Bubble Wrap
Chapter 21 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bubble Wrap: Chapter 21

T - Words: 1,427 - Last Updated: Dec 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 21, 2013 - Updated: Dec 21, 2013
134 0 0 0 0

Kurt hated hospitals. They brought back bad memories of when his mother was sick and that one time hed been thrown into the dumpsters and sprained his wrist, when he panicked and honestly thought it was badly broken. But at this moment in time, he couldnt care less. No, instead he was much too busy worrying about his boyfriend, holding Lindas arm as they frantically stormed down the corridor in search of Blaines room.

As soon as they reached it, they barged through the door, Andrew in tow behind them. The sight they were greeted with broke their hearts. Blaine was sat up in bed asleep, a bandage wrapped around his head, his arm in a cast, a stitched lip, a black eye and various bruises on his arms. Kurts breath hitched and tears came to his eyes at the sight. Before he could stop himself he was rushing to Blaines side and grabbing his hand.

He hadnt meant to jostle him, but his force made Blaine stir and his eyes fluttered open. "Kurt?" he murmured, his voice sounding scratchy and rough.

"Oh, Blaine," Kurt whispered, tears beginning to spill down his cheeks.

"I like waking up and seeing you," Blaine sighed, a loving smile forming on his face.

Kurt couldnt help but smile through his tears. "Im not sure whether thats you or the pain medication."

"A mixture of both," Blaine said.

"What happened?"Kurt sniffed.

"Im not sure I should tell you," Blaine groaned. "Because if I do then youre going to be mad and sad and I hate seeing you mad and sad."

"Blaine, what happened?" Linda piped up, grasping the arm on the opposite side of Blaine, lightly as not to hurt him.

"Get him."

"Alex, what are you doing?" Blaine questioned desperately as Alexs friends each stepped around him to grab Blaines arms.

"I heard about you and Kurt," Alex hissed.

"How-" Blaine began, but he was cut off.

"I do have friends on the football team still. Some of the guys overheard that giant moron step brother of Kurts, Hudson, telling that douchebag Puck. They thought it would interest me," Alex explained. "I knew you were sleeping with him, but that was meant to be temporary. Dating him? Youre obviously desperate."

"Its non of your business if Im dating Kurt," Blaine growled.

"Yes, it is. Hes still mine. Hes just being an idiot and making a mistake. Hell come crawling back to me eventually. Once he realises that no one actually wants him," Alex returned.

"I want him," Blaine stated. He tried to move out of Alexss friends grips, but found that their grips just tightened. "Hell never come back to you because you are cruel and abusive and dont deserve him."

"Believe what you want. Youll soon get over the novelty of a good fuck and find someone better," Alex spat. Blaine tried to launch at Alex, snarling at him, but he was held back. "Aw, look, hes trying to defend his fuck buddy. You want to show him whos boss, boys? Shotgun first punch."

"Hes all yours, dude," one of the other boys laughed.

Before Blaine could protest, a fist met his jaw and he tried not to show the pain he felt on his face. The boys pushed him to the wall, pinning him there so that Alex could continue to punch him. He went for the stomach and Blaine curled in on himself automatically, giving them an opportunity to send him to the floor. He tried to catch himself with his arm, but it landed odd and he felt a sharp pain shoot down the length of it. The ground below him was rough and gravelly. Blaine swore he could feel glass beneath him too. The punches had stopped, but they continued kicking his stomach, arms, legs; anywhere they could reach.

"HEY!" came a cry. The kicks stopped and the men took off running in the opposite direction of the voice. Blaines eyes were closed, but he heard the sound of footsteps on gravel approaching him. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

Blaines eyes fluttered open, his vision blurry, and he could just make a woman kneeling down beside him, pulling out a cell phone. He barely heard the frantic 911 call as he let his eyes fall shut again and let himself drift into unconsciousness.

Blaines story was less detailed and hed cut parts out, but it still had Kurt gripping his hand tightly. At first, Blaine thought it was because he was scared that Alex had once again made an appearance. However, Kurts thoughts seemed to be heading in a different direction.

"This is all my fault."

"What?" demanded Blaine.

"This is all my fault," Kurt sobbed. "If I had just shut you out and never became friends with you then non of this would have happened. He wouldnt have done this. This is all my fault."

"Kurt," Blaine sighed. "Dont talk like that. This is non of your fault. And you shutting me out would hurt a thousand times more than taking a beating."

"I hate seeing you hurt," Kurt said. "Is this what it was like for you?"

"Worse. Because I knew that it was preventable and I knew the person hurting you was supposed to be someone who cared about you."

"Im so sorry for putting you through his Blaine. Im sorry for everything," Kurt cried, squeezing Blaines hand tightly.

"Please dont be sorry," Blaine whispered. "Please dont feel bad."

"I cant help it," Kurt said. "I-"

Kurt was interrupted by the doctor entering. "Ah, Blaine, I take it these are your parents." The doctor gestured to Linda and Andrew. He glanced at Kurt and added, "And this is a friend?"

"My boyfriend," Blaine corrected him. "My Kurt." Kurts heart swelled to twice its size at that.

The doctor raised his eyebrows. "Ah, well its nice to meet you. Im Doctor Reilly. Are you comfortable him being here to hear the details?" Blaine nodded enthusiastically at that. "Okay, so, basically Blaine had a rather deep cut on the back of his head caused by glass, which weve stitched up along with his split lip. It looks like he fell bad on his arm and its broken so he may be in cast for a while, and hes got a few cracked ribs which weve taped up. Other than that hes got some bruises and scratches which weve tried our best to soothe, but only time will fully heal them. We want to keep him over night to check that he doesnt have any concussion, but he seems to be doing well so far. If you pick him up tomorrow then we can show you how to treat his injuries at home. Do you have any questions?" The group shook their heads. "Well, if you do then dont be afraid to come and find someone and ask."

"Thank you, doctor," Andrew said with a grateful nod.

The next day Blaine was released. He had been shown how to treat his injuries and keep clean whilst avoiding getting his cast wet. Kurt had taken a day off from school to stay with his boyfriend and help look after him and help him settle back at home. Hed also been there for him when he spoke to a police officer about the incident, although he avoided listening as it made his heart hurt.

For once, it was Kurt comforting Blaine. It felt odd to have the roles reversed and he didnt like the reason it was required, but it felt good knowing he could help Blaine instead of Blaine helping him. They lounged in casual clothes, watching Blaines choice of musical this time, Blaines head resting on Kurts chest and Kurt idly running his fingers through his boyfriends thick, loose curls.

"Im so happy I met you," whispered Blaine, peeking up to look at Kurt.

Kurt stayed silence for a few seconds, smiling at Blaine. "Im so happy I met you too." Blaine tilted his head upwards to kiss Kurt chastely on the lips, avoiding contact with his split lip. "And Im so happy youre my boyfriend."

"Mm, youre the best," Blaine sighed, nosing at Kurts cheek.

"Im sorry about whats happened. You dont deserve this. Youre too good for me," Kurt replied.

"Thats a lie. If anything youre too good for me. I am the luckiest guy ever."

"I dont think so," Blaine chuckled.

Kurt and Blaine both smiled at one another, before looking back at the TV to watch the movie. Blaine began drifting off in the comfort of Kurts arms, and just before he slipped into slumber he mumbled something against Kurts chest. Kurt didnt make out quite what he said, but he planned to ask him later. In the meantime, he held his boyfriend a little closer.


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