Learning again
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Learning again: Chapter 12

T - Words: 1,319 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
1,373 0 0 0 0


Kurt smiled at Blaine's latest text and pocketed his phone. They weren't talking about anything interesting; for fear that they would have nothing to break the awkward first-date ice with. However, these pointless texts helped Kurt slap a dopey grin on his face and sent his stomach fluttering with pleasant butterflies.

"Oh hell to the no, white boy! I know that face – you've got a boyfriend!" Mercedes said from over the table. The whole of New Directions turned to look at Kurt, who blushed furiously and spluttered in order to deny it.

Puck cracked his fists "Who's face do I need to break?" He asked Kurt, whose mouth fell open in shock, along with the entire table. Puck shrugged, "Kurt's one of my boys, and Puckzilla protects his boys no matter what. And he has a hot ass" Finn and Rachel slapped a hand over their mouths to stop from laughing. Kurt's eye widened but decided to ignore Puck's… confession, turning to Mercedes, "Blaine isn't my boyfriend" before rolling his eyes.

Mercedes jaw dropped open. "Blaine, Huh? So there IS someone! Okay, Spill!"

Kurt took a sip of his drink and muttered 'there isn't anything to spill' and Mercedes tsked at his awful attempt at lying. She simply stared at Kurt, knowing it wouldn't take long for him to crack.

Kurt shivered under Mercedes gaze, cursing the fact that the whole glee club were now watching with curious expressions.

Rachel cackled, "This is even better than last time…" before stuffing her napkin in her mouth.

Mercedes raised an eyebrow and Kurt raised his hands in self defence, leaning back subconsciously.

"Alright Alright! No need to subject me to an eyebrow raise. It's no big deal, as I keep saying," he flashed a glance to his step brother and soon to be ex best friend and continued on to explain about Blaine.

When he casually mentioned their date on Friday, Tina, Quinn and Mercedes all squealed and demanded texts after for all of the details, Mike, Sam and Artie all grinned at him and winked. Puck leant over the table and held out his fist. Santana smirked and said 'Wanky' whilst Brittany gushed about how glad she was that Kurt finally had a dolphin friend. The conversation then moved onto Mike and Tina's wedding – he'd proposed a few months ago and they planned to wed in 3 months time. The gathering ended with a toast to the happy couple, them announcing that the entire glee club was of course invited and part of the wedding party.

A loud cheer was heard, promises of meeting up before the wedding and all went their separate ways.


"Blaine," Mel began, sitting on the couch next to him, "You've been grinning at your phone for… about 2 days now." She sighed, when his grin simply brightened. "Are you like, sexting Kurt or something?" Blaine blushed furiously but shook his head, still smiling.

Mel rolled her eyes, deciding that she needed to know what was making her best friend so happy. She sauntered over to the window of their apartment, looking down at the busy streets for a few moments. Time for your acting skills Melanie.

"Oh my god Blaine, it's Kurt!" She shouted, plastering a look of disbelief on her face. Blaine's face morphed into one of delight and shock, promptly dropping his phone and sprinting over to the window. Quick as lightening, Mel jumped over the couch, snatched Blaine's phone and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Blaine barely had time to react, reaching the room after the lock clicked.

"Mel! Give me my phone!" He banged on the door, shouting at her. Mel scrolled through the texts furiously, knowing she only had approximately 30 seconds before Blaine picked the lock. She made a mental note to tease her best friend relentlessly about his cheesy lines he'd used on Kurt and how they were up to five kisses on the end of their messages already.

An evil grin crept up on her face and she started typing a message quickly. Then the door swung open.

Kurt's face lit up at Blaine's name popped up on his screen. His brows furrowed as he read the message however.




Kurt chuckled as another text came through.




Mel held the phone out of Blaine's reach as they stumbled around the bathroom, grabbing and fighting for Blaine's phone. Mel attempted to text Kurt, but with Blaine on her back, wrestling her, spelling and grammar were hard. Hopefully, Kurt would get the general message and ignore the extra letters.

She laughed in triumph as the messages sent and stood up straight, sending Blaine, who was still in a piggy back position on Mel, tumbling into the bath. She smirked mischievously and dropped the phone in Blaine's lap, calling 'You're welcome' as she stalked out of the bathroom. He composed a text quickly, groaning and dropping his head in his hands, cursing the day he met his best friend.

Kurt wiped tears out of his eyes from silent laughter as he read Blaine's latest text.



I hate my best friend.

Mental images of Blaine and Mel fighting flashed into Kurt's mind and he couldn't contain his giggles any longer. Rachel and Finn walked into the living room, giving his a very odd look but that just made him laugh harder. Burt and Carole entered, taking one look at Kurt and shaking their heads fondly. They settled down to open Burt's birthday presents and Kurt was still grinning madly. Burt turned to Carole

If this Blaire makes my kid happy again, he should go for it."

Carole patted his knee and beamed at him.


Kurt had never been so exhausted in his life. Never. Even when Dylan had kept him at the office practically ALL day and way into the night, he'd never given Kurt so much work to do in such little time. He was writing 4 three-thousand word essays, filing the whole department's paperwork whilst also being the guy who gets coffee and picks up dry cleaning.

All because he had one day off. Not that Kurt regrets it, seeing his family and friends was just the break he needed (and deserved). But when Kurt and Rachel had arrived back in New York at 7pm on Monday evening, they had spent the night unpacking, both going to bed at midnight when they'd finally finished. However, Kurt had to be up 5am to be in work for half past, as part of his promise to his boss for taking the day off. He had worked continuously, only having 10 minutes to go to the toilet, pick at his salad and have a swig of water before going back to work. He'd stumbled in at 9pm and collapsed on the sofa, dead to the world.

Kurt had then woken up and freaked out as he had some research to do for Dylan for tomorrow. Rachel had found him slumped over his laptop, typing furiously at 4am, before dragging him off to bed to sleep for an hour. He was back up at 5, out of the door for quarter past. It was the same this morning, Rachel thought, sat in her pyjama's waiting for Kurt to get home. It was already 9:30pm. She bit her lip, knowing Kurt was going to work himself to the bone, but she couldn't suggest he spend the weekend relaxing – His and Blaine's date was the only thing keeping Kurt going at the moment. Surely there's a law against working this much? She moaned, watching the clock strike 10, then again, Kurt's willing to do anything to be in Dylan's good books for next year. After a year, any interns had the opportunity to become fashion designers, if the bosses thought they'd worked hard enough. Rachel prayed that Dylan was impressed with Kurt so his year wasn't wasted.

Stopping her thoughts, Kurt stumbled in and dropped his bags. He whimpered and Rachel opened her arms, letting Kurt fall into them and drift off too sleep.


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