Bubble Wrap
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bubble Wrap: Chapter 5

T - Words: 3,010 - Last Updated: Dec 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 21, 2013 - Updated: Dec 21, 2013
156 0 0 0 0

"That son of a bitch!" exclaimed Wes, after Blaine had explained the events of that night to him on the phone.

"I hate him so much right now," Blaine practically growled. "And Kurt kept on insisting it was an accident and that he was really sorry for it. I dont know who he was trying to convince; me or himself."

"I mean, Ive seen you angry with people. I remember when you first got to Dalton, but you never hurt someone. Not enough to give them a black eye at least," said Wes.

"I just... I dont know what to do. I dont want to push him into saying things because he wont trust me then. Should I talk to Alex?" Blaine asked.

"No! Do not talk to Alex. If hes as bad as we think then hell probably have told Kurt not to tell anyone and if he thinks Kurts told you then he might just end up getting angry at Kurt and Kurt wont tell you anything else," Wes told him

"True. I dont know what to do, Wes. I feel so helpless. What if I cant save him? What if something happens to him and Im too late to help him?" Blaine dug the heel of his hand into his eye, holding back the tears he felt welling there.

"Have you told him about... you know?"

"Wes, Ive known him for a week. It took months for you to find out and that was an accident because you found the picture. I dont think I should be spilling my darkest secrets to him just yet," Blaine reminded him.

"But you seem to care about him already. And it might help him," Wes defended.

"I care because no one should have to go through what hes going through. I care because I dont want anything to happen to him. If anything happens to him, Ill feel responsible," Blaine explained.

"What about his friends? Wont they feel responsible?"

"Ive talked to his friends. Hes been distant with them all. Apparently its strange that hes talking to me and I dont know why he is, but Im not going to question him on it. I assume that what hes been doing to his friends is what he did to me all of last week and I have an idea of why hes doing it. But they dont know what going on with him and Alex. I dont think anyone knows," said Blaine.

"Well, he obviously needs someone and is putting his trust in you. If what youre saying is true, hes probably not used to letting people in. Maybe give him some time and hell open up a bit more to you," Wes suggested.

"Youre right. Jeez, why are you always right?"

"Because I am your best friend and I am amazing. Now, when are you coming to Dalton? Or at least letting us all come crash at yours. We know your place is huge, man!" Wes said.

"You know you can come over any time. If you want you can come this weekend. Bring Niff and Trent and Thad and David too. But, for the record, your house is like double the size of mine," Blaine said.

"Sure dude. But, yeah, well be there. Ill bring the marshmallows for chubby bunny, Niffll bring the chocolate and Trentll bring the boring stuff like blow up mattresses. Kay?"

"Kay. Itll be good to see you guys. I havent seen you in ages," said Blaine.

"Having Warbler withdrawal symptoms?" teased Wes.

"Dont you know it. Were definitely having a jam session!" Blaine chuckled.

"Awesome. Speaking of jam sessions, hows your duet going?" asked Wes.

"Great! Weve perfected it. I believe the glee club are going to meet tomorrow lunch time so we can perform ours and I think Santana and Brittany are performing theirs too," said Blaine.

"See, thats the one thing the Warblers dont have. Girls. Man, if you werent gay we all know youd be tapping one of them," said Wes.

"Of course. Ive already been asked out, dude," said Blaine.

"You have?"

"Yeah. Rachel Berry, lead singer, split up with her boyfriend not so long ago and after our first glee meeting she came after me. Something about how wed have so much vocal chemistry that she was sure the other guys would expect us to become an item and we couldnt let them down," said Blaine. Wes burst out laughing on the other end of the phone.

"Aw man, guess it is lucky youre gay if the girls are all like that," Wes said.

"True. Im going to go now, Wes. Got some homework to catch up on. You better call me sometime soon," Blaine insisted.

"No need to get possessive, man. You know youre the only guy for me," Wes said. Blaine could practically hear him winking.

"I have no idea why I talk to you," said Blaine.

"Because you love me and Im the hottest piece of ass youre going to get so you have to live with me. Anyway, go do your homework," said Wes.

"Sure. See you soon, man," said Blaine.

"See you soon," replied Wes.

Kurt was back the next day, eye concealed so well that Blaine almost forgot what was lying beneath the makeup. They didnt share any lessons that day, but Blaine saw Kurt in the halls and at his locker between lessons. He was with Alex each time, so instead of doing what he wanted to do and running up to talk to Kurt, he kept his distance, giving Kurt a sure smile before continuing his journey to lesson.

They met up with the glee club in the auditorium at lunch and Kurt and Blaine went backstage to find microphones to perform with. As Blaine was setting up the microphones, he asked Kurt, "Can I ask you something? You might find it kind of personal."

"I-I guess so," replied Kurt.

"You dont have to answer. I was just wondering, why do you and Alex never hold hands?"


"Its just that, from what Ive heard, youve been together for a while and the only time Ive seen you act couple-y is when he wrapped his arms around you last week. And I think that was more for my benefit actually," Blaine explained.

"Oh, well, Alex isnt really big on PDA. We do that sort of thing at home and lunch time, but not when we can be seen," Kurt answered.

"Any reason why?" asked Blaine. "Sorry if Im overstepping."

"No, i-its okay. Just, the first week we started dating, I asked if hed hold my hand and he did. Some of the guys on the hockey team saw and called us some names which he didnt like. He got angry and said he didnt want to do that in public. Its like, they know were dating but as long as we dont act on it they can ignore it," Kurt explained.

"You mentioned lunch. Where do you go at lunch? I never see you in the cafeteria," Blaine asked.

"Oh, we usually go behind the bleachers. No ones ever there. The team sometimes practices at lunch too, so I watch," said Kurt.

"I see. Well if you ever need company whilst you watch, you know where to find me," Blaine said.

"Thanks," Kurt said with a small smile in Blaines direction. "Ready to do our duet?"

"As Ill ever be," Blaine grinned.

Their duet went perfectly. Blaine knew it would. He was buzzing after, practically bouncing on his feet for the rest of the day. Well, until 5th period. Blaine had forgotten his Spanish textbook and had to head to his locker, still grinning like an idiot. However, that grin faded when a large jock walked past, carrying a cup of what looked to be a slushy. The next thing he heard was the slap of ice hitting skin and a sharp intake of breath. He turned to see Kurt covered in red slush, Alex standing next to him with narrowed eyes. But they werent narrowed at the jock. They were narrowed at Kurt.

"Go clean up," he heard Alex tell Kurt. Kurt nodded and rushed off in the direction of the bathroom, not even noticing Blaine. Blaine didnt even think before he was storming up to Alex.

"What was that?" he demanded.

"What was what, hobbit?" countered Alex.

"That guy just through a slushy at Kurt. That guy is one of your team mates. Why did you not yell at him?"

"Why would I do that?" asked Alex.

"Because Kurt is your boyfriend. Isnt it your job to defend him from your dimwit friends?" said Blaine.

"Look, dont tell me how I should or shouldnt act. Just because Kurts going to be sissy about getting some ice in his hair doesnt mean I should get my ass kicked by them guys!" said Alex.

"I cannot believe you. What is wrong with you?"

"Look, smartass," stated Alex, grabbing Blaine by the collar and bringing him to his toes so that their faces were close. "You dont tell me how to treat my boyfriend. He belongs to me. Not you."

"Kurt doesnt belong to anyone. Hes his own person," Blaine growled.

"You dont get a say in this. Stay away from him. He doesnt need you and you certainly arent getting him. Hes mine and hell always be mine," snarled Alex.

"Maybe, one day, hell see that he can do better," said Blaine.

"You think youre better?" asked Alex.

"Anyones better than you. If you really cared for him, youd have a word with those boneheads and youd be in that bathroom helping Kurt clean up," said Blaine.

"I told you not to tell me how to treat him," said Alex.

"Well, thats how you should treat him," said Blaine.

Alex shoved Blaine away, the surprise of the shove sending Blaine into a locker. He pointed at Blaine and stated, "Stay away from him, or this wont end well. Now if youll excuse me, Im late for class." With that, Alex left, walking in the complete opposite direction of the bathroom. Blaine had to take a minute to catch his breath but as soon as he realised the situation, he scurried off to find Kurt.

Sobbing. Thats what Blaine heard when he first entered the bathroom. Kurt was crying, the sound so heartbreaking that Blaine just wanted to gather Kurt in his arms and keep him there forever.

"Kurt?" he called out, making his presence known.


"Can I come in?"

"Please," Kurt whimpered.

He stepped inside and his heart sunk at the sight. Kurt was sat on a plastic chair in front of the sink, his jacket abandoned revealing the slushy stained shirt he wore beneath, his hair was wet from washing out the slushy, which made it hang over his forehead the way Blaine had seen it the previous day and his concealer had washed away to reveal the bruised eye, which was pooling with tears. Blaine didnt speak. He couldnt. All he could do was rush to Kurts side and wrap his arms around him. Kurt put his head into Blaines shoulder and let his tears flow, a whimper emitting from him every few seconds.

"Im so sorry, are you okay?" asked Blaine, rubbing his back soothingly.

"No, I-Im sorry. I dont mean to be s-such a baby ab-bout it. I-I just thought th-that theyd stopped b-but apparently n-not and I forgot h-how cold they were," Kurt sobbed.

"This has happened before?" asked Blaine.

"I used t-to get them t-twice a week. Th-they havent done them for a couple of weeks now though. I-I guess I got my hopes up," said Kurt.

"Do you need me to get my gym shirt?" asked Blaine, eyeing Kurts red stained shirt.

"N-no, I have spare shirts in my locker," Kurt assured him.

"Whats your combination? Ill go get one," said Blaine. Kurt whispered the numbers and Blaine practically ran to his locker. He opened it, found a shirt and quickly locked it, running back to the bathroom. Kurt had stopped sobbing, but his eyes were still red rimmed and he was wiping at them furiously. He handed the shirt to Kurt who took it with a small "Thank you" and a grateful smile. Blaine was a bit taken aback when Kurt simply stood and lifted his shirt off, revealing the undershirt he was wearing. His toned arms were on show, but the shape of his arms wasnt what caught Blaines attention. It was the bruises.

"What are they from?" asked Blaine, nodding at the bruises. Kurt turned and quickly pulled on his shirt, as if hed forgotten Blaine was even there.

"Sorry, Im so used to doing this on my own," Kurt said. He put his hand to his right arm and give his upper arm a gentle squeeze. "Those are mainly from locker checks. But like I said they havent been as bad lately."

"They shouldnt be doing that at all. Why do they?" asked Blaine.

"At first it was simply because I was gay and not afraid to let it show. Then it was because Im in glee. Then it was because they insisted I turned Alex gay too. Pretty much any excuse I guess," Kurt said with a sad smile.

"Im sorry, Kurt. I know it sucks being bullied," said Blaine.

"Youve been bullied?" asked Kurt.

Blaine nodded. "Before I went to Dalton I went to public school. I didnt have many friends there, but I was okay for the first few months. Then I came out and the guys on the football team didnt really like it. They teased me, shoved me into lockers, called me names. It was horrible. And then there was this dance, this Sadie Hawkins dance. I really wanted to go so I asked this guy, the only other gay guy I knew, to go with me. It was meant to be a kind of up yours to the jocks who hated us. The night was great, we really did have a great time. But then after, we were waiting for this guys dad to pick us up and these jocks came and... beat the crap out of us."

"Oh, God, Blaine, Im so sorry," said Kurt, wrapping an arm around Blaine.

"No, its okay. I was in hospital for a week or so but I healed and, after talking to my parents, we agreed that Dalton would be the best option for me. Im glad it happened otherwise Id have never have known the guys from Dalton. They helped me through a lot," Blaine said with a reassuring smile.

"You speak highly of the Warblers," commented Kurt.

"Theyre my best friends," said Blaine. "Theyre my New Directions."

Kurts smile dropped. "The New Directions hate me now."

"Why would you think that?" asked Blaine.

"Because Ive been horrible to them. Ive avoided them even when they tried to be there for me. Ive shut them out, Ive not participated in glee," Kurt said.

"Why did you?" asked Blaine.

"I thought I was doing them a favour. Theyre such good friends and what am I? I dont deserve them. I dont deserve you. I just got a bit caught up with having you as a friend that I didnt want to stop. But I really dont deserve your friendship," Kurt said.

"Why do you say that? Of course you deserve me. What you dont deserve is the way that youre being treated," Blaine insisted.

Kurts eyes were pooling with tears again. "I do," he whispered.

"Why would you think that?" asked Blaine. Kurt didnt answer. "Have you been told that?" Once again Kurt didnt answer. Blaine tried again. "Did he tell you that?" When Kurt didnt answer again, Blaine understood. His fists clenched in anger.

"Please dont be angry at me," Kurt whispered, wrapping his arms around himself and sitting away from Blaine.

"Of course Im not angry at you. Its him Im angry at. How could you let him tell you that? How could you date him?" Blaine asked, his voice raising in anger, but he tried not to yell and scare Kurt.

"He loves me. Hes the only guy whos ever going to love me. Who could love me? Im damaged," Kurt said, his voice cracking.

"Dont believe that for one second, Kurt. Youll find someone who treats you right. Who loves you and doesnt hurt you," Blaine replied. He paused before asking, "You know earlier you said that most of those bruises are from locker checks?" Kurt nodded. "Are the rest from him?"

Kurt wrapped his arms tighter around himself and whispered, "He gets angry sometimes. He doesnt mean to hurt me. Hes always so sweet afterwards, apologising and hugging me and kissing the bruises better. He gets so upset when he sees what hes done."

"You dont need to defend him, Kurt. He shouldnt be hurting you at all, no matter how apologetic he is. If he has problems controlling his anger, he should take it out on something else. Not you," Blaine said.

"Why do you care so much, Blaine? You barely know me and I barely know you. Why would you care?" asked Kurt.

"Because, Kurt, no one should be treated this way. No one should feel the way you feel and no one should let someone who is supposed to love them hurt them," clarified Blaine. "It can end badly, and I dont want to see it end badly for you."

"How do you know?"

"I-I just..." Blaine paused and shook his head. "Please just trust me."

"We need to get to class," Kurt said.

"Youre not going to class in the state youre in," Blaine said. He picked up Kurts bag and offered him a hand to help him up. "Come on. Im taking you home."

"But I have my car," said Kurt.

"Ill pick you up for school tomorrow," said Blaine. Kurt glanced between the hand that Blaine offered and his eyes before taking it. Blaine pulled him up gently and led him out of the bathroom towards the car park. As they buckled up in Blaines car, Kurt turned to Blaine and said, "Blaine? Youre not going to tell anyone what Ive told you are you?"

"Do you not want me to?" asked Blaine. Kurt shook his head. "Im not going to break your trust, Kurt. I think you should talk to someone, your dad or your friends at least, but if you dont want to then I wont force you to. Just please tell me when youre upset. Dont suffer in silence, okay?"

Kurt nodded and wiped the tears from his eyes, a true smile taking over his face.


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