Against All Odds
Missed Him By THAT Much Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Against All Odds: Missed Him By THAT Much

M - Words: 1,013 - Last Updated: Jan 19, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 37/? - Created: Dec 18, 2013 - Updated: Dec 18, 2013
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Author's Notes:

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Kurt was glad he'd found a way to mark his path. He felt like he was finally making progress. After walking into a dead end, he turned around to follow his trail back to the last fork, when he noticed that his arrow was now on the opposite wall. It was as if someone or something was changing his marks. Or the walls were moving on their own. He backtracked a few more corners and found a dead end where there had definitely been a corridor just moments before. Kurt felt tears of frustration burn in the corners of his eyes. It wasn't fair. He was exhausted, dehydrated, and terrified. He hadn't seen another tribute since Tina, and he was beginning to think that the Gamemakers were actively trying to keep him and Blaine from finding one another. As he tried to come up with yet another strategy, the wall he was leaning against started to move. It was slowly pulling away from him as if the walls were closing in on an adjacent room. Another tribute must have triggered a trap of some kind. He held his breath to listen in case the other tribute headed in his direction. Kurt could hear someone breathing hard as they struggled to find a way out of the shrinking room. Whoever it was had managed to get hold of some supplies. Kurt watched as a large supply pack was thrown up over the wall and landed directly at his feet. Knowing the other tribute would probably appear over the wall in a few moments, Kurt grabbed the supplies and took off in a random direction. The pack was heavy and he could hear a container of water sloshing around in it. Satisfied that he wouldn't die of thirst, Kurt listened for a cannon that would tell him if the other tribute made it over the wall or not. Not hearing one, he kept running in case the other tribute managed to track him down. He didn't slow down until the sun had completely set and the only light left in the arena shone from the moon and stars.

Burt could sense the anticipation in the Capitol as Kurt and Blaine missed one another by mere seconds. He knew the Gamemakers wouldn't make it that easy for the boys to find each other by chance, so he needed to get them the tools to do it.  The audience was getting anxious for more bloodshed and he knew they'd stand a better chance at survival together. For the first time since becoming a mentor, Burt felt hopeful that one of his tributes would survive. He was grateful to have Sue around when he negotiated with sponsors. This was new territory for him and her familiarity with Capitol customs was invaluable. Together they had arranged for several gifts to be delivered to the boys beginning tonight just past sunset.

Karofsky and his alliance were almost on top of the boy from 6, the one who had messed up their plans back at the cornucopia. They'd been following him ever since he and Anderson escaped and he must have hit a few dead ends because they had just about caught up with him. Karofsky could sense that his allies were planning to turn on him soon, and he knew he was losing his advantage with every passing second. He had been hoping the alliance would hold until they took out their current target because the boy had gotten away from the cornucopia with some weapons and would certainly put up a fight. Not that Karofsky thought the boy had any chance of winning, but he preferred to have the numbers on his side. He wondered if he could at least keep a partial alliance with Azimio and take out the girls first. He was about to pull the other boy aside when his District partner suddenly took off running. The other three couldn't tell if she was chasing down the boy from 6, or if she was breaking off the alliance and running from the rest of the group. Either way Karofsky knew they had to follow her. He needed to ensure his record kill count. Without even checking to see if the others were following him, Karofsky started his pursuit.

Sebastian just wanted the Games to be over with. He had let the career alliance think he was on their side so he'd have a clear shot to some weapons and supplies at the cornucopia. He laughed when he thought of Karofsky calling the shots during training. The hulking boy was an idiot and Sebastian had no intention of following his orders, but he knew they'd leave him alone during the bloodbath if they thought he was part of their group. The career pack was furious that Blaine had scored higher than them in training. They were determined make him pay and resolved to torture him slowly before killing him. Sebastian thought it was petty and ridiculous. All the scores proved was that the Gamemakers had some brains this year. The only thing Karofsky and his lackeys had going for them was brute strength. Anyone with brains larger than a grape would be able to outwit them. Add their stupidity to their obvious bloodlust and it was only a matter of time before they killed each other and left the arena wide open for the other tributes. Sebastian wasn't stupid enough to actually be part of that alliance. Besides, Games or no Games, he couldn't be on board with any plan that would ruin Blaine's flawless face. Of course Sebastian would kill the handsome boy if it came down to it, but he abhorred the idea of cutting up such a gorgeous face. Someone so attractive and talented should have stayed in the Capitol where he belonged. And then when Sebastian won the Games he would have a yearly opportunity to enjoy Blaine's company. Unfortunately the boy clearly had a hero complex and actually believed in something as fleeting as love. Such a waste.


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