April 17, 2012, 6:48 a.m.
April 17, 2012, 6:48 a.m.
The bell had just rung signifying the end of the school dayand Blaine entered the choir room rejoiced that he would be able to see Kurt.For some unknown reason Kurt had not been at lunch today so he had beenworrying about him all day. But to Blaine's disappointment, when he entered thechoir room all of the New Directions were there but not Kurt. Starting topanic, Blaine wiped out his phone and sent Kurt a quick text:
Where are you, I am getting nervous Ihaven't seen you all day! -B
The concern was tearing Blaine apart, and he could barely concentrate on thelesson that Mr. Schue was introducing for today. He felt his phone vibrate andslid it from his pocket and saw that he had one new text from Kurt:
I'm fine! Sorry to worry you I had to goout to the car to grab something. I'll be therein a minute! -K
Relieved Blaine returned his phone to his pocket and focused his attention on today'smusic target, Wicked. Suddenly his attention was drawn to the door, as Kurt sweptinto the room in his usual graceful way.
Kurt quickly apologized for his lateness and rushed to take his seat next to Blaine. Agrand smile stretched across Blaine's face as Kurt turned to him; they bothleaned into each other and kissed discretely so they would not draw attentionto themselves. As they slowly pulled away Blaine just starredpassionately at his beautiful boyfriend and wondered what he did to deservehim.
Nearly five minutes later, Blaine pulled his attention away from Mr. Schue and starredlovingly at Kurt again, but this time something was wrong. Kurt did not havehis usual carefree look on his face that he wore during glee especially; whenthey were talking about Wicked. Instead Kurt almost had a look of pain on hisface. Worried, Blaine lightly taped Kurt's shoulder and whispered,"Are you okay?" Kurt looked like he was struggling to respond, and herasped, "Ya, I'm fine, just my throat hurts a little."
Another three minutes passed, and Blaine heard a wheezing noise coming from Kurt. Concern welled up in him again and he repeated his previous question, "Areyou okay?!" This time Kurt could barely choke out; "No. My throat feelslike its closing..." Terror stricken Blaine began to panic, poor Kurt whatwould cause his throat to close! Then Blaine realized that if you have andallergic reaction your throat closes. OH GOD Kurt was having an allergicreaction, but to what he seemed fine when he walked in? Unsure what to do Blaineloudly announced; " I think Kurt is having an allergic reaction doesanyone have an Epipen?" Blaine's voice trembled with fear as he knewthat his boyfriend was probably in pain. Then the room broke out into a spell of panic.Everyone was shouting trying to figure out what to do. Mike took charge and called911. The operator said to find the nearest Epipen and use it and wait till the ambulance arrived. Meanwhile Kurtwas able to pull out an Epipen from his bag and hand it to Blaine. Terrifiedthat he would have to stab his boyfriend, Blaine's hands slightly shook but herealized that Kurt needed him to be brave for both of them so he jammedthe Epipen into Kurt and waited for it to work.
Kurt's body started to go limp and the Epipen was beginning to relieve him a littlebut Blaine could tell he was uncomfortable and in pain. Why Kurt? Why do allthe bad things happen to him? Blaine thought questioningly. As they waited forthe Ambulance Blaine held Kurt's limp body in his arms and stroked his hairtrying to calm his terrified boyfriend.
The paramedics entered with a stretcher and loaded Kurt onto it, and theybroke out into a run for the ambulance. Blaine and Finn were practicallysprinting to keep up. As they approached the ambulance they loaded Kurt in andBlaine and Finn both got in as they refused to leave Kurt. Then the ambulancesped off for the hospital the Paramedics asked Blaine and Finn if they knewwhat Kurt had the reaction to but Blaine did not even know that Kurt wasallergic to anything until several minutes ago, so he looked at Finn dumbfound. Finn thought and replied, " I remember that his dad had once told me we can't buy peanut butter because he isdeathly allergic, and sometimes if he even just touches it to his lips that hecan have bad allergic reaction. " Finn paused and thought again, "but Idon't know how he would have had a reaction to peanut butter since he was finewhen he came into Glee."
All of a sudden Blaine felt like he had been hit by a bus. He had had peanut butterfor a snack before glee... and when he kissed Kurt he got the peanut butter inhis mouth. Blaine felt like everything was shaking and he realized he had begunto cry. His silent tears turned into sobs, and Finn wrapped an arm around him and said, "It will be okayBlaine, don't worry." Blaine mumbled in between sobs, "it's myfault, it's my fault."
"What are you talking about?" Finndemanded confused. "Finn I kissed Kurt after I ate a peanut butter sandwich, it's all my fault!"Blaine yelled going hysterical.
Just then they arrived at the hospital and the paramedics rushed to unlock the doorsand Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand one last time, he could see the terror inKurt's face, and the love in his eyes that were swimming with tears. And thenhe was gone because the paramedics rushed him from the Ambulance and into theER.
Blaine and Finn slowly made their way to the plastic chairs in the ER waiting room butbefore Blaine could make it to the chair he crumpled to the ground and theday's events were overtaking his brain. He could not handle the grief of whathe had done, how could he have hurt the one he loved so badly? How could hehave never asked Kurt if he was allergic he had to have been the most ignorantboyfriend ever! Slowly his vision turned into a long dark tunnel and hecould hear Finn distantly shouting his name, but he could not respond. Then everything went black.
So ya this is my first story I will most likely just write a few chapters but only if I get some reviews cause I don't want to waste my time haha;) so what did you think be honest cause I have never written a fic before and if there is a lot of spelling mistakes its cause I wrote this on my phone... sorry! But honestly I could use constructive criticism and since it's my first story please let me know if you like it or hate it that'd be great!
P.S. I don't own Glee or anything related to Glee unfortunately ;)