Learning again
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Learning again: Chapter 8

T - Words: 1,192 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
1,455 0 2 0 0

“Hi,” Blaine raised his arm in an awkward half wave and smiled sheepishly. Kurt’s breath caught so fast he almost chocked on air.

“Hi,” he answered Blaine in an almost-whisper. Blaine was still smiling but was now running a hand through his curly hair self-consciously. Maybe a good time to stop gaping, A voice in the back of Kurt’s mind said.

Kurt’s back immediately straightened and he grinned shyly at Blaine.

 “Hi.” Kurt answered, so quietly that if the room had not been deadly silent, he wouldn’t have heard anything. Blaine watched as Kurt stood up straighter and smiled. Blaine honestly thought the room lit up. He was lost in thoughts of how to make Kurt smile, before he realised neither of them had spoken.

“Feeling any better?” he asked, breaking the few moments of surprisingly comfortable silence. Kurt blushed prettily and nodded.

He then raised his eyes to meet Blaine’s, and Blaine lost the ability to breathe or think coherently. They are the exact same shade as I remembered them. Blaine thought, granted, it was only a few hours ago, but wow.

However, Kurt decided to open his mind and speak, so Blaine thought it’d be best to at least attempt to listen. 

“Feeling any better?” Blaine asked, and Kurt let out a quick breath, thankful the silence was over. He knew he wouldn’t be able to make conversation with the most attractive guy he’s seen in years, without bringing up something completely humiliating. He then bit back a groan, as the question reminded him that he fainted on this guy randomly.

Attempting to fight back a blush, Kurt only nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He looked to the floor, argued with his mind for a few moments and then decided that it would be best to just thank Blaine for what he did earlier. He said a silent courage in his mind, and looked up to meet Blaine’s gaze.

“Thank you for earlier,” he said quietly, clenching his hands together nervously.

Blaine chuckled and crossed his arms.

“It was no problem,” he smiled and adjusted his glasses. “The performance was amazing by the way.” Blaine complimented, then flushed dramatically and Kurt snickered despite the feeling of embarrassment rising inside him.

“Thanks,” Kurt smiled, though it was slightly strained. Blaine had probably come here with his gorgeous, 6ft boyfriend, with perfect blonde hair and blue eyes. Kurt sighed inwardly. He was saved from making further conversation as Blaine’s phone started to ring, the opening notes of “Uptown Girl” filling the room.

“Excuse me,” he said to Kurt, slightly annoyed at being interrupted but pressing the accept button and smiling broadly nevertheless. Kurt heard a male voice shout on the other end of the phone.

“Hey Wes,” Blaine said, Blaine’s brows furrowed in confusion as the low rumble of a voice carried through the air and he laughed, “Really? David? And why would he do that?” Blaine asked.

Kurt stood patiently for another few moments, trying to blink back the sudden moisture gathering in his eyes at the thought that Blaine had a boyfriend.

Blaine looked over to Kurt and spoke into the phone once more, “Wes, we’ll talk about this later, I’ve got to go.”

Kurt smiled at him, masking his disappointment, “Boyfriend?” he inquired.

Blaine looked shocked at the question, making Kurt wonder if he had just asked something extremely personal. He was relieved when Blaine started chuckling,

“Wes? My boyfriend?! No, there’s no boyfriend, Wes is my best friend, along with David and Mel. I’m currently not seeing anyone,” he gave a small smile and a pointed look towards Kurt. “I’m completely single.” He finished speaking, emphasizing the word ‘single’ and taking a step towards Kurt. Kurt gulped.

“Oh, yeah, me too, single” he muttered, looking towards the floor but moving closer to Blaine as he tried to crush the feelings of hope that were bubbling inside him.

Kurt head was overwhelmed with voices screaming; ask him out! Come on! DO IT KURT! Ask him! It’s simple! The voices sounded suspiciously like a mix of Mercedes and Rachel. 

I am such an idiot, Blaine fumed to himself, what if he isn’t interested? Oh god. I bet I sounded like a complete creep. I should just ask him out, get rejected, get drunk, then move on.

 This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, Kurt thought, as he gathered up all of his self confidence and threw his head back to meet Blaine’s eyes, ready to ask him out, there and then.

The words died in his throat, as Blaine took another step forward, so close they were practically touching and his hazel eyes caught the light.  Kurt couldn’t tear his eyes away.

There was a few minutes silence as the two stood there, almost melting eachother with the heat of their gaze.

“They haven’t spoken in a while…” Rachel whispered to Mel, who was stood behind her. “What do you think there doing?”

“Well… I know what I think they SHOULD be doing, but there isn’t any moans either so,” Mel trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. “Shall we intervene?”

“We shall.” Rachel grinned and opened the door, making sure to ‘struggle’ with the door handle for a few seconds. If they were doing something in there, that should be enough warning.

Mel chuckled behind her, knowing what Rachel was trying to do and Rachel smirked at her and walked in the room.

Kurt and Blaine snapped out of their trance-like states at the door handle rattled. Their eyes snapped to the door, then to eachother, when they both flushed beetroot and started looking around the room, avoiding the other’s eyes determinedly.

The door clicked open and Rachel’s face popped up. She grinned at them.

“We’ve got a table, want to join us?” She asked, having to resist the urge to roll her eyes as Kurt’s eyes widened and he practically jumped away from Blaine as he realised just how close they were standing.

Blaine simply cleared his throat and croaked out a, “that would be lovely thank you” and he held the door open to let Rachel out of the room, with Kurt following before heading after them.

A gentleman too, Kurt thought, feeling impressed. Rachel then gave him a discreet nudge and he glanced at her, as she jerked her head back in Blaine’s direction. He raised an eyebrow, and looked at Blaine.

However, Blaine wasn’t looking at Kurt’s face, he was looking further down behind hi- Oh.

Before Kurt turned back around, he caught Mel’s eye and she winked. He grinned back and proceeded to sway his hips as much as he could as he walked towards the empty table.

Mel bit back a giggle as Blaine actually stopped moving, mouth agape as Kurt’s hips moved from side to side with unsurprising grace.

She grabbed his arm and pushed him onto a chair, his eyes still glued to Kurt.

This is going to be a loooooong night, Mel thought, rolling her eyes. 


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Yes. Yes, I love this. Who needs the couch sex, when they can have Blaine ogling Kurt's ass and an ackward dinner?? I mean, just yes. I likey.(;