April 17, 2012, 6:48 a.m.
April 17, 2012, 6:48 a.m.
Okay so this chapter is going to start out in Kurt's Point of View of the events that have happened hope you like let me know ...
I know I am going to be late for glee, but I know Blaine will understand. As
I opened the doors of the school's main entrance I was greeted by howling winds and heavy sheets of rain. Oh great just what my hair needs! Bolting from the door with all my speed I managed to get the door of Finn's truck open and jump in all in one swift movement. I quickly started to look for my Tylenol that I kept in Finn's glove compartment. Earlier today I had been slammed into my locker and slushied right as I was making my way to lunch, so I never made it to lunch. The check into my locker hurt worse than usual, but I didn't want to worry Blaine by texting him and asking him for some pain meds, so I spent the rest of the day in pain.
I knew if I had texted Blaine and told him he would make a big deal out of it and I was already having a bad day, so I avoided him for the rest of the day. Now I am unfortunately regretting skipping lunch and avoiding Blaine because taking Tylenol on an empty stomach always makes me sick, but I will manage. Maybe Blaine will have something for me to eat since he usually brings an after school before Glee club snack.
As I rummaged through the compartment I finally found the Tylenol bottle and popped the pills into my mouth dry swallowing them since I had no water. I jumped out of the car and ran for the building again shielding my perfect hair with my messenger bag. I reached the doors and entered, heading straight for Glee.
As I rounded the first corner I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I Reached down and pulled it out, and beamed as I saw it was from Blaine:
Where are you, I am getting nervous I haven't seen you all day!-B
Immediately feeling sorry about avoiding Blaine, I sent him a quick reply even though I would see him in just a few minutes;
I'm fine! Sorry to worry you I had to go out to the car to grab something I'll be there in a minute! -K
Not paying attention to where I was going I walked right into someone. As I looked up to see who I had hit I realized it was one of the football guys. "Watch where you're going fairy! Next time you run into me I'll kill you!" yelled the large and obnoxious boy.
Slightly shaken by the threat I tried to brush it off as nothing and remind myself that I was about to see Blaine and he would make everything better.
Finally I arrived at the choir room, and swept into the room in my usual fashion. Quickly apologized for being late to and took my usual seat next to Blaine.
As I sat down, Blaine and I both turned to look at each other simultaneously. A big smile broke across both of our faces as we leaned into plant a light kiss on each other's lips. Although it was just a discrete kiss I could feel the love and passion behind Blaine's lips, which caused me to smile as I pulled away. I sighed from seeing the love that Blaine felt in his eyes too. What did I do to deserve such a wonderful boyfriend?
Almost five minutes later my throat started to tickle and then have a weird burning feeling in it. This feeling was unlike normal sore throats, but I could not figure out where I had felt this feeling before. Although I felt slightly uneasy by the uncomfortable feeling I shook it off. Of course Blaine noticed since he can read my expressions like a book and he whispered, "Are you okay?" Unsure, I simply replied , "Ya I'm fine, just my throat hurts a little." I didn't want to worry Blaine with a stupid sore throat.
It felt like only a couple minutes later when I could almost not breathe at all, but I didn't want to draw attention to myself so I tried to capture air as quietly as possible. But Blaine must have heard my weak attempts because when I looked at him I could see the worry and concern filling his eyes. So I was not surprised when he whispered again, "Are you okay?" this time I knew he would not believe my lies so I responded honestly, "No. My throat feels like its closing..." Instantly I could see the terror that was sketched across my face mirror on Blaine's. Now it was becoming more difficult to concentrate on everything going on around me since all my efforts was going towards breathing. I distantly heard Blaine's trembling voice yell out, " I think Kurt is having an allergic reaction does anyone have an Epipen?"
How could I have been so stupid that is why I recognized the strange feeling in my throat I was having an allergic reaction! Oh god I am having an allergic reaction! Hell broke out in the choir room and my mind. This can't be happening to me not here, this is so embarrassing! I found my spare Epipen and thrust it at Blaine, whose hands were shaking. He quickly understood what I needed him to do and slapped on his brave face. He Jammed the Epipen into my leg, and then took me into his arms. Gently holding my body and stroking my hair. Although Blaine was trying to comfort me, my body parts were quickly going numb and all I could think about was my need for air and the pain in my throat. I feel like I am going to die and I can't even tell Blaine how much I love him.
As the paramedics arrived everything was a complete blur. I could not understand what they were saying or anybody else for that matter. I vigorously was trying to hold onto consciousness. I could vaguely hear someone yelling, then it all clicked that someone was Blaine. Oh no am I dying, is that why he's yelling.
Blaine please I'm fine, don't worry. The last thing I remember was the familiar touch of Blaine's hand on mine and then he was gone and everything was just a big blur of confusion and pain.
(End of Kurt's PoV)