Hidden Dangers
No More Secrets Previous Chapter Story
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Hidden Dangers: No More Secrets

K - Words: 1,561 - Last Updated: Apr 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Apr 11, 2012 - Updated: Apr 17, 2012
542 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry this took so long to update hope you like it!!

I bounded down the hall, ignoring the slight dizzy feeling that was overtaking me. As I rounded the corner I saw the room. Kurt's room. They had finally stabilized him, and moved him, while I had been asleep.  I approached the door of room 243, and paused to prepare myself. What if Kurt doesn't want to see me? What if he hates me? Well this is all my fault, and I deserve whatever is coming to me, I thought as I reached for the knob again, this time taking it in my hand and slowly pushing the door open. 

As I turned the knob and entered the room,  I saw nothing but Kurt. He was lying on the bed, looking so broken and sick. He must have been hooked up to at least 15 different machines. He had a large IV in his arm and a tube that was connected to his nose that was giving him oxygen. And he was sound asleep but the expression on his face made him look like he was in pain.

I immediately broke down. My hands started to shake and tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn't handle seeing the man that I love in so much pain; especially since I caused it. Finn leaped up from his seat and wrapped his giant arms around me and guiding me into his chest, while hushing my loud sobs. "It’s okay Blaine, the doctors said he will be okay." he murmured "you are going to wake him with your crying, shush! he needs his sleep, and you need to stop beating yourself up over this."  
" I can't Finn; he's in this state because of me. What kind of boyfriend doesn't know that his boyfriend is allergic to peanut butter and then...." my sobs picked up again and I couldn't even finish my sentence.  Finn shook his head, “I didn't even know until his dad told me, don't beat yourself up over it!" 

All of a sudden there was a quiet murmur from across the room. I was still, as I slowly turned my head and saw Kurt starting to wake. "b..l..a..." 
"b...l...a...i...n..e?" I couldn't believe my ears he was actually calling my name. I didn't hesitate, as I quickly rushed to his bed side and scoped up his soft hands in mine. "Kurt I'm here!" His eye opened more and blue met hazel as his beautiful eyes looked into mine.  I hoped he could see the love I had for him in my eyes. 
"Blaine, what did you do?" I immediately froze. Kurt knew he had the reaction because of me and he was angry I could tell. He is blaming me and he should, but why is he going to make me recap my wrongdoings?? "I ate peanut butter and kissed you! I'm soo sorry Kurt I should have-" I was abruptly cut off by Kurt loudly exclaiming,” Stop!!!First of all, I do not blame you for my allergic reaction I should have told you I was allergic, second you need to stop apologizing because it's becoming annoying, and third I was asking what you did because I want to know why you have a bandage and a hospital bracelet on your arm. "

Dumbfounded and completely awestricken that Kurt is not angry with me I begin to cry. Kurt of course sees the tears in my eyes and reaches up to wipe them away. Then he guides me into his chest and starts to kiss the top of my head to soothe me. “It’s okay Blaine I'm fine! Now what did you do to end up becoming a patient too." I could not stop the tears coming from my eyes long enough to answer so Finn cut in. " He passed out from severe dehydration in the ER waiting room,  and they had to give him an IV so he could get hydrated again. " Finn kindly answered seeing that I was clearly incapable. “oh Blaine baby, are you feeling okay, is your head okay?" how did he know my head still felt like it was going to explode. Kurt could always read my mind. Wait I am supposed to be worrying about Kurt not the other way around, I need to act strong for Kurt! 
"Oh ya, my head is completely fine! How are you feeling you looked like you were in so much pain?" I tried desperately to change the subject. "I am fine now, I am only here so they can make sure the medicine they gave me works but I'm not in any pain anymore." 

Five minutes went by and my headache was getting worse and I was having trouble concentrating on Kurt, who was talking to me. “ya the doctors said I can go home tomorrow as- Blaine are you listening?" I hadn't even heard him talking, so I quickly just nodded my head and mumbled, “ya ya I’m listening." I squeezed my eyes close so I could concentrate on thinking and listening instead of my horrible headache. 

What seemed like an eternity of pain later, I felt Kurt's hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and he moved his hand to under my chin and raised it up so he could look in my eyes. “Blaine, I know there is something wrong with you right now cause your acting really spacy and weird. So you can either tell me what it is or I will make you tell me!" Kurt said sternly. I guess I am going to have to tell him that my head feels like it is going to blow up. "Well, I guess my head hurts a little." “I knew it, how bad like on a scale of one to ten?" I had to think about that, I couldn't say 11, Kurt would go ballistic but my head really was starting to hurt so, “like an 8 or a 9.  Burt I'm really fine, I just want to be here with you so -" In the middle of my explanation Kurt's doctor knocked on the door and entered." Hello, nice to see you awake Kurt, who do we have here?" the doctor said pointing to me and Finn. “That’s my brother Finn and my boyfriend Blaine." “Oh well nice to meet you both! I just need to do a quick check up they can stay in the room if you don't mind." "Ya I don't care if they stay actually, before you look at me could you check out my boyfriend first, he was just in a room because he became dehydrated and fainted. Then he was put on an IV to fix that, but now he has a really bad headache - well I'm just nervous!" the doctor looked questioningly at me but replied, " sure I can it’s not hospital policy but if you don't tell I won't.” The doctor approached me and took out a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff. He took my heartbeat and my blood pressure and thought for a moment. “I have seen this happen before it seems that you have relapsed Blaine because you were dehydrated but then fixed it but your body was still not  perfect so it needed more hydration and you did not supply it so it became dehydrated again." Kurt looked shocked, and I tried to soothe him by shooting him a look but it could not swipe the look of terror off his face. I opened my mouth to say I was fine when I felt a wave of nausea hit me. I clamped my hand over my mouth and ran for the bathroom barely making it in time to empty the content of my stomach into the toilet. Then I dry heaved for a few minutes until another wave of nausea hit and I threw up again. 

Finally it stopped, I wiped my mouth off and flushed the toilet and returned to the other room to see a scared Kurt and Finn and the doctor. “Blaine sit tight for a minute I am going to go get you a wheelchair and return you to your room,“ with that he left. I turned to Finn and Kurt confused, what was going on? Finn spoke up, “They have to take you back to your room because he thinks you became dehydrated again, but he can't treat you in another patient’s room.” I turned to Kurt, frustration visible on my face, but when I saw Kurt I nearly lost it. He had tears in his eyes and his lip was quivering. "Why didn't you tell me you felt sick again, you could’ve died if you didn't deal with this." he sounded so disappointed," Well I was worried about you and I didn't think I was a priority. And speaking of not telling people you didn't tell me you were allergic to peanut butter...”

                “And look where that got us Blaine!" "I’m sorry okay-” I began to cry, and then sob and I couldn't speak any more my head was hurting too badly. Then the doctor came back again and he and a nurse helped me into the wheelchair and hurriedly rushed me from the room.  Just before the door shut I heard a quiet "I love you" and then I was gone. 

End Notes: Okay so ya I really have no clue where this chapter came from and why I am taking the story in this direction but if you like it let me know and if there are any questions let me know cause I really have no clue what just happened I just sort of started to write and this came out haha! So keep reviewing and reading it's much appreciated!!


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Mayb these more to the sickness they both coming down with .. Interesting like ti see whee it goes god luck