Against All Odds
Interviews Part 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Against All Odds: Interviews Part 2

M - Words: 1,326 - Last Updated: Jan 19, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 37/? - Created: Dec 18, 2013 - Updated: Dec 18, 2013
160 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Some of you might recognize part of Blaines little speech there. So clearly I didnt write that one, but I couldnt NOT use it because it was just so beautiful and emotional.

The song Blaine sings in this chapter is by my all time favorite band, Jacks Mannequin. Its called Swim and I cant decide if I want him to be singing the original album version or the music box version from the Dear Jack EP. Both are just great.

Love it? Hate it? Let me know!


The second Kurt started walking in his direction, Blaine ran out from backstage to block his path. In front of the entire Capitol and broadcast to every District, Blaine gently held Kurt's face in his hands and kissed him. It was a deep and passionate kiss, and Kurt responded by placing a hand on the back of Blaine's neck and pulling him closer. The audience cheered, clapped, and cat called as the boys ended their kiss with a gentle peck on the lips and quiet “I love you's.” By the time Blaine had taken his seat on stage, it was clear that his interview was the most highly anticipated.

“Talk about saving the best for last. The prodigal son. That's quite a nickname you've got there Blaine. And I think I speak for all of us when I say we're so glad to have you back here in the Capitol.” The deafening applause was confirmation that the crowd agreed.

“I'm glad to be back too, but I've gotta tell you, moving to 12 was the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“That would be because of a certain chestnut haired boy you brought back with you?” The MC gave Blaine a knowing look as the screens behind them replayed their kiss from a few seconds ago and froze on the image of their foreheads resting against each other. “I'm sure the past few weeks have been as emotional for you as they have been for us. So let's start at the beginning. Tell us what went through your head when Kurt's name was called at the reaping?”

“Honestly, we had been expecting it ever since the announcement that the Districts would choose their tributes this year. Kurt was a target the second the Quell was announced. I would have been too if people weren't so afraid of my father. Kurt doesn't know it, but I had been planning to volunteer in his place from the start. We just didn't anticipate the cruelty of our neighbors in 12. How could we? It was a sick joke when his name was called as the female tribute and I knew there was no way I would be allowed to take his place. So I had about 30 seconds to come up with a new plan. To go to the Games with him and do whatever it takes to make sure he wins.” Blaine spoke with conviction, and the audience was surprised at the revelation that he had planned to come in Kurt's place from the word go.

Backstage, Burt watched Blaine's interview with tears in his eyes as he realized the depth of the love between his son and the incredible, selfless boy on stage. He had always worried that Kurt might not find love in District 12. When Blaine showed up and they had gotten together, Burt had wondered if the two of them had fallen together simply because they didn't have any other dating options. Now he saw how much he'd underestimated their love. The thought of Kurt finding someone who loved him as deeply as Blaine, only to lose him in the Games, broke Burt's heart.

Onstage Blaine told the story of his arrival in 12 and meeting Kurt for the first time. “He reached out a hand to help me up and I took it. Now, those of you who know me know that Im not in the habit of taking peoples hands that Ive never met before. But I think my soul knew something that my body and my mind didnt know yet. It knew that our hands were meant to hold each other. Fearlessly and forever. Which is why its never really felt like Ive been getting to know Kurt. Its always felt like I was remembering him from something. As if every lifetime that we have ever lived, weve chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again. Over and over for all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found him so soon in this lifetime. Because all I want to do, all Ive ever wanted to do is spend the rest of my life loving him. No matter how limited that time might be.”

There wasn't a dry eye in the entire Capitol. But Blaine wasn't talking to the audience anymore. That speech was meant solely for Kurt who stood backstage with his father and wanted nothing more than to run to Blaine and tell him that that's all he wants too.

The MC was rendered speechless by Blaine's heartbreaking affirmation. He simply nodded for Blaine to continue as he wiped away his silent tears. “I wish things were different. I always imagined Kurt and I travelling to the Capitol together, but for happier reasons. Now that I'm 18 and can leave my father's care, I've been wanting to come home and restart my life here. With Kurt.” Blaine looked behind him to where he knew Kurt was watching from backstage. “I wish I had had the courage months ago to ask Kurt to marry me and move here with me. It'll always be my last great regret. We would have been safe from the reaping. We'd be together. But then our friends would be here in our place.” He took a deep breath and looked to the MC, silently letting him know that he'd reached his limit for heartbreak.

“Well Blaine, I think we're almost out of time. I know this has been a tough interview, so I think we can let you off the hook here a few minutes early.”

Blaine shook his head as he looked out at the crowd. “I believe I promised everyone I would sing one more song for them before the Games. If they're still interested.” The crowd screamed their assent, begging him for one last song. As if this moment had been planned from the start, a keyboard was wheeled out onto the stage. Blaine moved to sit at it. “I wanted to give you something new. This song is called ‘Swim.' I've been working on it since the reaping. I wrote it for Kurt.”

You've gotta swim

Swim for your life

Swim for the music that saves you

when you're not so sure you'll survive

You gotta swim

And swim when it hurts

The whole world is watching

You haven't come this far to fall off the Earth

The currents will pull you

away from your love

Just keep your head above

I found a tidal wave

begging to tear down the dawn

Memories like bullets

they fired at me from a gun

A crack in the armor

I swim for brighter days

despite the absence of sun

Choking on salt water

I'm not giving in


By the time Blaine ended the song, he had tears running down his face. He managed a sincere smile at the crowd as he stood and tearfully addressed them for the last time. “Thank you for everything. I have loved spending most of my life here and am happy Kurt and I had a chance to share our love with you. Please take care of him for me when the Games are over. I will miss you all.”


As far as interviews went, Blaine had blown the competition out of the water. There have always been tributes who approach their interview like it's another step between them and their death sentence -- which isn't far from the truth. And of course the career pack and other high scoring tributes have always been confident in their interviews that they alone have the skills and strength necessary to win the Games. But what Blaine has done is unprecedented. He took both paths. Blaine stood before the entire Capitol and told them that he's going to win the Games. For Kurt. And that he's going to die doing it.


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