, “Didn’t mean to pull you back like that, but I can’t leave. I burn in the sun. I know I am able to teleport, just like Santana, but I don’t know how. We’re stuck here till the sun goes down.”
“Oh, okay.”
“You can also investigate on your own,” Kurt suggests but Blaine shakes his head.
“No way, I am not leaving you.”
“Then what do we do? We can’t sit down till midnight,” Kurt points out.
Blaine looks around as if he’s figuring something out. Then a grin starts spreading over his face.
“What are you thinking?” Kurt asks.
Blaine’s still grinning and he says: “So, you can’t leave the house, and no one is in here?”
Kurt sniffs the air. There’s no human being and Kurt trusts Blaine when he says that he can’t smell any vampires. “I guess.”
“Kurt, you smell really good,” Blaine says and he takes a step closer, “Like, really, really good. Like it’s starting to drive me crazy, now that only you are near to me.”
Kurt knows where he’s hinting at.
“Bed. Now.”
It’s slowly becoming dark. The sun is starting to set.
He’s cooking dinner for Blaine only, since Kurt can’t eat regular food. Blaine’s looking at the two shapes in the book.
“Still nothing?” Kurt asks and he can hear (hear!) Blaine shaking his head.
“No,” Blaine sighs sadly, “These shapes are not only weirdly detailed, but they’re also very uncommon. I mean, look at all these turns and twists. I haven’t got the faintest idea what these are supposed to be.”
Blaine decides to leave the book for now and he sets the table and he takes a gallon of blood out of the fridge for Kurt. He’s very calm about the whole blood drinking thing, but then again, Blaine just got turned into a werewolf.
They have dinner and they discuss their options, but it’s clear that they’re at a dead end. Now, no one is actively trying to kill them in this dimension, and they once again got to spent a lot of time together, but they’re eager to move on. They don’t want to stay the night if not necessary.
But they can’t deny that they have nowhere to go, except for this Gilbert’s Santana has been talking about.
Brittany and Santana both teleport into the loft and Santana raises an eyebrow when she sees that Blaine’s still there. Then she grins.
“Oh Hummel, I can smell him all over you,” she says.
Kurt refuses to be embarrassed.
Blaine says back: “Yes, you can speak, Santana. I can smell you all over her.”
Santana’s eyes widen and Kurt laughs at the expression.
“But- how-”
“Apparently vampires have scents as well and werewolves can smell them,” Kurt says.
“That’s cool,” Brittany says, “So you’re like a puppy?”
“Let’s just go,” Santana says and Kurt takes her arm. She looks confused. “What are you doing?”
“Need some extra support to teleport Blaine with us,” Kurt lies easily and he takes Kurt’s hand. The truth is that he has no idea where this Gilbert’s is.
Santana buys the lie. “Ah, you’ve become weak.”
Kurt rolls his eyes. Santana then transports the four of them and Kurt feels dizzy. He’s not used to this kind of travel.
They’re now in a bar and scent overwhelms Kurt. Other New Directions members are there as well and they are all vampires. Some even have their demonic eyes and fangs out.
“Puppy boy,” Santana addresses Blaine, “You got a pack?”
“Yes, Dalton. I’m the alpha,” Blaine says proudly.
“Will they be here as well?” Brittany asks, “The more puppies, the merrier!”
Santana laughs nervously. “Excuse my girlfriend, we’ve never met a werewolf before. Your kind usually stays in the dark. I’ve never even seen a werewolf at Gilbert’s before.”
“Puppy is fine,” Blaine says. While Blaine talks with Brittany and Santana, Kurt looks around and he talks with some others. There are all kind of supernatural species here. Kurt can see fairies, other vampires, trolls, goblins and even centaurs.
After talking a while, Kurt realises Gilbert’s is a bar owned by someone named Gilbert, who is an actual God. He created a safe space for supernatural species where they can just be themselves, since humans are still very wary of them.
Kurt likes it. He feels safe here.
Blaine joins the conversation and they have a good time, they almost forget they’re still looking for the two objects for the book. That is until they move to the bar to talk to Tina and in the corner of Kurt’s eye, he can see both objects: they’re dark, stone wall ornaments.
“Tina, may we be excused?” Kurt asks and he doesn’t wait for an answer. He drags Blaine to a quiet corner.
“That was rude, love.”
“I know, but look at that!” Kurt nods towards the wall ornaments.
Realisation dawns upon Blaine. “That’s the-”
Kurt nods eagerly.
“How do we get a hold of those?”
The wall ornaments are hung on a wall that’s quite empty. Most bar-goers are at the bar or they’re hanging around the dancefloor. Kurt knows he has superspeed as a vampire. He hasn’t used it, but he can try. He hasn’t used his abilities much, but there’s a first time for everything.
“You distract the others,” Kurt tells Blaine.
“I don’t know? Sing? I don’t know what else to do, I’ve never been to an underground supernatural bar before.”
“Well, I guess I can do that,” Blaine looks around and he sees the bar. He gets an excited look on his face. “Time to put on a show.”
Kurt tries not to laugh when Blaine climbs on the bar and he starts singing Baby Got Back. All the other bar-goers immediately look at him. Some laugh, some sing and dance along, but most of them look gobsmacked. But most importantly: no one’s paying attention to Kurt.
He moves towards the wall ornaments and he slowly and carefully takes them from the wall. In the background, Blaine’s switched to Hit Me Baby One More Time.
Unfortunately for Kurt, the wall ornaments must’ve been on that wall for a reason, because the wall slowly starts to crack. Dark blue light appears out of the cracks.
“Uh oh.”
Blaine’s still performing on the bar, but some have obviously noticed the cracks.
“Hey, what are you doing?” a troll yells angrily.
“Uh oh,” Kurt says again, “Time to get out of here.”
Kurt focuses on wanting to run fast and he takes a deep breath. Then he starts running and he drags Blaine from the bar. Together, they’re running fast through the streets of New York.
“Come back you!” they hear.
Blaine looks around. “Kurt, an angry troll and an equally angry pixie are following us! I suggest we teleport back to the loft.”
Kurt focuses on wanting to teleport and then he focuses on the loft. He holds Blaine tight. “Now!”
The teleport to the loft and Blaine immediately takes the wall ornaments from Kurt and he puts them on the page. As expected, they disappear in it and they reappear as images. He flips the page and two new words have appeared.
“I hope this ‘private detectives’ dimension starts fast before those guys find us.”
“We just stole something!” Kurt says.
Blaine sniffs. “They’re close, I can smell them. Surprisingly, the pixie stinks and the troll smells like fresh flowers and tea leaves.”
“Book, hurry up!”
Luckily, the words start to grow.
Vampire!Kurt and werewolf!Blaine is a reference to the Wax verse by skivvysupreme.