Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Blaine didnt mention to Kurt what hed witnessed. He decided that hed keep his eye out for Kurt, but thought that bringing it up might cause Kurt to become more distant with him. Instead he just strolled up to Kurt, who was staring at the locker ahead with wide eyes, and greeted him with a, "Hey, Kurt!" Kurt smiled at him and the evidence of the previous scene left his eyes.
When they got to the choir room, Blaine was met with a series of different greetings. Tina with a, "Hi, Blaine!", Mike with a, "Sup, dude?" and an unfamiliar petite brunette who yelled, "SPY!" as soon as Blaine entered.
Blaine looked from Kurt to the rest of occupants of the choir room. Kurt just mouthed Rachel and Blaine nodded to gesture his understanding.
"What are you talking about, Rachel?" said a blonde girl in a Cheerios uniform.
"Hes a spy, Quinn!" said Rachel.
"No, hes not, Rachel," Tina argued. "Hes a new student."
"But hes lead of the Warblers! Whats he doing here?"
Kurt raised his eyebrows at Blaine. "You never told you you were lead of the Warblers! You kicked our asses at regionals last year!"
"I didnt mention that I came from Dalton?" Blaine asked.
"Nope. But this is even worse. You were amazing at regionals. Theres no way Rachel is going to give you a minutes peace now," Kurt said.
"That doesnt sound good," Blaine said.
Kurt was right. Mr Schue let Blaine audition there and then with a fantastic rendition of Its Not Unusual by Tom Jones and almost as soon as the applause had died down, Rachel was listing duets that Blaine and her could sing.
"Im not sure how educated you are in musical theatre, but I think our voices are perfect together for Tonight from West Side Story! Im sure I have the sheet music lying around my room somewhere in case you dont know it," she rambled.
"Erm, I know it actually. Ill consider it. Thank you, Rachel," Blaine quickly dismissed before taking a seat next to Kurt at the back of the choir room.
"Okay, guys," Mr Schue began. "Im sure were all excited about our new member, Blaine Anderson, but we should get on with this weeks assignment!" Mr Schue ran to the whiteboard, pulling out a marker, and scrawled the words DUETS across it. A few whoops and cheers came from the club. "Blaine couldnt have come at a more appropriate time as this now evens out our numbers! I want you to all pair up and prepare a duet to perform either sometime this week or at the beginning of next week."
Blaine panicked for a moment. Who could he pair up with? Surely everyone already had duet partners and hed be stuck with whoever was left. However, his worries were answered when Kurt tapped him on the upper arm with a smile.
"I usually skip out of these, but beings as you need a partner and youre new, want to pair up?" Kurt asked with an unsure smile. Blaine nodded and returned a confident smile. He ignored the fact that Rachel was glaring at Kurt and the others were all staring with slightly shocked expressions.
"Can you come to mine to practise tomorrow after school?" Blaine asked.
"Oh, I er- I cant tomorrow, Im going to Alexs," Kurt said, his voice wavering slightly. Blaine tried not to let his face show his worry.
"Wednesday, then?"
"I can do that. Here, put your number in my phone and Ill text you to make arrangements," Kurt offered, pulling out his phone and setting up a new contact for Blaine. Blaine quickly put his number in and saved it, smiling at Kurt and trying to ignore the tug he felt on his heart.
After glee, Kurt rushed straight off to the car park with a quick goodbye in Blaines direction. Blaine was still packing things into his bag and didnt notice practically the whole club surrounding him. Only when he turned did he notice them.
"How did you do that?" the boy in the wheelchair asked immediately.
"Do what?" said Blaine.
"You know what, hobbit," said the latino cheerleader that he was sure was called Santana. "Hummels being all nice with you and pairing up with you for duets. How did you get him to do that?"
"I dont know. He just … was," said Blaine.
"Well," Rachel said, "somethings going on with him. Do you know what it is? He hasnt talked to us properly in months!"
"I did notice that somethings going on but I dont know what it is. We did only meet this morning. But Im keeping an eye out for him," Blaine assured them.
"Youd better. As much as Hummels acting weird and not freeing his gay magic nowadays, hes still one of us and we look out for each other," Puck, the mohawked teen, input.
"Ill do my best," Blaine said. He nodded to the group and they dispersed as he went to leave.
"Hey, Blaine, wait up!" a voice called from behind him as he left.
"How can I help, Rachel?" he greeted the girl.
"Well, I can assure you that we have vocal chemistry as well as being perfect heights for one another, and as a newly single and a very talented female, I believe the other members of glee will expect us to become an item. So, I propose you come to my house so that we can test our voices together and plan a date. What do you think?" Rachel announced.
Blaine stared at her, wondering whether what hed just witnessed actually happened or not. Kurt wasnt kidding about Rachel and her diva tendencies.
"Oh, wow. Rachel, Im flattered, really. I know youre lovely and Im sure your voice is just as lovely, but I dont think youre my type," Blaine quickly defended.
"And what would your type be?" Rachel asked.
"Boys," Blaine said, bluntly.
"Oh," said Rachel. "I guess I should have seen that one coming. All the good ones are gay or taken. Figures. Catch you later, Blaine Warbler."
Blaine sighed as Rachel flounced off, leaving Blaine questioning the situation hed just witnessed.
"Im home!" Blaine called when he walked in through the front door.
"In here, Blaine!" he heard a voice call back. He abandoned his shoes and bag near the front door and walked into the living room where his parents sat, his dad, Andrew, reading the newspaper and his mom, Linda, sewing the hem of a skirt.
"Hey, sweetie, how was school?" asked Linda. Andrew put down his newspaper and looked up to hear Blaines answer.
"It was good. Better than I expected," Blaine answered truthfully.
"Thats great! And I assume youve made friends as youve already joined glee club!" Linda responded.
"Yeah, I kind of literally ran into a guy this morning and, after I helped him pick his books back up, we got talking. Hes in the glee club and when I mentioned that I sang he invited me along and they gave me an audition. I spent lunch with this girl, Tina, and her boyfriend, Mike, who are also both in glee. Theyre all really nice," Blaine assured them.
"Thats great, son," Andrew commented. "Did you find out about football tryouts?"
"Well, theyve already had tryouts, but the guys in glee who are on the team have said theyll see if they can put in a good word for me," Blaine said.
"Ah, thats good. I wish you luck," Andrew said.
"Thanks, dad. Erm, do you mind if I go call Wes? I told him I would when I got in to tell him if he needed to send some Warblers to save me, and Im already pretty late," Blaine asked.
Linda chuckled and said, "Sounds like something Wes would say. Go ahead, sweetie. Dinner will be done in about an hour."
Blaine smiled at them and rushed up the stairs, phone already in hand for when he entered his room. As soon as he dialed the number, Wes answered.
"Hey, Wes. Hows it going?"
"You have had me worried sick!" Wes exclaimed. "I was expecting your call an hour ago. I thought that the McKinley kids had turned wild and decided to skin you alive or something."
"Thanks, Wes. Im glad your thoughts of me are pleasant," Blaine commented sarcastically.
"So how was your first day? And why are you so late calling?"
"My day was good. Better than I thought it would be. And I was late because I was at glee club," Blaine explained.
"Glee club already? Youre obviously eager to replace us," Wes teased.
"I could never replace you guys. And yeah, already. I ran into this guy this morning and we got chatting and I mentioned I was in the glee club at my old school. Hes in the glee club so he offered to take me along and see if I could audition and I could," Blaine said.
"A glee club guy, huh? Was it by any chance a cute glee club guy?"
"Seriously, Wes?"
"What? Wasnt he cute?"
"Yes. He was freakin gorgeous. Probably the most gorgeous guy Ive ever seen. That wasnt, however, what influenced my decision to join glee," Blaine assured him.
"Most gorgeous guy youve ever seen? Does that mean Anderson will finally be getting some?" Wes teased.
"You suck."
"And glee club boy doesnt?" Blaine could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"Oh shut up, Wesley. No I will not be getting some!" Blaine said.
"Why? He straight? Uninterested? Blind?" Wes asked.
"Not straight, I have no idea about uninterested, certainly not blind, but very much taken." Blaine explained.
"Ah, you really dont sound happy about that," Wes commented.
"Im not. Not because hes dating someone else, because I honestly dont mind. I mean, I only met him today. But the guy hes dating kind of seems like a dick. Im not sure whats going on with him, but from what Ive seen he doesnt treat Kurt right. He was moaning at him today, about me actually, saying how he didnt like me and how Im just as much a loser as Kurt. Not in banter or anything, really serious. I dont like the way he treats Kurt and Im kind of worried about the relationship theyre in. What if what happened to her is going on with him?" Blaine didnt need to elaborate. His best friend knew what he was talking about immediately.
"All you can do, Blaine, is keep an eye out for him. If you see anything else happen, just talk to him. And I assume Kurt is cute glee club guy? That saves the long nickname," Wes said.
"Yes, it is. So you think I should just keep an eye out for him?"
"Thats all you can do, dude. And try not to get distracted by his pretty eyes or whatever it is about him that turns you into a teenage girl," Wes chuckled.
"Shut up!"
"Never. You still love me. So, cmon. Tell me more about glee club!"