Sky of Firelies
Chapter 3: No Sleep Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sky of Firelies: Chapter 3: No Sleep

K - Words: 1,045 - Last Updated: Dec 07, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Sep 27, 2011 - Updated: Dec 07, 2011
935 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I own nothing but the plot!
It was five pm when the bus pulled to a stop.

"Alright kiddies, two at a time we'll get off the bus," Ms. Pillsbury smiled, leading the children out into the camp. Mercedes hopped up and grabbed Kurt's hand.

"You ready Kurt?" she asked, pulling him off the bus before he could answer.

"I'll take it from here, Mercedes," Mr. Schue appeared, taking Kurt to the rest of the boys. "Okay little dudes, this side is boys only---"

"So get out of here lady" the boy from the bus sneered at Kurt, low enough for just for him to hear. Kurt moved his lips and folded his arms.

"---Each cabin can have six kids, so go pick one out!" Mr. Schue continued.

Kurt pulled his Chewbaca bag tight on his shoulders and walked into the first cabin. There was two bunk beds and two regular beds. Kurt took the bunk bed closest to the door and place his bag on the bottom bunk. Soon more boys pour in: Puck and Finn, Blaine, and an Asian boy.

"Hi!" he goes, waving. "I'm Mike." The others repeat their names back except Blaine.

"I'm uh Blaine..."

Everyone returned the greeting and Blaine turned to Kurt.

"Um do you mind ...?" He pointed to the top bunk.

Kurt shook his head. "Not at all," he sat on his bed, legs crossed and hands folded in his lap. Puck and Finn took the other bunk bed, and Mike took the single bed closest to the window.

"Hey!" the screen door to the cabin swung open, and the mean boy from the bus walked in. "I want the single bed," he went up and pushed Mike off it, causing him to crash to the floor.

"Hey! There's another one right there!" Mike spat.

"Yea but this one has the window~" the boy stuck his tongue out.

"Coulda been nicer about it!"

"Oh yeah---"

"Hey guys," Mr. Schue stepped in, wheeling a boy in a wheelchair. "Sorry, but one of you guys gotta leave, Artie here needs a single bed." Mr. Schue pointed to the two singles.

All the boys stared at the bully, and he sneered right back at them.

"Dave? Dave Karofsy?" Mr. Schue said. "Come, we'll find you another cabin."

"But I want the single bed!" Dave whined.

"C'mon ..." Mr. Schue lead a pouty Dave out.

The boys couldn't help but stare at Artie, the boy in the wheelchair, as he wheeled to the bed near the window. He looked at Mike. "Do you mind?"

Mike shook his head. "No it's cool," he said, hopping onto the other bed. "I'm Mike."

The rest of the boys repeated their names once again, hoping this would be the last time. Puck was the one who asked though.

"Why are ya in a wheelchair?"

Artie twiddled his thumbs. "Um I was in a car accident uh two years ago. I can't walk."

"Whoa!? Like at all?" Mike asked. Artie nodded. "How do you do stuff then!?"

"I have my chair." Artie replied smoothly, like he answered these questions too many times before.

Kurt played with his hair. Two years ago in a car accident. Like his mother. He hugged his shoulders and sighed.

"Wait! Are you saying...?" Blaine blinked.

"Yes. The same accident that paralyzed Artie killed my mom." Kurt sighed.

"Who's fault was it?" Wes asked.

"It was a third car, they hit Artie's mom's car which hit my mother walking on the sidewalk." Kurt explained quickly. Blaine nudged Wes to stop asking questions.

"So, do you like hate Artie for it?" David asked, dodging Blaine's elbow.

"It's wasn't their fault ..." Kurt squirmed.

"Okay okay enough let him go on!" Blaine tried to change the subject.

After dinner, the boys returned to their cabins. They had the night to settle in before activities started tomorrow. Plopping on their beds, Artie broke the awkward silence.

"Are you all from Lima?" he asked, seeing all but Blaine nod back.

"Um I'm from uh Westville," Blaine toyed with the blanket on his mattress.

Kurt's eyes went wide. That was a fancy, rich part of Ohio. He had always lived comfortably, even with one parent. "You must have a lot of money."

Blaine shrugged uncomfortably. "Yea I guess ..."

Puck blew a rasberry. "I betcha never been camping before!" he said to Blaine.

"A-actually I have been." Blaine stammered. Finn swatted Puck ad rolled his eyes. "Leave him alone Puck."

"Fffffine," Puck whined, laying back down.

Kurt turned on to his stomach and folded his arms on his pillow. This was gonna be a long week.

"Puck stop it," Kurt heard Finn say.

"What? We have a TV in here!" Kurt turned his attention to Puck.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"Puck has this movie----" Finn started.

"Not just any movie. Jeepers Creepers 2!" Puck grinned. "It's scary and about a buncha kids in the country!"

"Yeah right," Kurt rolled his eyes.

"I swear! And they get eaten!" Puck grinned.

"We'll get in trouble." Finn pointed out.

"Nope! We don't have to go to bed for another three hours and this movie is only one and a half! We just gotta be quiet!" Puck informed. "Unless you guys are scared~" He teased.

"N-no!" Finn flushed. Mike and Artie shook their heads as well.

"What about you two?" Puck asked Kurt and Blaine.

"I don't care," Kurt shrugged. Blaine's eyes darted around. "Y-yeah! Me either!"

Puck kept grinning. "Alright!" He popped it in the VCR, and the movie started playing.

"Oh no not Jeepers Creepers!" David mocked.

"Hey! At nine it's scary!" Blaine laughed, defending himself.

The movie did it's job and scared a bunch of ten and nine year olds. It was over and the lights had to go out soon.

"G'night guys," Mr. Schue walked in, flicking off the light. "See you in the morning!" he left, the screen door banging.

"Oh great now we're stuck here and that thing is gonna eat us," Artie groaned.

"Yeah but you'll probably get eaten first," Puck pointed out.

"Hey! I have wheels! I'll go faster!" Artie pointed out.

"Can I grab a ride than?" Mike asked Artie. He gave a nod in reply, making the others laughed.

"What about you Finn? Scared?" Kurt asked.

"Yes." He said straight out, making the boys laugh again.

"I can't sleep," Blaine groaned. Now the guys were in a laughing fit.

"Kurt's the only brave one," Artie pointed out. There was a loud bang outside and the boys all screamed.

"N-no," Kurt squeaked, his voice reaching an incredibly high octave. The boys kept laughing until their tiredness took over, making them sleep.

End Notes: Jeepers Creepers 2 was a movie I watched, when I was ten, whilst camping when the adults thought we were watching a less bad movie. It's scary at that age in the woods!!


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