Learning again
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Learning again: Chapter 4

T - Words: 591 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
1,533 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Woo, an update!This is really short, so apologies - but school has been crazy at the minute!I'll try and get more chapters out soon; it gets interesting in the next few...thanks to my wonderful beta Kaylee :)

Kurt staggered into the apartment, pulling his key out of the lock and chucking it onto the kitchen side.

“I’m home!” He called, dumping his bags on the floor and toeing off his new Marc Jacob’s shoes. He smiled as he heard Barbara Streisand playing softly out of Rachel’s room, smelling the sweet scents of vanilla that apparently warmed up her vocal chords. ‘In here!’ Came the faint reply.

He pushed her door open, leaning against the frame and crossing his arms and smirked.

Rachel stood there, clad in a fluffy pink dressing gown and a green face mask, had her hair in various bobbles and clips as she curled strips of it. She smiled brightly as he walked in, cracking her face mask slightly.

“Come help me,” She held out the curling tongues, sitting up in her chair so Kurt could reach the underneath of her hair. “How was your day?” she asked.

Kurt’s face dropped slightly and he sighed. He covered Rachel’s hair with heat protection spray, and didn’t answer. Rachel waited patiently- living with Kurt had taught her to read his face quite well. There was some thing on his mind.

Kurt hesitated, unsure how to explain. “…Confusing and exciting at the same time.” He decided were the appropriate words finally, grabbing a bottle of hairspray and spraying a ringlet.

“Why, what happened?” Rachel’s head cocked to the side curiously and Kurt scowled as he had to jump out of the way to stop from burning her neck. “Oh, is it Dylan?” She frowned at the mention of Kurt’s boss’s name. Rachel didn’t agree with the hours Kurt worked or the way his boss treated him.

“Well, not exactly…” Kurt trailed off, before taking a deep breath and spilling the whole story. Rachel’s mouth dropped at the mention of Kurt collapsing, opening her mouth to speak but Kurt put up a hand, silencing her. He explained about Blaine, his gorgeous eyes, hair, personality, smile and that fact he was GAY, meeting his roommate, the coffee shop and Dylan. When Kurt finally paused for breath, Rachel was almost bursting with excitement.

“So when are you going to see him again?!” She squeaked, jigging in her seat. Rachel thought that no-one deserved happiness more than Kurt. What with the homophobic idiots back in Lima and at McKinley, he’d never had the teenage-high school-dating experiences like everyone else. This could be his chance!

Kurt walked over to the plug socket, pulling out the curling tongs and resting them on a heat proof mat. “I’m never going to see him again. I have no way of contacting him- not that he was interested anyway.” He sighed, lifting a hand to run through his hair before realising what he was about to do and letting it drop to his side. “I’m going to shower.” He said, shoulder slumping as he walked out of Rachel’s room, grabbing a navy blue towel from the towel cupboard before closing the bathroom door.

Rachel chewed her bottom lip, thinking hard. The shower started running as she had a sudden thought; I need to get Kurt a boyfriend. He’s obviously shaken up about this Blaine, and I doubt he’ll ever see him again.  

Her eyes lit up as she remembered about her and Kurt’s performance that night. There are usually some pretty cute guys there, she pondered, reaching for her eyeliner. I’ll set him up tonight, She decided, grinning at her own reflection and mentally congratulating herself on being so intelligent. 


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Yay! So cute *o* NEED MORE TO LIVE, THANKS -Q (: