Aug. 30, 2012, 6:58 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2012, 6:58 a.m.
“Sit down, come on, sit. Quickly!” Cooper rushed into the room, ordering the agents. He looked around. “Where’s Blaine?”
“Not here yet!” Angela replied.
“Damn. We can’t start without him.” As if on cue, Blaine ran into the meeting room, tie askew and breathing hard. It was only a five minute run between both of his workplaces and despite it being winter and therefore freezing, running with layers still managed to make Blaine warm and breathless.
“I’m here! Make it quick, Kurt thinks I’ve gone to get coffee.”
“We best start now then,” Cooper picked up the television remote and pressed a button. The screen lit up and showed the picture of the writing from Kurt’s hidden room.
“I have managed to translate the message – turns out, it was Chinese, but an ancient form, only used decades ago in a small eastern-area of China. The message reads,” Cooper clicked the remote, “Better luck next time, DK.”
“…DK? Are they initials or a code?” Blaine asked.
“I though initials, so I asked Santana,” a regal wave and smug smile from the woman herself, “to write the names of anyone in Kurt’s personal life down and Blaine, you write down any clients, anyone he’s been in contact with and we’ll see what we can do.”
Blaine nodded and made a plan to go through appointment books and call logs as soon as he could.
“But, providing these are initials, it causes some major issues; someone else is looking for the stolen jewellery too. It’s looking like we might have two people to catch.”
There was silence as everyone processed this.
“But we’ll worry about that when we get to it. Alright, back to work!” Cooper instructed and the occupants of the room went to stand but Blaine suddenly remembered something.
“WAIT! I need a favour!”
Blaine heaved the last box into Kurt’s office and closed his eyes briefly. He was exhausted.
Last night, it had taken 4 hours for Blaine, Cooper, Angela and Santana – though the latter was extremely reluctant – to sort through all of the shoes and categorize them all. Then, Blaine had gone to his apartment and spent another 2 hours finding the names of anyone Kurt had ever been in professional contact with since Blaine had been his PA. This resulted in Blaine having three hours sleep last night. It better be worth it.
He perched on the edge of the desk, resting his legs and reached under his glasses to rub his eyes. He’d forgone the contacts today, through pure laziness.
“Off, that’s mahogany.”
Blaine bristled at the voice and opened his eyes to see Kurt strut in, pulling off his sunglasses elegantly – not getting them stuck on an ear like Blaine usually ends up doing – and unbuttoning his coat.
“I need you to run me these, “Kurt handed him a pile of paper with sketches on, “down to Jean, tell her I need seven copies of each for this afternoon.” He sat at his desk and started writing into a notebook, obviously having finished talking to Blaine.
Blaine stared and didn’t move. Kurt hadn’t commented on the boxes. The near-impossible task that Kurt had set for Blaine to do in 2 days had just been done in 1. He couldn’t let it pass.
“The shoes are categorized, as you asked. I managed to do them early.”
Kurt looked up briefly and nodded. “Great. Jean, please.”
Blaine’s mouth parted slightly in anger and frustration. Kurt tapped the papers that needed photocopying, looking impatient now and Blaine bit his tongue and snatched the papers off the desk, walking out as sassily as he dared.
Kurt waited until Blaine had been out of sight for a few seconds, before placing his pen down and taking his head in his hands. Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian.
Blaine’s brow furrowed as a bouquet of beautiful red roses were dropped off at his desk. Has someone sent me flowers? He lifted his head to ask the delivery person but he’d already left.
“Finn, do you know who these are for?” He called over to the boy, who was sitting and reading a newspaper on the sofa.
Said boy rolled his eyes, “They’re for Kurt. From Sebastian.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Blaine suppressed the urge to throw them in the trash and went to knock on Kurt’s door.
“Come in.”
Blaine opened the door and placed the roses on Kurt’s desk.
“These came for you.”
Kurt didn’t look up from his computer screen. He simply nodded, not looking impressed. After a few silent seconds, his eyes flicked to Blaine’s face.
“Is that all?”
“Yes sir.”
“Okay. You can go.” Blaine took the hint and left the room, the feeling of disappointment still there, though he gets dismissed like so every single day.
“So dude, are you coming to the Christmas party?” Finn asked, accepting a cup of coffee from Blaine.
“Yeah. Every Christmas, Kurt throws a party and invites the whole office and his friends. It’s this Friday. I thought you’d know.” Finn looked confused.
“He hasn’t mentioned it…” Blaine trailed off.
“Oh, well you’re definitely invited dude, I saw your name on the guest list.” Finn smiled crookedly, ending the conversation by putting two earphones in.
Blaine simply shrugged. His mind drifted back to this morning, with the flowers. Kurt hadn’t looked particularly happy. If the flowers were supposed to be an apology, maybe Kurt was thinking of not accepting. Don’t get your hopes up, His mind said, sternly. You don’t know, maybe Kurt loved the flowers.
And, as if on cue, Sebastian walked through the doors and it took him five strides to get to Kurt’s office and slam the door.
“Why yes, he can see you now.” Blaine muttered sarcastically, shaking his head. Finn chuckled, removing one headphone.
“Don’t expect manners from Sebastian. Not if you don’t own a yacht anyway.”
“Why is he here? I thought they broke up?” Blaine asked, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.
“Well…just listen. It should answer your question dude.”
Blaine did so and after a few seconds, he heard the sound of bodies slamming against the door… and was that… muffled… moans?
His eyes widened impossibly wide as Finn grimaced, nodding and replacing his earphones to block out the noise.
Blaine tried to ignore the fact that it felt like his heart had dropped to the bottom of his stomach and the rising nauseous feeling in his body. It took a few sharp blinks for his vision to be clear.
Please update soon? Wonderful job witth the story! :)