June 5, 2012, 8:47 a.m.
June 5, 2012, 8:47 a.m.
Kurt moaned, throwing the seventh pair of extremely skinny jeans onto the floor, muttering to himself. Rachel picked up the latest pair and exclaimed, "What's wrong with these?"
Kurt simply looked at her, raised an eyebrow and told her that the fact she wears white tights means her opinion will be ignored. She huffed and sat down, cross-legged, watching Kurt have a mini breakdown. He was meeting Blaine in…. exactly one hour and he had nothing to wear. Okay, so that's a lie, he had plenty of clothes, definitely more than the average person, but it felt like he had nothing to wear. He disappeared into the closet again and after a few minutes of groans and moans, he made a triumphant sound. A few seconds later, Kurt emerged and Rachel gasped.
Kurt twirled in front of her, silently asking what she thought. He was dressed in dark jeans that looked like they'd been painted on, a white shirt with a grey waistcoat on top, matched with black boots with a buckle that travelled up his lead and stopped at his knees. Rachel's mouth opened and closed a few times, and Kurt sighed dramatically, going to walk back into his closet to change.
"No, Wait!" Rachel found her voice, "There's only one way to say this. And I mean this as a friend," Kurt's brows furrowed, "you look hot."
He beamed and pressed a kiss to her cheek, skipping over to the bathroom to fix his hair.
Blaine lay in the middle of the floor, clothes scattered around him, mumbling incoherently. The words 'Kurt', 'Gorgeous', 'Clothes', 'Don't Know' were being said over and over as Blaine banged his head on the carpet. Mel stood over him, shaking her head and poking him with her foot every few seconds. After Blaine whimpered, Mel sighed, irritated and went to the freezer. She picked up three ice cubes, lifted Blaine's shirt and placed them on his back. He yelped, springing up and glaring at her.
"What was that for?" He picked up the ice-cubes and threw them in her direction, flopping on his bed. He let his head fall into his pillow and gave a long sigh.
"You're pathetic." Mel stated, bluntly. Blaine merely lifted his head and said a weak, "I know."
She shook her head at her best friend, who was now rambling to her that he was going to look a mess and what if Kurt decided he didn't like him? Mel ignored him, knowing that Kurt would be having the same thoughts. Rachel and Mel had spoke of nothing but the two boys over the past week in class, so they both knew how nervous the other was.
She simply passed him his red skinny jeans that cut off at the ankle, a black fitted t-shirt and a colourful bowtie. Blaine dressed obediently, slipping on his black polished shoes aswell. Mel then sat him down, and put a dime-sized amount of hair gel on her palm, spreading it on her hands and running them through Blaine's unruly curls.
Once she was done, she stuffed Blaine's wallet into his pocket, his cell phone into the other and gave him a hug, pushing him out of the door. "Have fun!" She called, and Blaine nodded mutely, his hands shaking slightly as he pressed the elevator button. Here we go, he thought, taking a deep breath.
Kurt stopped outside 'Caffeine', trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach. They had planned to meet in the coffee shop, and then Blaine was taking Kurt out for a movie.
I could run now. I don't have to go in. I could go home, buy a cat, pack a bag and go to Mexico, Mexico's nice. Kurt's mind ran through the possible countries he could escape to. He then scolded himself, this is Blaine, the guy you've been texting for the past week! He's seen you in leather, for god's sake. Man up! Kurt took another deep breath and opened the door to the café.
Blaine grinned at him and Kurt smiled back, his nerves flying out of the window. "Hi," he greeted.
"Hey! You look…" Blaine beamed at him, pulling him into a hug. Kurt smelled the coffee, hair gel and something so undeniably Blaine. They separated, "Amazing!"
"You too!" Kurt said, raking his eyes up and down Blaine. An awkward silence followed, then they both looked at eachother and cracked up laughing.
"Well, now the ice is broken," Blaine stood, still chuckling and offering his arm out to Kurt, "shall we?" he grinned.
"We shall." Kurt answered, taking the arm and letting Blaine open the door for him on the way out. His insides were dancing as they walked up the street, no-one sparing them a second glance. This is how New York will always trump Ohio, Kurt thought happily.
They walked to the movie theatre and Kurt giggled as he saw what was showing; Aladdin. Blaine grinned at him, "I hope Aladdin's okay. I'm a sucker for a Disney movie and I did my research, and apparently you are too."
Kurt felt his breath leave his body. No-one had ever cared this much, or been to this much effort for Kurt. He blinked back the tears, not wanting to cry in front of Blaine or have to explain his reasons why.
Instead, Kurt simply smiled and said, "Aladdin's amazing. Remind me to buy Rachel a fruit basket" and Blaine sighed dramatically, moaning about how his best spy's cover was blown.
Kurt laughed and they entered the screen, taking their seats at the back.
They both sang along to every song, not even bothering about the strange looks that were thrown their way from the other people in the theatre.
When Aladdin and Jasmine were on the magic carpet, Kurt and Blaine sang along to 'A Whole New World.' However, their eyes were on eachother.
Blaine's hand came up to rest on Kurt's cheek as he sang the line, 'tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?'
Kurt's eyes sparkled and his heart did a back flip, as he joined in on Jasmines part. The song came to an end, and Blaine's eyes flickered down to Kurt's lips for a split second. Kurt's breath hitched and he moved a fraction closer to Blaine. Blaine cupped Kurt's other cheek and started to move in, feeling Kurts breath on his face. Just as their lips were about to meet, a woman whispered 'excuse me' and they moved apart, faces flushing, to let the woman pass.
They continued to shoot glances at eachother, their eyes occasionally meeting and sharing a smile. Kurt was practically buzzing from excitement and he had to resist the urge to stand up and shout his happiness when Blaine leant his arm on the armrest between them, his hand open palm-up and inviting. Kurt simply beamed, keeping his eyes on the screen, but he placed his hand in Blaines and laced their fingers together. Blaine squeezed his hand and their eyes met, a grin being shared.
After the movie finished and Kurt and Blaine's voices were almost gone from belting out the songs, they made their way out of the theatre. Kurt had lost Blaine's hand as they had exited the building, and he tried to hide his disappointment.
"Fancy a walk?" Blaine asked Kurt, holding out his hand. Kurt bit his lip to stop a squeal from escaping and nodded, grabbing Blaine's hand.
They simply walked in silence, just enjoying eachother's company, their linked hands swinging in-between them. They walked for about 10 minutes, before Blaine led Kurt to a small park and they sat on a bench. Their hands stayed together as Blaine turned to Kurt.
"Well, I think we should do the average first date conversations," Blaine smiled, "favourite colour?"
Kurt debated this, before answering, "Black. It goes with everything." Blaine chuckled, "what about you?"
"Hmmm…" Blaine pondered, his free hand rubbing his chin, "purple!" he settled on happily.
"Okay" Kurt giggled, "Favourite… season?"
"Me too! Why do you like winter?"
"The snow, Christmas, having an excuse to cuddle. And I hate hot weather. It makes my hair go crazy!" Blaine gestured to the currently tamed mop on his head.
Kurt simply giggled and commented on how he was sure his curly hair suited Blaine. They asked a few more questions, like favourite food, musical, artist. Well, the last one created a very heated debate. Gaga vs. Katy Perry.
"Katy Perry is a goddess!"
"And Katy hasn't?"
"NO! She sings about kissing girls, California and Vegas! Have you listened to Born This Way?"
"Okay, I'll give you that one, but apart from that, what sort of artist uses the phrase 'cherry cherry boom boom'? That's just ridiculous!"
Kurt simply rolled his eyes, muttering how Lady Gaga would always be better than Katy Perry.
They continued to talk, both of them mentioning glee club and high school. Kurt then asked about past boyfriends and when Blaine tensed visibly, he knew he'd asked the wrong thing. Kurt started to apologize profusely, insisting he didn't have to answer; after all it isn't really any of Kurt's business. Kurt rambled for a few minutes before Blaine smiled at him and held a hand up to stop him talking. Kurt flushed adorably.
"Hey, it's fine, really. I'll tell you eventually, it's just a heavy topic for a first date," Blaine joked winking, and Kurt relaxed, still blushing. However, he then grimaced, asking, "…are you still in love with him?"
Blaine shook his head firmly, "No, it's nothing like that!" and Kurt released a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding – As much as Kurt liked Blaine, if he was hung up on another guy, then this would be their last date.
They took a slow walk and ended up outside Kurt's apartment.
"I had fun tonight Blaine, thank you" Kurt said, rummaging in his pocket for his key. Blaine beamed at him, "Me too. Can we do this again? Soon?" he asked, his eyes widening and he looked like a puppy.
"Definitely." Kurt answered, taking great delight in the way Blaine's face lit up. Blaine brought Kurt's hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it gently. Kurt's breath hitched and Blaine's eye's found his. They inched in closer, Blaine stopped a few centimetres away from Kurt's mouth, silently telling Kurt to make the final move. Kurt closed the distance between them quickly and their lips moved together in perfect synchronization. Kurt could feel his body buzzing, his head began to spin and he sighed contentedly, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck. They continued to kiss; tasting eachother for the first time and both had fireworks going off in their minds. Then, when the need for oxygen grew too strong to ignore, they broke apart and rested their foreheads together.
"Wow." Blaine breathed, his eyes glistening.
"Wow." Kurt agreed, moving his hands away from around Blaine's neck and to open the door. "Call me."
"I promise," Blaine grinned, watching Kurt open the door, "Good night Kurt."
"Good night Blaine." Kurt replied, smiling one last time before he disappeared into his apartment. Blaine stood still for a minute, his hand moving to his lips disbelievingly. He then did a silent victory sprinkler dance, cheering silently, before composing himself and walking home.
Kurt closed the door and fell back against it. He then skipped into the living room, where Rachel was stood, waiting for him to speak. He simply ran and gave her a hug, squeezing her tightly and spinning her round, giggling madly.
"silent victory sprinkler dance" HHAHAHAHAHA OMG THE MENTAL IMAGE