Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
"I cant believe I nearly said it," Blaine groaned.
"What happened?" David asked.
"Well, I helped him take his bags back to his room and he gave me a back massage because it was hurting and I nearly told him. I dont know whether it was because I was feeling good or because he looked so good or because that massage kind of made my brain melt but it just started coming out and then thank god Thad came in and stopped me, but it nearly happened. God, what is wrong with me? I nearly completely ruined our friendship!"
"Blaine, Blaine, Blaine! Calm down! What would be so bad about him finding out?" David questioned.
"Because I cant just tell him I like him. Hell think Im an idiot!" Blaine explained.
"Blaine, he wont think youre an idiot," David assured him.
Blaine just looked at him, biting down on his lip and screwing his face up in thought.
"Look. Go get some sleep and think on it, okay?" David told him.
Blaine yanked his gym bag over his shoulder and walked out. As soon as David was sure he was out of earshot, he grabbed his phone and dialled Wes number.
"Hello?" Wes answered.
"Wes. I think we need step four. ASAP. So, what is it?"
"Right, so I actually got this idea talking to Kurt. He told me that the girls in McKinleys celibacy club used to have a sort of power motto: Its all about the teasing and not about the pleasing. And it made me think..."
"Wait," David interrupted, "that was the motto for the girls in celibacy club? What kind of celibacy club was this?"
"I have no idea. But stick to the subject, David! It made me think of a way to get Kurt and Blaine to hurry up. We already know theyre all lovey dovey for each other, but what about physically. Sure, theyre both attracted physically, but we need to drive them crazy. Tease them. Make them want more," Wes explained.
"Wes, are you thinking what I think youre thinking?"
"Yes, I am, David. We are going to show off Kurt and Blaines sexiness!"
"Mercedes! Hi!" Wes greeted when Mercedes picked up.
"What can I do for you, Wes?" she asked.
"I was wondering if you could help us with some information. See, we want to show off Kurt and Blaines sexiness to each other, but Kurts never exactly been up for doing sexy numbers and we dont really know how to get it out of him."
"Ah! Take it from me, Kurt is naturally sexy. I mean, we tried doing a sexy number once and it didnt exactly go to plan and Kurts natural sexy didnt come through because he tried too hard. But, I do happen to know where you can get some very sexy videos of some of Kurts Cheerio performances," Mercedes told him.
"Kurt was a cheerleader?" Wes asked in disbelief.
"Yup. And a pretty fine one indeed!"
"Where can I get these videos?"
"Well, I know Coach Sue records all of the Cheerios performances so she can later analyse them and tell each and everyone of them how much they suck, so looks like Ill have to get them off of her!" Mercedes explained.
The next day, Mercedes found herself in her old cheer leading coachs office.
"Mercedes!" Sue greeted. "Come to ask inquire about the protein shake diet?"
"No, actually I need to ask for some video footage," Mercedes explained.
"And why would that be?"
"You know Kurt?" Mercedes asked.
"Ah, Porcelain! How is he getting on at his new gay school?"
"Fantastic. Hes made loads of friends there and from what Ive heard he enjoys it. Apart from missing his friends here of course."
"Glad to hear he can finally puke rainbows and have no one judge," Sue sighed.
"Well, I need this footage for part of some of his friends plan. See, theres this guy from Dalton that Kurts known for a while and he really likes him. Theyre kind of oblivious though so their friends came up with a plan called The 7 Step Plan To Getting Your Two Oblivious Gay Friends Together and-"
"Bit of a long name isnt it?" Sue cut her off.
"Yeah. We all said that," Mercedes sighed. "But theyre on step four and its going really well, but step four involved sexiness and Kurt finds it hard to be sexy when hes trying. So need a couple of videos from when hes not trying to show it."
"Hence why you want the footage," Sue concluded
"Well, Porcelain did the Cheerios well so I guess he deserves that. And you are an ex Cheerio yourself. So, what the heck, help yourself!" Sue declared.
Later that day, Wes received an email from Mercedes. He beckoned David over when he opened it and downloaded the files attached whilst reading the message.
Hey! Heres a couple of videos from when Kurt was a Cheerio and I went to his house saying Id left something there and managed to find a copy of another video from the very beginning of Sophomore year! Enjoy lads!
"Lets watch Kurt get his sexy on then!" David declared and leant over Wes to click on the first video.
A black and white video came up featuring Kurt dressed in all black. A black unitard hugged his body and was accessorised with a black sparkly waistcoat, a matching glove on one hand and a tie hung around his neck. He was flanked by two girls in leotards. Wes turned up the sound a little and they both immediately recognised the song as Single Ladies by Beyonce. As Kurt began to dance, both boys knew why Mercedes had sent this video. The way Kurt danced, casually swinging his hips and moving his shoulders was entrancing and indeed sexy. In fact, Wes and David both wondered why Kurt hadnt shown off his dancing a little more in the Warblers.
The boys looked at each other when the video ended, neither speaking but both knowing the other was thinking the same as they were. Wes hurried to click on the next video. This one was in a sports hall, they assumed the one at McKinley. It began with a fanfare, leading into Kurts entrance with Mercedes, who they recognised from pictures Kurt had of the two of them. They identified the reason behind choosing this one as Kurt started singing, his voice slightly lower, and then he grunted as he dropped low to the floor before rolling his way back up. The rest of the video involved some rather sexy dancing - including a moment when Kurt was dancing over a cheerleader - and ended with a confident pose stuck by Kurt and Mercedes.
Wes and David wordlessly hurried to watch the last video. This one was much longer - fourteen and a half minutes to be precise - which made them wonder why it was so long. Their questions were soon answered. Fourteen a half minutes of Kurt singing a Celine Dion medley. Entirely in French. Complete with those taunting hip movement of his and some rather provocative dance moves with other Cheerios.
When the video was over both boys say back speechlessly, wondering what to say in reaction. It was Wes who broke the silence first by asking, "so, what just happened?"
"I dont know," David replied. "But I kind of want to be Blaine just so I can bang Kurt." Wes narrowed his eyes at his friend in confusion. "What? Dont tell me you werent thinking the same!"
Wes shrugged and changed the subject. "So do you think we should show these to Blaine or like, email them to him or whatever?"
"No, hed be on to us then. I reckon he should watch them on accident."
"How can we get him to watch them on accident?" Wes asked.
"Right. You sort that. Ill sort getting Blaine sexy."
"How are you going to do that?" David questioned.
"The best way to show Blaines sexiness? One word for you David. Shirtless."
Blaine hadnt even noticed the memory stick placed right next to the USB ports on his laptop when hed first opened it up to do his homework, but of course he did when he went to plug in his own memory stick. He was immediately curious. Nick was obsessively neat and never left his things lying around, which meant it couldnt belong to him. Curiosity got the better of him as he plugged in the stick to see if he could gain any information on who it belonged to, but all he found on their were three videos.
He was unsure about opening them, but went forth to do so, turning the sound right down just in case hed accidentally discovered something he wasnt meant to, but went to turn it right back up as he recognised the figure on screen.
Holy. Shit.
Kurt. Dressed in black. A unitard to be specific. A tight black unitard. He looked a little younger in the face, but there was no denying the outfit which hugged his body made him look hot. And god, the way he was moving, swinging his hips and his head. Blaine couldnt remove his eyes.
The next two videos were even hotter. Mainly because Kurt was in a cheerleading uniform. Also the way he danced and sang. By the time Blaine had finished watching the fourteen and a half minute medley in French, he was sure his brains had melted. There would be no way the could look at Kurt without jumping him now.
Wes and David deemed the first part of their mission a success if the way Blaine seemed to blush whenever he looked at Kurt had anything to do with it. Now they just had to do the reverse.
Their plan took place in the practise room. They made Blaine and Kurt had both arrived before going through with their actions, which involved Wes falling, one thing he was good at.
Just as the Warblers were beginning to settle down, Wes entered carrying a rather large glass of water, and went to head past Blaine to the front of the room when he tripped. Of course, the glass went flying through the air and - as intended - landed right in the middle of Blaines chest, leaving his shirt soaked through.
"WES!" Blaine yelled, standing up and leaning over to avoid getting water on his trousers.
"Oh my god, Blaine, Im so sorry!" Wes quickly apologised, but sent a smirk in the direction of David when Blaine wasnt looking,
"Now I have to go back to the dorm and change," Blaine complained.
"We dont have time for that Blaine. Here, change into this," David said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a fresh white shirt.
"Why do you have this?" Blaine asked.
"Because the pockets come lose and I need my sister to sow it. Now less questions, more changing so we can start!"
Wes and David both turned their glances on Kurt. Kurt had his eyes fixed on Blaine as he removed his blazer and tossed it aside, leaving his wet shirt on display. Through the shirt, Blaines body was easily visible and by the looks of it, Kurt liked what he saw. His eyes never strayed from Blaines muscular chest and abdomen. Blaine didnt notice Kurts jaw drop a little as he removed the shirt, drying himself a bit with the dryer side before flinging it to the floor. Blaine stood shirtless, fumbling with Davids shirt to undo the buttons, giving Kurt plenty of time to watch. All too soon, he yanked the shirt over his shoulders and Kurt forced himself to look away, oblivious to the grins David and Wes were sharing.
"I think step four is complete," Wes whispered as he took his seat at the table.