Bubble Wrap
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bubble Wrap: Chapter 17

T - Words: 1,967 - Last Updated: Dec 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 21, 2013 - Updated: Dec 21, 2013
149 0 0 0 0

"Mercedes can I borrow you?"

Mercedes, who had been dancing with Anthony, paused and turned out of his arms to find Kurt waiting for a reply, bouncing from one foot to another and worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Erm, sure. Anthony, why dont you go get us some drinks?" Mercedes suggested. Anthony agreed, with a friendly nod at both Kurt and Mercedes, before heading off in the direction of the bar. "Whats up, Kurt?"

"I know that, erm, I know that I havent exactly been open with you in a while and Ive kept things from you, even though were supposed to be really good friends, but I kind of need some advice and I know that youll know how to handle this. You wont hate me for asking, will you?" Kurt babbled.

"Kurt, I could never hate you. I dont mind that you havent been open for a while, I understand that youre uncomfortable opening up, but just know that Im here whenever you need to talk," Mercedes assured him. Kurt smiled slightly, but still looked nervous. "If youre really uncomfortable then you could go and talk to Blaine."

"I cant talk to Blaine," Kurt stated.

"Why not?" asked Mercedes.

"Because it involves him," Kurt clarified.

"Ah, right. Spill!"

"So, he came as my date. My best friend date kind of date, I think," Kurt began.

"Uh huh."

"And we slow danced."


"And we were really close."


"And I really wanted to kiss him."


"But I cant."


Kurt didnt respond for a moment, as if thinking about the actual answer to that question.

"Because of Alex."

"Kurt, honey, youre not with Alex anymore. He cant hurt you anymore," Mercedes argued.

"No, its not that. Its just that, Im so broken. I still have nightmares and I still cry myself to sleep sometimes and Im still scared, but Blaine has made everything okay. And Im kind of scared that hes going to think that Im just crushing on him because I see him as a hero or something and Im also kind of scared that Im not good enough for him and that Im just a charity case to him and Im also kind of scared that he wont like me and that hell be really awkward with me and I wont be able to talk to him like I do now and that Ill be alone," Kurt explained, taking a gasp of breath at the end of the long speech.

"Okay, first of all, Kurt, its understandable that youre still the way you are. This takes time to get over. Youre doing so well and I know that youll get over it one day, even if that day isnt soon. But you know Blaine. Blaine will listen to you and understand you. Im sure he would understand if you explained that this isnt about him being your hero or whatever. He most certainly does not see you as a charity case; he never has done and he never will. He cares about you and you know that. You know that he would never see you as not being good enough. And as for the last one, thats just a risk youve got to take. If you ask me, Im 99.9% sure hes into you, if the way he looks at you and talks about you is anything to go on, but even if he wasnt, he would never stop being your best friend or leave you alone. He would never abandon you and, if I know you and Blaine, I know that things wouldnt be awkward," Mercedes replied.

"And what about Alex?" asked Kurt.

"Alex is in the past now, Kurt. I think you still need some more time to get over him, but at the end of the day, hes an ex and he cant affect your relationship with Blaine. Alex is in the past, but Blaine is in the present and the future. One day, youre going to be completely over him. You might never forget him, but you wont hurt the way you do now. One day youre going to move on with your life and the only way youre going to get to that point is by letting in people to love and to love you," Mercedes answered.

Kurt watched her, his eyes glossed over slightly. "You always say such smart things," he chuckled.

Mercedes giggled. "I just try my best. I wouldnt take it too seriously - I mean look at the amount of relationships Ive been in – but I would do anything for you and I am prepared to do anything to make you smile."

Kurt smiled at her, as if to grant her wish and she wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"Now, do I get a dance with you before youre dragged off by your knight in an expensive tux?" Mercedes joked.

"Anything for you, my dear. Though I dont think I should keep you for too long; Anthonys starting to look a bit green eyed," Kurt jested back.

"Oh please. He knows youre gayer than the fourth of July," Mercedes said.

"Yeah, well, he seems pretty jealous. He must be into you," Kurt replied. "Have you kissed him yet? Is he your boyfriend?"

"Oh, Kurt Hummel, am I the kind of girl to kiss and tell?" Mercedes giggled, swaying in time with Kurt.

"Yes, you are now. Come on, tell!" Kurt urged.

"Fine, if you really want to know. He kissed me earlier, when he came to pick me up for the wedding. He told me I looked beautiful and gave me a flower and kissed my hand. It was super sweet. And then he kissed me and he told me he was really glad that I asked him to be my date," Mercedes told him. "As for boyfriend, weve not really talked about labels, but I know that I really want him to be my boyfriend."

"Im so happy for you," Kurt whispered against her ear, holding her slightly tighter.

"Im so happy for you," she repeated. "Ive missed this; Ive missed us. I know you might not be ready for it yet, but do you think Blaine would mind if I dragged you away for some shopping and maybe a sleepover. Ive missed gossiping with you. Rachel Berry sucks at being you. All she ever talks about is herself and moans about Finn and asks if they should get back together. Not to mention how horrific shopping with her is. I swear we went into too many childrens shops and there are only so many animal sweaters I can handle in my life."

Kurt chuckled as Mercedes ranted, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. "Yeah, Ive missed us too. Im sorry you had to go through all of that."

"I just missed you an awful lot," Mercedes whispered as the song came to an end.

"I missed you too, boo," Kurt replied. The song ended and Anthony came back clutching drinks and waiting patiently for Kurt to leave so he could continue to dance with Mercedes, although he was too polite to actually ask. Kurt got the message, and with another hug and a promise to arrange a sleepover as soon as possible, Kurt hurried off to find Blaine.

When he found Blaine, he was alone, just as Kurt had been when Blaine found him. He was sat at an empty table, sipping a glass of coke and staring straight ahead.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed when he got close enough for Blaine to hear him.

Blaine nearly jumped out of his seat at the sound of Kurts voice, but managed not to spill his drink and looked up to meet his friends gaze. "K-Kurt, hi," he stammered. "Find Mercedes okay?"

"Yeah, but her date wanted her back so I guess I had to give her up eventually in order to not neglect mine," Kurt replied with a grin. Blaine smiled back, almost nervously.

"Its okay. Its your dads wedding so youre allowed to do what you want. Plus, Im really glad that youre getting to become close with Mercedes again. I know she makes you happy," Blaine said.

Not as happy as you make me, Kurt thought, but he didnt say it, thinking it might be a bit too forward. Instead he just said, "Would you like to go outside for a few minutes? Its getting a little stuffy in here."

"Sure," Blaine answered, before downing the last of his drink and standing to follow Kurt. Kurt lead them to the back door and opened it, thankful when he didnt find some couple making out or more in the space behind the building. They were silent for a moment, simply allowing the cool air to refresh their skin.

"Thanks for inviting me to come with you," Blaine said, finally breaking the silence.

"Thank you for coming," Kurt replied. "And for holding my hand and dancing with me." When Kurt said it like that, he realised it sounded a lot more couple-y than hed thought.

"Thats what best friends do for each other, right?" Blaine said. The music could still be heard through the thin doors, the slow melodies continuing to play as the night drew on and people grew tired of the upbeat dance songs. "Would you like to dance again?"

"Pardon?" Kurt asked, not quite sure hed heard correctly.

"Well, you rushed off last time and it was really hot in there. Plus, its nicer out here; not so many people gawking," Blaine clarified.

"I, erm, yeah, okay," Kurt muttered.

This time, Kurt took the lead, placing one hand on Blaines hip and entwining the fingers on his other with Blaine. Blaines hand rested gently on his shoulder and they moved together slowly, not really caring that they werent particularly dancing very well. The didnt speak again for a while, the silence comfortable, and Kurt was sure if he spoke, it would come out as merely a squeak.

"Dancing is my favourite," Blaine admitted. "I love singing, I really do, but I think I love dancing more. Its a way to have fun, to let yourself just get lost in music, to not care about what anyone thinks, to express feelings or to connect with someone. I know most people probably think thats stupid, but its just the way I see it."

"I dont think thats stupid. In fact, I know exactly what you mean. Although I tend to refrain from embarrassing myself at parties such as this by busting my moves, I like the idea of using dancing to express yourself. I remember, when I was really little, my mom and me would dance all the time. Usually to my The Little Mermaid soundtrack, but I remember it always made us both happy," Kurt said. "I remember I asked her once about why princes and princesses always dance in movies and she said something about how it helps them realise how much they love each other. She told me, one day, I would be the prince, dancing with someone I really care about." Blaine ducked his head, avoiding Kurts eyes. "And I guess I am dancing with someone I really care about," Kurt continued. Of course he cares about you; youre his best friend, Blaine reminded himself in his head.

"I really care about you too," Blaine whispered.

"Blaine, I need to talk to you about something," Kurt mumbled. Blaine looked up again, meeting Kurts eye as they continued to sway side to side. He raised an eyebrow and waited for Kurt to continue. "Its just that... erm... what I really want to say is ... I need to know... I want..." Kurt was struggling with his words and Blaine could see the confusion and annoyance in his expression.

"Kurt, hey, Kurt," Blaine said, moving his head slightly so that his face was directly in front of Kurts their noses barely an inch apart and their eyes meeting. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

And with that, Kurt ignored all of the worries hed had previously and did what hed been wanting to do all night.


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