June 5, 2012, 8:47 a.m.
June 5, 2012, 8:47 a.m.
“Raaaaaach?” Kurt called from the kitchen. He walked into the cramped living room to where Rachel was sitting with her feet up, a copy of Kurt’s latest vogue under her nose.
It had been two weeks since Blaine and Kurt’s first date and things were going swimmingly. They’d been on four more dates and both Blaine and Kurt had ended the nights feeling like they were on cloud nine. They haven’t done more than make out but neither of the boys mind. It was currently Thursday in the hummelberry household and on the Friday, Blaine was coming over to their apartment.
Rachel gave a hum in response to Kurt, not looking up from her magazine. He lifted his best friend’s legs up, plonked on the sofa next to her and pulled her feet into his lap. He started absentmindedly stroking her ankles and she nudged him as a cue to start talking.
“Well...” He started, “I invited Blaine over here tomorrow… like, to the apartment.” Rachel merely smiled and said, “That’s great…what’s up? Nervous?”
“No! I mean, not really. But do you think you could… umm, could you, maybe, go awa- no that’s not what I meant! Umm, I-I well… I umm,” He stuttered and Rachel grinned evilly behind her Vogue before setting an innocent expression and looking at Kurt curiously.
“Could you…” Kurt started again, but then noticed the playful glint in the brunette’s eyes. “Rachel Berry! That was cruel! You know what I’m going too ask!” he slapped her knee fondly, “So will you?”
“Will I leave you and Blaine all alone in our apartment where inappropriate things could occur?” She asked dramatically, holding a hand to her heart and gasping, “Sure. I’ll go visit Mel.” She shrugged and continued reading.
Kurt beamed and said thank you. They then sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, both lost in their own thoughts. Rachel spoke first.
“So, are you two ‘official’ yet?”
“…I don’t know. I was hoping to talk about it tomorrow actually.” Kurt said, an anxious look sweeping across his face. Rachel simply squeezed his shoulder and spoke, trying to be reassuring, “It’ll be fine! But if all goes well and you feel like celebrating, keep it to your room, okay?” she winked, lightening the mood.
Kurt flushed and mumbled colourful language under his breath, but didn’t deny. They both laughed before a serious expression came over Rachel’s face.
She put down her magazine and swung her legs from Kurt’s lap, reaching for his hands and looking him dead in the eye.
“Are you sure you want this? I mean, you haven’t had a guy back to the apartment sine Oscar, and, well, look how that ended.”
Kurt quickly jumped to Blaine’s defence, explaining how Blaine is actually gay and not just leading Kurt on, as Oscar had.
It still hurts Kurt, every now and then, when he thinks of Oscar. The pain, hurt, betrayal and embarrassment. He was the first person to show any kind of romantic interest in Kurt and it hadn’t taken long for him to fall hook, line and sinker for the boy. A few months of dates, promises of love and meeting eachother’s friends, Kurt had given himself fully to Oscar, giving him something that only he would have – Kurt’s virginity.
Then, to have his world come crashing down a day later, seeing Oscar in a lip-lock with a female. There had been a lot of screaming, tears and confessions and Kurt finally found the truth. The whole relationship had been a bet, to see how long it would take Oscar to get into Kurt’s pants.
Kurt had been so devastated that he’d stayed in bed for a full week, moisturising routine be damned. Thank god he had some holidays to take from work, or he would’ve lost his job. He only emerged when Rachel was out, too embarrassed to face her, thinking of how he used to gush about Oscar and how the whole thing was a scam.
Another week of this and Rachel bumped into Oscar in the street. She had slapped him in front of everyone, and this is where Kurt got his strength to move on.
He no longer harboured any feelings for the backstabber, that’s for sure.
However, that’s why Kurt had yet to tell Blaine about Oscar. One, he didn’t want Blaine’s pity. Two, he didn’t want to seem pathetic. And finally, he simply didn’t want to talk about it.
“Why hello there,” Blaine grinned and greeted Kurt as he opened the door, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed on his chest.
Kurt rolled his eyes, but leaned forward to kiss Blaine hello. They parted and walked into the kitchen with linked hands. “Drink?” Kurt asked looking to the boy behind him, and Blaine replied with ‘Coffee please.’ They stood in silence for a few moments as Kurt set the kettle to boil.
“So, what’re the plans for tonight?” Blaine asked, wrapping an arm around Kurt’s waist as he reached into a top cupboard for some mugs.
“Well, I was thinking movie marathon? Maybe a certain boy wizard? ” Kurt asked grinning because he knew Blaine adored Harry Potter. He set the mugs on the counter and leaning back into Blaine’s embrace.
Blaine’s eyes lit up and he pressed a kiss against Kurt’s neck. He shivered at the sensation and could feel Blaine’s breath hitch in his ear. Kurt smirked, turning in Blaine’s arms.
He attached their mouths immediately, drawing a moan from Blaine as he pushed Kurt against the counter and his tongue into Kurt’s mouth, tangling his fingers through his gorgeously thick hair.
The kettle started bubbling behind them and Kurt groaned as he pulled away from Blaine, glaring at the appliance for ruining the moment. Blaine chuckled and crossed his arms, waiting patiently.
He prepared their coffees and walked into the lounge, Blaine following. Blaine sat on the sofa as Kurt fiddled around with the DVD player. He pressed play on the remote and the Warner Bros. logo came onto the screen. Kurt stood and bit his lip, debating where to sit. …How does one go about initiating a cuddle? Kurt thought, but had his question answered as Blaine patted the cushion next to him. Kurt sighed happily and sat down, his heart fluttering as Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt’s shoulders. He laid his head on Blaine and snuggled into the boy’s chest, breathing in his unique scent. Blaine’s arms tightened on him as Albus Dumbledore arrived on Privet Drive.
They were both silent as the movie played on; pausing only to laugh at eachother as both of them tried to hide their tears when Harry looked into the Mirror of Erised.
Somewhere between the Devil’s Snare and Wizard Chess game, Kurt felt his eyelids go heavy as his exhaustion from the past week of work crept up on him. He tried to fight of the overwhelming wave of lethargy but was unable to do so and succumbed into sleep.
Blaine’s heart almost melted. Kurt was fast asleep on his chest, breathing slightly heavier than normal. He looked so adorable and innocent, face completely relaxed and mouth slightly open.
As Blaine decided to let him sleep and wake him up for the second movie, he simply squeezed Kurt gently, receiving a content sigh from the boy.
As Harry climbed onto the Hogwarts Express and waved goodbye to Hagrid, Blaine looked at the sleeping man next to him and smiled.
“Kurt,” Blaine whispered, shaking him gently. Kurt’s breath hitched and he snuggled deeper into Blaine’s chest, holding him even tighter than before. Blaine didn’t have the heart to wake him up – he looked so peaceful.
Blaine hugged Kurt to his chest, resting his cheek in his hair and letting the other boy’s soft breathing lull him to sleep.