Sept. 30, 2011, 6:37 a.m.
Sept. 30, 2011, 6:37 a.m.
Kurt had remained in the building after classes had ended to discuss the most recent assignment with his English teacher. He had tried--to no avail--to convince her to allow him to write his paper on a subject of his choosing instead, but she had remained firm.
He walked swiftly down the hallway, eager to head for home. His parents and Finn would be gone until early evening, so he and Blaine would have some time alone.
Maybe I can finally get him to tell me what's been bothering him all week, Kurt thought.
Hands grasped his shoulders, yanking him off his path and dragging him down�� a small hallway.
Kurt opened his mouth to yell at his attackers, only to have a piece of cloth jammed into it. He struggled mightily, but the hands on his arms continued to drag him down the hall.
He heard a door open and then he was shoved into a tiny room. The cloth was yanked out of his mouth, and he glared defiantly at his attackers.
"We're really tired of your attitude, Hummel," one of them said. "It was bad enough having you here spreading your fairy dust, but now you've brought your little boyfriend in and made Karofsky catch the gay, too."
He paused for a moment. "We're putting you back in the closet where you belong. Can't have you keep spreading the gay around." With that, he slammed the door shut, leaving Kurt in total darkness.
Kurt remained motionless for a few moments before jumping up to��tug on the door handle...only to find that there was no handle on the inside. He reached into his pocket for his cellphone and turned it on.
No Service read the upper corner of the display.
After 30 minutes in the closet, Kurt was beginning to panic. Only jocks and Cheerios would be at school after 4:30 on a Friday, and he doubted any of them would let him out. He sat with his head against the door, listening, hoping for someone to come along.
Five minutes later, Kurt heard footsteps coming down the hall. He banged on the door and began shouting. The footsteps quickened as the person in the hall got closer.
"Kurt, is that you?" Kurt almost sighed in relief as he heard Santana's voice. "Yeah," he replied. "It's me."
"What the hell happened?" she demanded. The door handle rattled as she tried open the door. "Dammit, it's locked. I'm gonna go get someone; I'll be right back."
Kurt heard her footsteps fade as she ran away. A few minutes later, he heard a key enter the lock and the door popped open. "Porcelain, why the hell didn't you tell anyone you were being bullied again?"
Kurt stood, dusting off his jeans and slinging his messenger bag over his shoulder. "This was the first time they have been 'violent,'" he replied. "All other instances were merely annoyances."
Kurt turned his back to them. "Now if you ladies will excuse me, I need to go home and spend some time with my boyfriend."
Kurt strode away, head held high, leaving Coach Sylvester and Santana to watch him with unreadable expressions on their faces.