All the pretty things that we could be
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All the pretty things that we could be: Superhero

T - Words: 6,974 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2022
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2022 - Updated: Sep 10, 2022
374 0 0 0 1
Warnings: Kidnapping, bomb threats, minor off-page character deaths

Author's Notes:

Oh my fucking god. It’s almost 7K words long. I did not mean to do that, but I had planned out most of the story when today’s prompt got posted and it was as if the admins of the Klaine Advent knew I was going to write a superhero AU this day, so I couldn’t let this opportunity slide and I also didn’t want to delete the existing story. Therefore…

TW: kidnapping, bomb threats, minor off-page character deaths
See more in the end notes for details. I also was this close to turning this into an All The Other Ghost/Grey AU, because I love it, but I cannot do rainjoy’s work justice. I did leave one small reference to it in this fic: a sentence.

 Klaine Advent 2018 Day 11: Kidnap

Dimension nine: Superhero

 Blaine slowly wakes up and Kurt is lying next to him.

That’s a first, he thinks. He’s lost count of how many dimensions he’s seen in the past few days, but this is the first dimension where Kurt’s with him in the beginning, not counting the space dimension. Usually, they have to find each other.

Kurt sleeping next to him isn’t even the most surprising thing. The fact that he’s wearing a superhero suit is.

Blaine sits up and he feels heavy. He’s wearing his trusty Nightbird costume. Blaine takes in his surroundings and he realises they weren’t asleep on a bed. They were asleep on a platform that’s hovering in the middle of some sort of dark lair.

Blaine is in the superhero dimension and it looks like he’s trapped.

Despite that, a feeling of joy wells up. He’s in a superhero dimension and he’s probably a superhero, an actual superhero! Blaine’s love for superheroes isn’t hidden. After all, he was the president of the superhero club at McKinley.

Oh my god, he probably has actual Nightbird powers!

He shakes Kurt awake. “Kurt, Kurt, love, wake up, we’re captured superheroes!”

Kurt slowly starts to move.

“I am Nightbird for real this time,” Blaine can’t hide his excitement, “Kurt, oh my god, you’re a superhero as well, although I can’t figure out who you’re supposed to be!” After all, Kurt was in New York during the whole superhero craze and they were broken up.

Kurt blinks a couple of times and he’s waking up. “… Blaine?”

“Hi,” Blaine says softly.

“We’re… we’re together?” Kurt sits up as well and he looks around.

“Looks like we’ve finally found a dimension where we know each other,” Blaine says happily.

Kurt doesn’t sound as thrilled. “I just hope that we actually like each other in this dimension,” he sighs, “We knew each other in the space and in the private detective dimensions, but we apparently disliked each other, or at least the group of friends we were in.”

Blaine’s face falls, but then he says: “But we’re superheroes. We must like each other.”

Kurt investigates his suit. “Who am I?”

“I think I can help you with that,” they hear and the two of them look around in shock. After all, they are in a lair.

A hooded figure appears. “Or at least, I can tell you who you’re supposed to be after you tell me who you actually are.” Their voice sounds modified, so Kurt and Blaine can’t figure out who this person is supposed to be. Kurt and Blaine look at each other and Kurt nods his head. They’re not gonna tell this person anything.

“What do you want?” Blaine says instead.

“Let us go,” Kurt yells.

“Not until you bring my friends back,” the hooded figure says, “The two whose lives you’ve stolen. Bring them back now!”

Kurt and Blaine exchange another glare. The lives they’ve stolen from this person’s friends? Could this person be on their side after all?

“You mean, you know we aren’t the actual Nightbird and whoever I am supposed to be?” Kurt asks. His tone is different now. Maybe they weren’t captured after all.

“Don’t try to hide it,” the hooded figure says darkly, “Bring back the real Nightbird and Porcelain, or we will detain you if necessary.”

Kurt raises his eyebrow. “Porcelain? My superhero alter is named Porcelain? Is Sue Sylvester in charge of this city?”

“No, Mayor Gilbert is the mayor of New York. Sue Sylvester is the president of the United States,” the hooded figure says, but this time, they sounds a bit confused.

“Wait, let us explain,” Kurt tries to step off the platform, but a force field pushes him back.

“Of course we’re trapped,” Blaine sighs.

“The only thing you can explain to me is how you get here and how I can get my friends back,” the hooded figure says, “I don’t want to hear anything else.”

“Maybe that is what they’re trying to explain, dude,” Kurt and Blaine hear and they look behind them. Another hooded figure is standing there.

“Okay, how many of you are there?” Blaine asks.

At the same time, Kurt says: “Yes, listen to your friend. I am trying to explain how we got here, although I am still not entirely sure myself.”

“Very well,” the first hooded figure says.

Kurt and Blaine don’t know if it’s a trap, but they decide to tell the hooded figures everything. Blaine tells them about the antique shop and the weird book and the objects and Kurt gives them a recap of all of the dimensions.

“Long story short, we’re sorry we’re overtaking the lives of the Kurt and Blaine from this dimension, but we honestly didn’t intent to.”

“We just want to find the book and continue our journey home,” Blaine adds.

“If you can help us, that’d be nice. The sooner we get out of here, the better, and we’d be out of your hair. Maybe your friends, the versions of us from this dimension, will reappear.” Kurt gets a guilty look on his face. “Sorry, we can’t promise you that they will, since we don’t know either. After all, we leave the dimensions before we can see if those versions return or not.”

“Again, there’s no malicious intent. We just want to go home.”

They can’t see the facial expressions of the hooded figures, but the first one snaps his fingers and the lights go on. The lair, if it’s even a lair, is huge. There’s a wall of monitors, there’s a small medical room, and most importantly, more people are staring at them.

This time, they’re recognisable. Some members from both The New Directions and The Warblers are staring at them.

The two hooded figures lower their hoods: Wes and Sam.

“How can we trust them for sure?” Santana asks.

“We can’t,” David, who’s sitting behind a computer, says, “But do we have another choice?”

“Besides, I strongly believe in the multiverse,” Mercedes says, “Their description of this ‘dimension hopping’ isn’t the same as the description of the multiverse, but it’s close enough. Besides, Santana, we work with the superheroes of New York, we’ve seen a lot of impossible things.”

“You’re probably from a world where superheroes don’t exist, aren’t you?” Trent asks and Blaine nods.

“In that case, maybe you should follow Quinn and Trent to the training room.”

Blaine has actual superpowers, actual superpowers. He’s currently in a training facility of an actual superhero hideout. With the help of Quinn and Trent, Kurt and Blaine are learning about their powers and how to use them.

He has heightened senses, especially in the dark. Due to the force field, Blaine didn’t realise, but now that he’s in the training room, it feels like his entire body is unknown to him. He hears everything, he can see every detail, he doesn’t know his own strength, he can touch different things on surfaces, and it feels like his werewolf nose has returned. It’s overwhelming. After some training with Trent he has it under control. Sort of.

Kurt has the power of teleportation and invisibility, or as Trent puts it, mobility. In theory, his powers sounds a bit weaker than Blaine’s, but in reality, he’s so creative with it that they’re both equally powered. Maybe Kurt’s even more powerful, but they’re all about cooperation. Blaine likes that.

Apparently, Kurt didn’t pick the name Porcelain himself. When Kurt first appeared in the public eye, some called him weak and fragile ‘as porcelain’, mostly since his powers are limited (in theory). But Kurt soon proved them wrong and he decided to keep the name out of spite, and also because he liked it in a way.

And Blaine can understand why. He watches Kurt, his Kurt, move and teleport around the training room. Quinn also teaches them fighting techniques. Their physiques match the superhero lifestyle, but since Kurt and Blaine don’t ‘inherit’ the skills from their versions, Quinn has to teach them all over again.

They’ve been training for hours when the door slides open. Rachel is peeking around.

“Anything you want, Rachel?” Trent asks.

“Well, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news,” Rachel replies, “The bad news is that the New York Public Library got a bomb threat.”

“Okay, that’s not good,” Quinn says gravely, “What’s the good news?”

“We have reasons to believe that the antique book you’ve described is currently located in the same New York Public Library,” Rachel tells Kurt and Blaine.

“What do we do?” Kurt asks and Quinn, Rachel and Trent look at him as if he’s crazy.

“Uhm, you’re going to check out the bomb threat?” Trent answers as if it’s obvious.

“We’re what?” Blaine yells.

Rachel takes Kurt’s arm and Quinn’s hand. Quinn also takes Trent’s hand. “Kurt, teleport us back to the main room.”

Blaine quickly holds on to Rachel’s free arm and the next thing he knows, they’ve all teleported back. Their suits are ready for them.

“We- we can’t do this,” Kurt protests.

“I’m sorry, but you have to,” Wes says and he pushes the suits in their hands, “New York still needs Nightbird and Porcelain.”

“But we’re not Nightbird and Porcelain,” Blaine says back, “We now know how to use our powers in training, but not in actual combat.”

“Then figure it out,” Santana says and she takes both Kurt and Blaine by the necks, so that she can put some kind of earbud in their ears. It kind of hurts, but Santana doesn’t seem to care. “Besides, we’ll be there.”


The layout of New York is the same as the layout of New York from their dimension, so Kurt teleports them to the New York Public Library.

“Okay, do you see anything unusual?” Santana asks. She’s monitoring Kurt and Blaine with the help of Jeff.

“Yeah, there are cops everywhere,” Blaine says.

Santana sighs. “That’s not unusual for us.”

The police are evacuating the building. One of them notices Kurt and Blaine and she seems relieved.

“Oh good thing you’re here!” she says.

“Ask her what is going on,” Jeff tells them, so Kurt and Blaine do.

“The library got a bomb threat so we’re waiting for our bomb division to arrive. Meanwhile, we’re just evacuating everyone in the library or in the immediate area.” Then she looks around and she lowers her voice into a whisper. She is about to tell them something. “I know the New York City police department does not want to give you information, but we have reason to believe that Razor Claw is behind this attack.”

Then she looks alarmed. “I can’t say more. I am sorry.”

“We’re incredibly thankful for your input,” Blaine says.

She nods quickly and she leaves.

Blaine presses on the earbud. “Who is Razor Claw?”

Suddenly, people start to scream and point towards something up on the roof, or someone. A masked man wearing a suit is standing on the roof. He has claws like Wolverine, but Blaine bets that this guy does not has the same intentions as Wolverine. He’s holding a screaming boy.

The police all immediately grab for their guns and they aim at him.

Kurt doesn’t wait for a reply from Santana or Jeff. He lets go of Blaine’s hand and he disappears. For a second, Blaine is freaking out, but then he remembers that Porcelain has the power of teleportation and invisibility.

“Let the boy go, Mr. Claw,” one of the cops yells.

Razor Claw laughs and it is the typical evil supervillain laugh that Blaine’s always heard in movies. He holds out a remote.

“You really think guns can stop me? Haven’t you learned your lesson by now? Nothing can stop me, not even you, Porcelain!” Razor Claw pushes the air behind him, or at least, it looks like that. Kurt becomes visible again and he falls down. Razor Claw extends his claws and he aims at Kurt. Kurt rolls away just in time to avoid getting stabbed by a maniac.

Thanks to Quinn’s training, Kurt jumps back on his feet and while doing so, he kicks Razor Claw in the face. Blaine has to help him so he starts climbing the pillars of the library. Thanks to his super strength, he can do it with ease.

“Porcelain, try to kick the remote out of his hand,” Santana says.

Blaine can’t see Kurt anymore, but he can hear Razor Claw yell in pain. That’s my fiancé, Blaine thinks proudly. He continues his climb until he’s at the part of the front with the statues. He hears bystanders gasp while they’re being led away by the police. Blaine can hear a thud and he hears Razor Claw laugh.

Blaine continues his climb and just as he arrives at the roof, he sees that Kurt’s on the ground again. Razor Claw has the boy, the hostage, in his grip again and he laughs. He holds up the remote.

“Goodbye, library.”

He pushes the button and a part of the library starts to shake. Blaine hears screams and he doesn’t think. He rushes into the library through a window. People are running past Blaine. Only a part of the library has been destroyed but Blaine can still hear Razor Claw laughing.

He’s not done yet.

Blaine presses on his earbud again. “What do I do?”

“Use your strength to make escape routes,” Jeff says quickly, “Push away objects and what not. You also have a knife in your utility belt. It looks like he’s letting the bombs go off one by one.”

“Porcelain, you can transport people out of there,” Santana says and suddenly, Kurt is standing next to Blaine again, “But beware, you can only take up to four people with you each time. Take them outside.”

“Will do,” Kurt says.

They move fast. Blaine’s helping people who are trapped. Thanks to his heightened senses, he can hear every cry and plead for help. He leads them to Kurt who teleports them out of the building.

“Go, go, go!” Blaine yells to the people who are free to move. Kurt’s got his handful. Since he can only save four people at a time, a queue is starting.

Suddenly, people start to yell and cry as the building shakes again.

“What just happened?” Blaine asks.

“Another bomb went off,” Santana tells them, “The bomb squad has arrived, but the entrance is blocked off.”

“Nightbird, find a way to the entrance and remove whatever’s blocking them,” Jeff says.

“How many more bombs are there?” Blaine asks as he finds his way to the entrance. He’s been in the library before, although it looks a little bit different in this dimension.

“Rachel is scanning the building, but we’ve honestly got no idea,” Jeff answers, “But we can assume that there are multiple, so that he can destroy the library part by part. Such a shame, the library recently got rebuilt after it got blown up three years ago.

“What is wrong with this dimension?” Blaine yells.

“A lot,” Santana yells back, “But we don’t have time to talk about that. Are you at the entrance?”

“Yes,” Blaine says. There are people inside and they’re relieved to see him, as if they think that Blaine’s presence automatically saves them. The entrance is blocked by some wooden bars that have fallen down from somewhere. On the outside, Blaine can hear the police trying to hack them down, so Blaine decides to meet them halfway from the inside.

He takes the knife out of his utility belt. Blaine really needs an axe, but right now, the knife will have to do. Thanks to his super strength, it can act like an axe.

Blaine tries not to flinch visibly when the building starts to shake again. He has to focus on getting people out of here. At this point, he has no hope for the bomb squad anymore, since they’re too late, but the people inside still need to get out.

“Porcelain, how’s the situation?” Blaine asks.

“Still teleporting people out of here,” Kurt replies, “I’ve started teleporting to the people who are stuck, to teleport them out of there. We have to be quick. I did find the book, but that’s not the point right now.”

So asking Kurt to come down to teleport these people out won’t work, because then Kurt will have the people he’s currently saving behind. Blaine can’t even be happy about Kurt finding the book.

He has to focus. His hearing picks up every sound, every cry, every plead. Trent has taught him how to control his senses, but he’s too busy hacking this stupid knife into these wooden bars to turn off his extra hearing. It’s driving him crazy, but it also keeps him going.

“Porcelain, Nightbird,” Santana sounds worried, “It seems like you two are in the last two parts of the building that are still standing.” Santana doesn’t have to say it out loud: they’re in danger. The next bomb could go off any time and they’re in the middle of the bomb site.

Blaine and police finally hack down the couple of wooden bars and Blaine pushes them aside. He ushers the people out of the library.

“Tell the bomb squad it’s too dangerous to go in,” Jeff says.

“I think they got the memo,” Blaine says as he watches the bomb squad help the people who just ran out of the building, instead of going in.

Blaine can still hear people who are stuck. A part of him wants to turn off the extra hearing, because it really is starting to drive him crazy, but it can help him find people. He goes back to help Kurt, who is still teleporting people. When Blaine sees him again, he looks exhausted. He doesn’t know how tiring the teleporting must be.

“You’re back!” Kurt says.

“There are still many people in here,” Blaine says, “Let’s get to work.”

The building shakes again and Blaine knows that the entrance has just been blown into pieces. This is the last part.

“You have to get out of there,” Jeff says.

“But there are still people in here,” Kurt says back.

“Save as many as you can, but when the last bomb goes off, you’re gone,” Santana says.

They do as Santana says. Blaine continues moving away objects and Kurt continues to teleport people to safety.

“Where is Razor Claw now?” Kurt asks.

“He disappeared after the second bomb went off. Rachel and David are trying to find him, but we don’t know where is he,” Santana answers.

The floor is starting to shake.

“Porcelain, Nightbird, get out of there!” Jeff starts to yell.

Blaine can still hear people begging for help. “Jeff, we can’t leave them.”

“Porcelain, Nightbird, now!” Santana yells and it’s almost as if she’s begging as well.


Blaine can hear an explosion and at an instant, Kurt grabs his hand and they’re back at the lab.

“Take us back!” Blaine yells. He can feel the tears streaming down his face and it’s really uncomfortable with his mask on.

“We can’t go back, Blaine,” Kurt says and he looks so sorry, “We aren’t immortal. We had to get out of there. There’s nothing we could’ve done for them.”

“We could’ve saved them!” Blaine protests, “We could’ve gone back in and we could’ve saved them. We could’ve helped them.”

Kurt doesn’t understand. Kurt doesn’t have heightened senses. He didn’t hear the people crying and begging for help.

Kurt’s shaking his head and he’s crying himself. “Don’t think for a second that it was easy for me to teleport us out of there, knowing that we had to leave people behind. But there was nothing-”

“No, we could’ve gone back in.”

“We could’ve, but then we couldn’t have gone out.”

Blaine just screams. He’s so incredibly angry. He looks around and people are staring at him in shock. Maybe the Blaine from this dimension has no trouble leaving people behind, but Blaine is not that Blaine. What is the point of being a superhero if you can’t fix it? He slams his fist against the wall and thanks to his super strength, he leaves a dent in it.

He hasn’t felt this angry in a while. He’s supposed to fix things. He’s supposed to make it all better.

Why does this all happen to him? Why is the one who could hear them crying in the basement? Why is he the one who had to watch Wes die in the apocalypse? Most importantly, why is he unable to save people?

“Blaine, you gotta calm down!” Sam says sternly.

“Dude, you’re slowly destroying our lab,” Wes says as well.

But Blaine doesn’t care. “Find a way to bring me back!” he yells at Rachel.

Rachel is shaking her head and Blaine can see a tear roll down her cheek. “I can’t.”

“Yes you can!”

Rachel starts crying even harder. “Yes I can, but we’re too late. David just hacked into some files. The people are found dead.”


They’re all dead and it’s Blaine’s fault.

He suddenly feels numb and he can see that Kurt’s yelling at someone behind Blaine, but despite his heightened senses, he can’t hear him. It’s as if his body’s shutting down. He uses his last energy to look behind him.

Wes has injected him with something.

Then everything goes black.

Kurt’s sitting at his bed and Blaine has a feeling of déjà vu. The last time he passed out like this was in the apocalypse dimension and when he woke up, Kurt was there sitting at his bed.

“You’re okay,” Kurt says softly and he takes Blaine’s hand.

“What did Wes do to me?”

“He gave you a shot of something and you blacked out,” Kurt says, “I didn’t like it, but according to Wes, the shot was made specifically for you by the version of you from this dimension. It’s for emergencies only. You did start destroying the lab.”

“I’m not sorry for getting angry.”

“I’m not mad at you for getting angry,” Kurt says and he squeezes Blaine’s hand, “In fact, I’m more mad at Wes for injecting something into you without your consent. He told me that this was your plan, but I reminded him that you are not actually his Blaine.”

“We could’ve saved them.”

But Kurt shakes his head. Why is he shaking his head? “I don’t think we could’ve. If we could’ve, Santana and Jeff wouldn’t have called us back.”

“We could’ve,” Blaine insists.

“Blaine, don’t think you’re the only one who’s crushed. I had to teleport away, knowing we were leaving people to die. And Santana and Jeff had to made the choice to tell us to leave. If you’re to blame, which I don’t believe, then we all share that blame with you.”

Blaine hates this feeling of helplessness. Why can’t he help everyone? He’s a superhero for Christ’s sake!

He can’t even fix the most obvious thing, like his relationship with Kurt. Why did he ever think he could save everyone out of a collapsing building? Why is he so stupid? He can’t even save himself sometimes.

“I have the feeling this issue goes deeper,” Kurt says.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Blaine turns away.

He hears Kurt sigh. He sounds frustrated. “Don’t be like that. Talk to me.”

“Oh yeah, like we’ve been talking a lot lately,” Blaine says.

“Don’t take this out on me.”

Blaine doesn’t reply. It’s childish, but he doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t really want to tell Kurt that he feels like he’s failed them. What would he think?

Kurt sighs again, but this time he doesn’t sound frustrated. He sounds sad.

“I know we haven’t sat down and talked in a while and I am partly the blame for that. I don’t really like to talk about these things either, since that means I have to- to admit to myself that I might need help sometimes. We’ve been crazy busy in our dimension and now we’re crazy busy with this dimension hopping.”

“We still love each other, don’t we?”

“O- Of course,” Kurt immediately says back, and he sounds strained, as if he’s offended by the question. Blaine can understand. He’d be offended as well. Of course they love each other, but he guesses he just needs to hear Kurt say it again.

When was the last time they says ‘I love you’ to each other?

Blaine can’t remember. They’ve been too busy.

Suddenly, Blaine can feel anger building up. If they love each other, then why are they so bad at communicating? How has it come this far?

“Okay,” Blaine turns back, “Let’s talk. Let’s talk about the fact that we never see each other anymore. Let’s talk about how we both know that we’ve hit a rough patch in our relationship and you don’t want me to fix it-”


“Let’s talk about how we’re slowly starting to prioritize other things in life. Let’s talk about how you don’t want me to help you when you feel sad-”

“There’s a difference between supporting a person and fixing a person, Blaine,” Kurt interrupts.

He always says that.

“This issue does go deeper, doesn’t it?” Kurt says. It doesn’t sound like an accusation, but Blaine has the feeling that it is.

Anger slowly leaves Blaine’s body. “I am not saying you need fixing or anything, Kurt. You don’t need me to be your shining knight on a white horse. Honestly, I sometimes think you are my shining knight. But you close yourself off. You’ve always been a bit like that, and we both know that, but lately, I feel like you’ve been cutting me off.”

“Blaine, I-”

“I don’t necessarily want to fix you. I don’t need to. I just want to support you, but lately you’ve been giving off this vibe, as if you don’t even want me to support you. We’re both busy. We’re both stressed. We both snap at each other about the most ridiculous things… I don’t dread going home at the end of the day, but sometimes I do dread the mood you’ll be in. And there’s nothing I can do to cheer you up. If I can’t even help my own fiancé, I can’t help anyone else.”

Blaine’s crying. He knows that he is and he can see Kurt’s eyes water. Oh god, they have fucked up. Oh god, they have fucked up so badly, to get to here, how could they get to here?

“Why won’t you let me help you?”

Kurt wipes away his tears and he makes Blaine sit up to face him. Blaine’s still weak, but he has the feeling that whatever Wes put in him is wearing off.

“Because I worry about you,” Kurt answers.

You worry about me?” Blaine asks, almost indignantly. Blaine’s the one who worries about Kurt. Why would Kurt worry about him?

Kurt nods. “I worry that you care so much, that it will destroy you. I am afraid that you will put your own well-being aside for others, including me. Your life revolves around me. You let me decide everything.”

“I don’t want to be selfish.”

“You’re so obsessed with not being selfish that you’re becoming selfless.”

But… isn’t that a good thing? he wants to ask.

“Some things are out of your hand, Blaine. You can’t save everyone, even when you’re wearing this ridiculous suit. And I admit that I am not good with letting people in, even you, because I’ve been too hurt in the past. And I know I have nothing to fear when it comes to you. And I am working on it. But that still doesn’t mean that you’re less important than I am. You don’t need to be a superhero to still be a hero.”

Blaine closes his eyes. He does think he’s important. He really does.


And sure, Blaine does have the tendency to put himself on the second place, but if it makes Kurt happy, then it shouldn’t be a problem. He’d do everything for Kurt. He’d happily be less than Kurt if it makes Kurt happy.


Oh God. Kurt’s right. He really is becoming too selfless. And it doesn’t make Kurt happy at all. On the contrary, it makes him worried.

“Oh God, what have I done?” Blaine cries out.

“No, no, none of that now,” Kurt says and he puts his hands on Blaine’s shoulders, “Look, you are a selfless person and that’s one thing that I love about you. Sometimes I wish I had your selflessness, but again, it’s not good for you. There’s also a thing called selfcare. It’s not your fault that sometimes things don’t work out for others. You try your best, and that’s enough. Don’t beat yourself up about everything.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I did, but you always told me I wouldn’t understand.”

Kurt’s right. He has tried to tell Blaine, but Blaine always waved his worries away.

“Look, when we get home, we will have a proper talk,” Kurt says, “I think we’ve kind of sucked at communication later.”

“Yeah, no kidding.”

“But I still love you, okay?”

Kurt leans in to kiss him and Blaine pulls him closer. They’re not perfect, but they’re perfectly imperfect. They’re not there yet, but they will get there.

They love each other and there was never a doubt there, but Kurt’s right. They need to talk more. They have to continue their trip through the dimensions and they will have to get home.

“I love you too,” Blaine says and he kisses Kurt again.

They keep kissing until someone clears his throat.

David is looking at them. “Man, I always knew you two were together. Trent owes me twenty bucks now.”

“We’re not them,” Kurt reminds David.

“Although we wouldn’t be surprised if they’re actually dating,” Blaine adds.

“Right, good, now before you two start having sex in our medical room, you should see this,” David says and he nods towards the monitors.

They follow David, hand in hand. Some notice it, but they don’t comment on it. Besides, they’re all paying attention to the monitors.

All the monitors have changed to the local news. The boy that Razor Claw has kidnapped is the grandson of Mayor Gilbert and he’s holding him for a ransom. Mayor Ransom was out of town for official business, but he’s flying back.

“Who is this Razor Claw?” Blaine asks. They never answered his question.

“No one knows,” Artie answers.

“Razor Claw arrived in New York two years ago. We’ve tried to defeat him and we’ve tried to unmask him several times, but we’ve gotten absolutely nowhere,” Mercedes tells them.

Sam adds: “We don’t know his motivation. We don’t know how to defeat him. All we know is that he’s a piece of shit.”

All heads turn to Sam.

Sam throws up his hands. “Hey, am I wrong?”

The news show a video clip of Razor Claw and the boy. The boy’s tied up to a chair and he looks very afraid. Razor Claw threatens to kill him, unless his parents, the daughter of Mayor Gilbert and her wife, pay the ransom.

“Can we find a location?” Wes asks.

David and Rachel are sitting behind the screens and they’re typing in a rapid pace.

“No,” David says shortly.

The news changes back to the news anchor, who is very anxious as well. There’s a small photo of the boy tied up on screen. They zoomed in on him. Blaine squints his eyes. There’s an oddly shaped dent in the wall behind him.

“Pause the video!” Blaine yells.

Rachel hits pause.

“What is it?” she asks.

Blaine tugs at Kurt’s arm. “Look at that weird dent in the wall,” he says and he points towards it.

Kurt’s eyes widen when he realises what it is. “Are you telling me-”


Nick waves to get their attention. “Are you telling me you know where to find the boy?” he asks in shock. Others seem shocked as well.

Blaine nods and Kurt looks confident as well.

“Well, what are we waiting for!” Santana yells, “Quick, grab suitable equipment. Rachel, try to reconnect the comms. Artie, show us the map of New York so that Kurt and Blaine point out the location. Go, go, go!”

Everyone’s running around.

Kurt squeezes Blaine’s hand.

“Ready, Nightbird?”

“Of course. Are you, Porcelain?”


Wes brings them their utility belts and Kurt helps Artie find the location so that David can hack the nearest camera.

They’re going to try to save this boy. Blaine has to accept that they might not succeed, but they will have to try.

In their dimension, right after Kurt and Rachel moved in together, Rachel decided to throw a small housewarming party. It was extremely small. In fact, their only guest was Brody.

They celebrated by cooking and if there’s one thing all the people in Kurt and Blaine’s dimension know, it is that Rachel Barbra Berry is a terrible cook. She tried to make chili sin carne, but for whatever reason, she thought she could move the pan around as if she were flipping an egg.

She succeeded the first time and even though Kurt tried to stop her, she tried another time. The pan flew out of her hands. Rachel was covered in tomato sauce and beans, and the pan hit the wall close to the kitchen. Brody was worried and Kurt was laughing. They ended up ordering Thai.

And that’s how they got a weirdly shaped dent in the wall in the loft.

Thanks to Kurt’s power, they’re invisible when they teleport into the loft. It is completely empty, except for a mattress and a chair. A small boy is tied to that chair and Razor Claw is sitting on the mattress. It looks like he’s sharpening his claws with some sort of nail file.

The boy is crying, but Razor Claw doesn’t seem to care. In fact, he yells: “Oh quit your whining, you dumb fuck.”

“I want mom. I want mama. I want grandpa.”

Razor Claw rolls his eyes. “Just shut your mouth, okay? We’re going to make another video and if you don’t shut up, I’ll beat you up. Hopefully that will make your mothers pay up faster.”

The boy spits in Razor Claw’s direction and Razor Claw laughs.

“The superheroes will come and save me! They will bring me back to mama and mom!”

Razor Claw laughs. “Those two coots? They couldn’t even save you back at the library. In fact, they couldn’t even save the library and all the people in it. What makes you think they can save you now?”

Blaine has to fight every fiber of his being to stop him from hitting Razor Claw in the face. Kurt tightens the grip on his hand.

“They’re superheroes!” the boy insists.

“They’re pathetic.”

Suddenly, the setting changes. They’ve teleported away. Kurt makes them visible again and he puts his finger against his lips. Blaine can still hear the boy and Razor Claw talking, so they’re nearby.

“Where are we?” he whispers.

“One floor underneath,” Kurt whispers back, “Looks like the building is abandoned in this dimension. That’s probably why Razor Claw took the loft as a hideout. No one’s going to barge into an abandoned building in Bushwick.”

“Why did you teleport us here?” Blaine asks.

“We need a plan, Nightbird. We can’t just ambush Razor Claw.”

“Porcelain is right,” Santana says and Blaine jumps. He’d forgotten that Jeff and Santana are still there.

“What do you suggest?” he asks.

Kurt starts counting the pockets on his utility belt. “There’s a knife in my fifth pocket. I suggest I teleport back and I cut the boy loose. Then I teleport him to safety. You hide outside the loft and the moment Razor Claw realises something is up, knock him down.”

Blaine’s sceptical. “That’s not really a waterproof plan.”

“You got a better idea?” Jeff asks.

“Nightbird, you got super strength,” Santana says, “You could knock him down if you get close to him. So far, we haven’t been able to get close to him, but thanks to the terrible cooking skills of Rachel from your dimension, we finally have a location.”

“And he won’t be expecting us,” Kurt says.

“He has Wolverine-like claws,” Blaine reminds him.

“And Quinn has taught us both high class athleticism,” Kurt says back, “You got this. Besides, I’ll teleport back as soon as possible.”

It really isn’t a great plan, but Jeff’s right. Time’s running out, so this is all they can do.

Blaine’s standing behind the closed door of the loft. He’s listening intensely. He’s waiting for any sign of Kurt. It’s dark, but thanks to his super senses, he can see in the dark. Unfortunately, he can’t see through the wooden door.

But then he hears movement.

“What the-”

Blaine doesn’t hesitate. He slides open the door and he watches Kurt and the boy disappear. He decks Razor Claw before Razor Claw has the time to process what has happened.

Razor Claw falls on the ground and he looks livid. He extends his claws. Razor Claw gets back on his feet and he starts clawing at Blaine.

Thanks to Quinn, Blaine knows how to dodge. At one point he ducks and he kicks Razor Claw.

Razor Claw falls on the ground and Blaine immediately jumps on him and he starts holding Razor Claw down with one arm.

He uses his free arm to press his earbud. “Guys, what now?”

“We’re on it, Nightbird!” Jeff says.

Jeff’s lack of answers throws Blaine off guard for a second and Razor Claw uses it to throw Blaine off him. Blaine falls on the ground and he rolls away just in time. Razor Claw’s claws sink into the wooden floor, but he has no problem getting them out of there. Blaine tries to kick him again, but he misses and Razor Claw extends his claws even further.

“This ends now, Nightbird.”

Blaine prepares himself to dodge, but suddenly, Razor Claw’s eyes roll back and he falls on the ground. Blaine can hear a small electric buzz.

Kurt’s standing there with a taser in hand. “Hey.”

“Hey you.”

“Artie had been working on tasers. They weren’t finished yet, but Jeff thought it’d be a great idea to test them on Razor Claw,” Kurt says happily. He presses on his earbud. “They work!”

Blaine fishes some handcuffs out of his utility belt and he puts them around Razor Claw’s wrists. “Let’s take him in.”

Sam high-fives Blaine.

“Man, the actual Nightbird and Porcelain are going to be pissed that you two managed to take out Razor Claw. I know Porcelain wanted to take him out so badly.”

“That’s why we’re leaving the unmasking for them,” Kurt says.

They had teleported the unconscious Razor Claw to the lab and Mercedes and Nick had immediately put him in power-dampening cell.

Rachel and Wes are fussing over the boy they’ve saved and his mothers are on their way to pick him up. They sounded very grateful and tearful over the phone. Mayor Gilbert is still in the air, but he’s been alerted as well.

Kurt and Blaine finally have time to inspect the book. After everything that has happened, the book was the last of their concern.

There are two round shapes on the page.

“Oh great, how detailed,” Blaine mutters.

Trent, Mercedes and Sam are looking at the book with great interest and Kurt and Blaine tell them about all the previous dimensions while they wait for the mothers to arrive.

When they do, the little boy immediately runs towards his parents. They’re all crying and hugging, so Kurt and Blaine decide to step away to give them some privacy.

Eventually, one of the mothers approaches them and she pulls them into a hug.

“Words cannot explain the feeling of gratitude that my wife and I are experiencing right now,” she says, “It’s the least we could do, but please, take these as a sign of our gratitude.”

Blaine wants to protest and tell her that it isn’t necessary, but the woman holds out two golden pins with the coat of arms of New York on it.

“Just don’t tell my dad I stole his golden pins,” she says and the three of them laugh.

“Honey, he’s the mayor of New York. He has enough of them,” her wife calls out. She’s still holding her son.

Kurt and Blaine accept the pins, knowing that they belong to the book.

They can’t activate it in front of the boy and his parents, so they wait till they’re gone. It takes a while, because the mothers are busy thanking everyone and the boy wants to explore the lab, but when they do, it’s time to go.

Kurt puts his pin on the page.

The others stare in awe when they watch it disappear.

“Well, this has been fun, but it is time for us to go,” Kurt says to the others.

Blaine nods. “We really hope the actual Nightbird and Porcelain return.”

“Also, it was really nice to be able to talk about this dimension hopping with others for a change,” Kurt says and Blaine hums in agreement.

“Speaking of dimension hopping…” Blaine turns back to the book and he puts his pin on the page, “You’re gonna want to see this.”

The pin disappears and three new words appear on the next page: The Good Place.

Kurt and Blaine share a look. They have no idea what this means, but the words start to grow. They start to surround them and Kurt and Blaine can see the others looking in shock. Blaine waves.

“Goodbye guys!”

End Notes:

I am still in shock. Honestly, you should’ve seen the look on my face when I realised it was 6968 words long.

Anway, Kurt and Blaine are called to a bomb threat and a villain named Razor Claw (thanks fantasynamegenerators for that one) is there. There are indeed bombs and Kurt and Blaine have to save people inside the library, but they don’t succeed. Razor Claw then kidnaps a child. Apart from the kidnapping, the child doesn’t get very hurt, although Razor Claw does threaten to hurt and kill him.

And last, the sentence I copied from Grey is “Oh god, they have fucked up. Oh god, they have fucked up so badly, to get to here, how could they get to here?” The ATOG verse is by far one of the best written works of fanfiction out here, so I highly recommend it, but heed the warnings.

… wow, 7K+ words. Can you believe I still cut out a B-plot?


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