Bubble Wrap
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bubble Wrap: Chapter 9

T - Words: 3,858 - Last Updated: Dec 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 21, 2013 - Updated: Dec 21, 2013
162 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

[A/N] The song in this chapter is Bubble Wrap by McFly, which is the song that the fic is named after. If you havent heard it before then get your butt on YouTube!

"Kurt, what is going on?"

The voice startled both Kurt and Blaine and they both turned to see Burt Hummel, storming down the hallway in the direction of them. Kurt froze, only this throat moving as he gulped, but Blaine rested a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Hey, dad," Kurt whispered.

"Kurt, whats happened? I get a call at work saying that I need to come in to talk to Figgins but Ive not been told why. Is it that Karofsky kid? Have the football team been harassing you? Please tell me they havent been dumpster diving you again," Burt rambled.

"No, dad, its nothing to do with that. Actually, before you see Figgins, do you mind if I talk to you? I have something that I need to tell you," requested Kurt.

"Sure, kid. Did, erm, did you want to go somewhere a little more private?" Burt asked. His eyes flickered to Blaine, whose hand was still on Kurts shoulder, thumb making comforting patterns on the clothed skin.

"We can go into the choir room," Kurt suggested. "But Blaine can come too. He already knows."

Kurt lead them into the choir room and unfolded three chairs, two adjacent and one opposite them. Kurt took a seat and pulled Blaine down next to him, before gesturing for his father to sit opposite them.

"Come on then, Kurt, whats going on?" Burt asked.

Kurt took a deep breath and gripped at Blaines arm. "Its about Alex," he said. "Do you remember when I got that black eye and you asked how I got it and I said that I was practicing for glee club and tripped and hit my eye on the table?" Burt nodded, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "I lied," Kurt whispered.

"You... what?"

"I lied. I didnt get a black eye from hitting it on the table," he clarified.

"How did you get it then?" asked Burt.

"I got hit," Kurt said. Burt went to ask further before Kurt said, "Well, technically, I got hit with my phone. It wasnt fists or anything. I had my phone thrown at me and it hit me in the eye pretty hard."

"They threw your phone at you? Why did the bullies have your phone?" asked Burt.

"It wasnt the bullies," said Kurt.

"You mean... you mean that Alex did that?" Burt questioned. Kurt couldnt physically answer. He just nodded, avoiding eye contact with his father. "Has... has he done anything else like that?"

Kurt was squeezing Blaines arm extremely tight now, but Blaine just reached over with the fingers of his other hand and soothed the back of his hand. "H-he gets an-angry," Kurt stammered. "He never m-means to do anything, b-but sometimes he j-just gets so angry a-and ..." Kurt was unable to finish that sentence, so he just skipped the ending. "Hes always s-so sorry afterwards. H-he apologises and buys m-me nice things and p-promises to make it up to me." Blaine was sure that the blood to his hand was cut off by this point, but he didnt make to move Kurts hand.

"He... Hes been hurting you?" Burt asked. Kurt just nodded. "How bad? How long? I swear, when I get my hands on that kid." Burt stood up, kicking his chair back in anger and balling his fists.

"P-please, dont get angry," Kurt whimpered, moving to wrap his arms around himself. "I-Im so sorry, dad."

"Youre sorry? Youre sorry? Kurt, this kid has been hurting you! Hes the one whos going to be sorry!"

"Dad..." Kurt started, but Burt turned on Blaine instead.

"You knew about this? You knew about this and you didnt tell me?" he yelled.

"Im sorry, Mr Hummel," Blaine said. "I really did want to tell you, but Kurt begged me not to and I didnt want to break his trust."

"Please, dad," said Kurt, quietly. "Blaine has been helping me. If it wasnt for him, I wouldnt have told anyone in the first place. He told me last night that if I didnt tell anyone hed tell you himself. P-please dont blame Blaine, dad. I-I dont know where Id be w-without him."

"How has he been helping you?" asked Burt.

"He recognised what was going o-on when he first started s-school here. He saw the way Alex treated me, they w-way Id been distant with my friends. W-when Alex gets angry a-at me, if he hurts me, I g-go to Blaines a-and he looks after me. He helps my bruises and wipes m-my tears and m-makes me feel better. H-hes been so good for me. Hes made me feel like Im actually w-worth something. Like Im not the one in the wrong," Kurt stuttered. Burts face softened and he turned to Blaine.

"Thank you," he said. "But I still want to know whats going on. How has he hurt you? How long has this been going on?"

"Its been going on for a few months," Kurt started. "At first it was just words. He made me feel worthless. Like he was the only one who would ever love me. Then he became more aggressive. Hitting, slapping, the occasional kick. It was always somewhere like my back, arms, legs; places that could be easily covered. The only times it hasnt been were when he threw my phone at me and I got a black eye and last night."

"What did he do last night?" asked Burt.

"He got angry and hit my face. He was really sorry afterwards. He put cream on my face and kept apologising, and I felt bad for him. Then I went to Blaines and told him what had happened and he told me that it had gone on long enough and I had to tell someone," Kurt clarifed. "I used make up to cover the bruises so no one would see them."

"I want to see," said Burt.

"What?" asked Kurt.

"I want to see," Burt repeated. "Show me the bruises."

Kurt shot a confused look between his father and Blaine before he reached into his bag at his feet and rummaged around the baby wipes that he kept in case of slushy attacks. He pulled one out and used to to gently wipe at the makeup on his face, wincing slightly as he pressed down on the bruises, which were already beginning to change from a dark purpley colour to a soft yellow. He pulled the makeup wipe away from his face and faced his father to show him the damage.

"And the rest," Burt said, his fists clenching at his sides.

Kurt stood from his chair and lifted his shirt, not minding Blaine being there as it was something hed already seen. He showed first the bruises littering his back and stomach and then moved to roll up his sleeves and show him the bruises on his arms. Burt continued to clench his fists.

"Thats it. Im going to kill that kid," he spat through his teeth, stepping away from Kurt and towards to door of the choir room.

"No, dad, please dont!" Kurt yelled after him. Burt turned back and stepped closer to Kurt.

"You think Im going to let him get away with this? This is worse that what the bullies have ever done to you and hes someone whos supposed to love you? You really think Im going to let him walk away scot-free?" Burt was just a step away from Kurt now, their faces just inches apart. Kurt wrapped his arms tighter around himself, as if to protect himself.

"Im sorry, please dont be mad," Kurt whimpered, tears leaking from his eyes. "Please dont hurt me, please." Burts face softened at his sons fear, the realisation that Kurt was probably used to people hurting him when they were angry. It made him just want to kill Alex more, but he first had to assure his son that not everyone was his abusive boyfriend.

"Im not going to hurt you, Kurt," he said. "Come here." He opened his arms out for his son and Kurt stepped into them, burying his face into his dads shirt and sobbing. "Im sorry, Kurt. I feel like Ive failed you. I didnt even know this was happening and this kid who has barely known you a few months notices straight away. What kind of father am I? Im so sorry," he whispered into Kurts hair.

"Dont be. I didnt - want you to know. Thats - thats why Ive been so - so distant with everyone," Kurt said brokenly, between sobs.

Burt just repeated, "Im so sorry, Kurt."

Kurt didnt want to leave the safety of his fathers arms, but he knew that hed have to face Alex sooner or later. In fact, Alex had probably already been called out of lessons, his parents already in Figginss office, he was probably curious and furious. Kurt stepped away from his father.

"We need to go see Figgins," he reminded him.

"Right," said Burt. "Blaine, you coming?"

"If Kurt wants me to," Blaine said.

"I do," Kurt clarified. Blaine nodded and approached Kurt, who immediately clung to his arm.

"And, erm, thanks kid," Burt said to Blaine. "For helping and getting Kurt to talk to someone. Im honestly, truly, grateful."

"Its no problem, Mr Hummel. I just wanted to help, Kurt. Hes my friend and I didnt want to see him get hurt," Blaine replied.

"Call me Burt, kid," said Burt. Blaine just nodded, his smile gentle. Hed be grinning if they werent in the situation they were currently in.

When they reached Figginss office, Kurt realised his thoughts had been correct. Alex sat in front of Figginss desk, his father in the chair next to him, looking rather annoyed. Kurt assumed it was because he wasnt yet aware that anyone knew and was probably wondering why hed been called in. Kurt took a deep breath and let go of Blaines arm. If Alex saw him holding onto Blaine, hed probably just get angrier.

Burt knocked on the door to the office and Figgins gestured for them to enter. Kurt refused to let himself meet Alexs gaze, even though he could see from the corner of his eye that Alex was watching him expectantly.

"Can someone please tell me whats going on now?" asked Alex. "And what is he doing here?" He glared at Blaine.

Burt went to step forward and say something to him, but Kurt pulled him back and shot him a warning glare.

"Mr Hummel, Kurt, Blaine, please have a seat," the principal offered. They did just that, Kurt sitting between his father and his friend.

"So, Ive spoken to our guidance councilor, Miss Pillsbury, and shes told me that Kurt came to see her this morning with a very serious accusation," Figgins explained. "An accusation concerning you, Mr Hughes." Alexs father turned to look at his son, but Alex was instead watching Kurt, his expression full of confusion. "It has been brought to our attention that Alex has been inflicting injuries on Kurt."

Kurt grabbed his fathers arm as he heard the words, worried that hed get angry again. Burt resorted to just glaring at Alex.

"I dont understand..." Alex said.

"Kurt has told us that youve been harming him due to your temper," Figgins clarified.

"What? You cant seriously believe that, hes obviously lying!" Alex argued.

Burt went to argue back, but Blaine got there first. "Oh dont pull that crap, Ive seen the bruises, the fear, hes not lying about those. Why would he?"

"Who the hell involved you, Blake? You dont know anything about me or Kurt!" Alex yelled at him.

"First of all, its Blaine. You know that, I know you do. And I got involved when Kurt came to me in tears and terrified because his boyfriend has been getting angry and hitting him," Blaine hissed, furiously.

"You need to keep your nose out of it. I thought we already had this conversation; you cant tell me how to treat my boyfriend. I dont know what your game is, but you know hes mine," Alex growled.

"Im not yours!" Kurt finally yelled, speaking for the first time since entering the office. "I dont belong to you, Alex. Not anymore. Youve hurt me and I let you get away with it because I thought you loved me and that you were the only person who would ever care about me. I let you apologise every time you got angry and took it out on me and I even blamed myself every time you hit me. I thought I was the one doing something wrong, because you were sweet and kind and loving and you had no other reason to hurt me. But know what? I cant take it anymore. I cant take getting scared every time someone so much as raises their voice. Flinching when someone makes sudden movements or steps too close. Blaine was right, Im terrified. I have no self confidence, my friends all hate me and Im terrified of getting hurt. But Im not taking it anymore. Blaines showed me that youre not the only one who cares for me. I have other people who actually care for me and dont hurt me. But I still feel worthless. I still have to remind myself that its not my fault and that Im not worthless!" Kurt was panting from the sheer amount of energy it took to force himself to admit that.

Everyone watched as Kurt finished, unsure of what to say. Figgins finally broke the silence by asking, "So, are the accusations true, Mr Hughes?"

"Yes, theyre true. Everything he got is what he deserved," Alex growled. Burt stood up this time, raising his clenched fists in Alexs direction, but Kurt held him back.

"Youre gonna get in trouble, dad," he reminded him.

"He cant talk about you like that, Kurt," Burt hissed, but allowed Kurt to pull him back into his seat.

"Right, thank you for being honest with us, Mr Hughes," Principal Figgins said. "But I have no choice but to expel you. I cant have you being a threat to another student. Ill also have to suggest to your parents that they put you into therapy." Alexs father, who had failed to speak up until this point nodded, looking ashamed. "I apologise, but as of now, you are no longer a student at McKinley."

"What? You cant do that!" Alex yelled. "Kurt, you cant let them do that to us."

Kurts breath hitched and tears welled in his eyes. "Theyre not doing anything to us, Alex. Youre the one who did this," he whimpered.

"So youre breaking up with me?" Kurt didnt reply. He just stared ahead, avoiding Alexs gaze. "I see. I bet he has something to do with this, doesnt he? You been seeing him behind me back? You know he doesnt care about you, right? He just wants to get in your pants." Kurt still refused to answer, instead just holding onto his father who was practically shaking in effort to stop himself from reacting. "Fine. Fine, whatever. Enjoy your life, Kurt. You have no one who cares about you, no one who will ever love you. How could someone love you? Youre just a worthless, whiny, frigid little bitch." And with that, Alex stormed out of Figginss office. Kurt let a little sob escape his lips and refused to look at anyone.

"Im so sorry," Alexs father finally spoke up. "Im so sorry for Alexs behaviour. I had no idea he was treating someone like this. He wont get away with it, he can consider himself being punished for a while and put into therapy. Im very sorry." And with that, Alexs father stood and left.

Blaine put a comforting arm around Kurt, who immediately lent into the touch and sobbed into Blaines shirt. His dad rubbed his shoulder soothingly.

"Well, its nearly the end of the day anyway, so Kurt you may go home, but I do recommend therapy for you too. I understand this has been a terrifying and scarring ordeal for you," Figgins said.

"Come on, Kurt, Ill take you home," Burt offered.

"But I have glee," Kurt argued, quietly.

"You dont have to go to glee. Im sure you can skip it this once. Youve had an awful day," Blaine assured him.

"No, I need to go to glee. I want to apologise to everyone and explain whats been happening. Th-they deserve to know. They were my best friends and they deserve to know whats happened," Kurt said.

"Are you sure?" asked Blaine.

"Im sure," Kurt said. "I want to go to glee."

Kurt and Blaine were the first ones in the choir room as theyd left Principal Figginss office a good 10 minutes before school had finished. Burt had hugged his son, apologising again and getting him to promise to go to him if there was ever anything wrong again. Kurt and Blaine had then gone and sat in the choir room and waited, Kurt curled into Blaines side as Blaine whispered encouraging words to him. Eventually, people started coming in. Non of them asked Kurt why he hadnt attended their last lesson or why he was upset, but he understood. He usually lied when hed been asked these questions previously, or ignored the person completely. When everyone was in the choir room, Mr Schuester entered and Kurt immediately approached him and asked if he could speak to the group before they began the weekly assignment. He agreed and Kurt went and stood before the group. Most of them seemed confused about Kurt suddenly speaking up, not to mention the bruises still uncovered on his face.

"Hey, guys," he started. "I guess I have a lot of explaining to do to you guys about why Ive been so distant and such a bad friend, especially to some of you," his eyes met Mercedess," but first of all, I have a song to perform. I - erm - Blaine could you do the piano for me?" Blaine nodded and went over to sit at the piano. Kurt went in his bag and found a folder he had containing sheet music. He found the song he was looking for and handed it to Blaine, who began playing the first notes of the song. Kurt smiled at him before proceeding to sing.

I wish I could Bubble Wrap my heart,
In case I fall and break apart,
Im not God, I cant change the stars,
And I dont know if theres life on Mars,
But I know youre hurt,
People that you love and those who care for you,
I want nothing to do with the things youre going through.

Kurt looked up to see that most of the club were looking at one another, their expressions confused or intrigued. A few of them even looked on in sadness and pity. That was the last thing he wanted. Pity.

This is the last time,
I give up this heart of mine,
Im telling you that Im
A broken man whos finally realised.
Youre standing in moonlight,
But youre black on the inside,
Who do you think you are to cry?
This is goodbye.

He tried to will away the tears that were in his eyes as he sang. His heart felt like it was throbbing painfully in his throat, but he continued to sing.

Im a little dazed and confused,
Lifes a bitch and so are you.
All my days have turned into nights,
Cause living without, without, without you in my life.
And you wrote the book on how to be a liar,
And lose all your friends,
Did I mean nothing at all?
Was I just another ghost thats been in your bed?

By this point, his emotions were clear in his voice and he allowed the tears to fall freely. He couldnt hold it in any longer.

This is the last time,
I give up this heart of mine,
Im telling you that Im
A broken man whos finally realised...

This is the last time,
I give up this heart of mine,
Im telling you that Im
A broken man whos finally realised.
Youre standing in moonlight,
But youre black on the inside,
Who do you think you are to cry?
This is goodbye.

This is goodbye.

When he finished the song, he wiped at his eyes and nose and looked up at the group before him. They all looked confused and upset, but mostly intrigued. They clapped, slowly and pitifully and Kurt took a deep breath.

"I havent been very honest with you guys. Ive pushed you away and Ive probably hurt a few of you. I want to first apologise, I know I shouldnt have done that... As you all know I started dating Alex about five months ago. It was an exciting thing for me, and for you guys too, I guess. I was lonely before and I thought Id finally found someone who would fill that little hole in my heart that friendship alone couldnt fill. But not long after we started dating, he began to get angry and possessive. He said some things to me. He made me feel like I was worthless and like I didnt deserve anyone. He somehow convinced me that you guys didnt love me, only he did. And so I kept away from you guys. I thought that you just pitied me. I didnt and dont want pity.

"He became a bit more aggressive. He began hitting me, hurting me. My body is covered in bruises." He gestured to his face. "It got worse. Every time he became angry hes hurt me, with words and physical pain. Its been happening ever since. When Blaine came, he saw something in me that only those close to me could see, and as no one was close to me anymore, no one saw. He figured out what was going on and he has taken care of me. Hes proved to me that Im not what Alex said I was. And last night, when I showed up to his house in tears and looking like this, he told me hed had enough and that I had to speak to someone. So I did. I spoke to Miss Pillsbury and she told me I had to speak to the Principal. Alex admitted to what hed done and now hes been expelled. I... Im still hurt about perhaps never seeing him again, he was the only thing I knew for so many months, but I know what he did was wrong now.

"So I want to apologise. To you guys. Im sorry I cut you guys out. Im sorry Ive been horrible to people who were meant to be my best friends. I know you all hate me now, but I am really sorry," Kurt said. He took a deep breath and moved his hand to wipe the tears away. No one had spoken yet, and he had avoided looking at the group until now, but as he raised his eyes, he realised that the group looked upset, ashamed even. The girls had tears in their eyes, the guys looked pained.

It was Mercedes who approached first, wrapping her arms tightly around Kurts waist and burying her head into his shoulder. "Im so sorry, Kurt. I shouldnt have given up, I should have seen something was so wrong. Im so, so sorry," she sobbed, holding her friend tight.

"No, please dont apologise. Im the one whos sorry," Kurt said.

One by one, the group came up and hugged him, each with an apology or a promise to look after and watch out for him. One by one, they assured him that it was okay, that he had friends and that everything was going to be okay. And for the first time in a long time, Kurt felt like his life might return to the way it was again.


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