Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
When Blaine woke up on Sunday morning, Kurt still had his arms wrapped around his waist, little puffs of breath blowing on Blaines neck in a heavy, even flow of air. Blaine took a moment to appreciate the feeling of waking up with Kurt in his arms, immediately feeling guilty when he thought about how upset Kurt has been the previous night.
He stayed for a few more seconds, the temptation to just lay there all day with Kurt almost too strong to resist, but he carefully untangled himself from Kurts grasp, trying his best not to wake the sleeping boy. He left the room, taking one last glance at Kurt, before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
He found his parents sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen sipping tea, and greeted them as he turned on the coffee machine and slotted some bread into the toaster.
"Morning, sweetie," said Linda. "Is everything alright? I heard you and Kurt come in last night, but you didnt come and say goodnight."
Blaine explained what had happened the previous day, his parents nodding along as they listened. "Kurt was really upset. I didnt think youd mind him staying over, Im sorry I didnt tell you," Blaine finished.
"Oh no, Blaine, I dont mind Kurt staying over at all. In fact, hes welcome anytime. Is he alright?" Linda asked. Blaine couldnt help but be grateful about his mothers acceptance and worry for Kurt.
"Yeah, hes better now. He had a nightmare last night, but I managed to calm him down and he slept the entire night as far as Im aware. I thought Id take him some breakfast and see if he wants to talk," Blaine answered.
"Okay, honey. Youre a great friend to Kurt. Were proud of you, you know?" Linda grinned, looking to her husband, who smiled and nodded at their son in agreement. Blaine looked up from where hed started arranging his and Kurts breakfasts on a tray with a watery smile. He paused his actions to hug his parents.
"Thanks," he whispered between them. "You guys are the best parents I could ever ask for."
"And you are the best child we could have asked for," Andrew responded, his hand finding Lindas on Blaines back. They stayed in this embrace for a few seconds longer, each member of the family enjoying the comfort and safety, before Blaine broke away.
"Id best go take this up to Kurt before his coffee goes cold," he excused. "Did you want me to help with dinner later?"
"Thats alright, Blaine, weve got it sorted. See if Kurts staying for dinner. And if you need us then dont hesitate to call down," Linda said.
"Thanks, guys," Blaine replied, and took the tray from the counter, carefully carrying it as not to spill the coffee, and taking it slowly up the stairs. When he reached his bedroom, Kurt was still sound asleep, his face buried into one of Blaines pillows. Blaine set down the tray on his desk and moved to sit on the bed and gently wake Kurt.
"Kurt," he murmured quietly, not wanting to scare the boy. "Kurt, wake up." Kurt stirred, mumbling nonsense as he rolled over and rubbed at his eyes.
"Blaine?" he groaned, sleepily, his eyes easing open.
"Morning, Kurt. I thought youd want some coffee and breakfast as we didnt eat properly last night," Blaine explained. Kurt moved to sit up whilst Blaine went and retrieved Kurts coffee. Once Kurt was upright, he pushed the mug into Kurts hands and the boy smiled gratefully at him.
"Thank you, Blaine. I dont know what Id do without you," he said, his voice still rough from sleep.
"Its no problem; I just want you to feel better," Blaine replied.
"Im sorry about last night," Kurt remarked. "I bet youre sick of having to look after me."
"No, dont say that! Im just doing what friends do," Blaine argued. "Youre not a burden to me, Kurt. I would do anything to make you happy again."
"I was happy," Kurt admitted. "You made me happy and made me feel safe and then he had to go and ruin it." Kurt took a gulp of his coffee, staring intensely at the bed sheets in front of his crossed legs.
"Well make you feel happy and safe again, Kurt. I dont know how long it will take, but Im not going to give up until you feel happy and safe," Blaine insisted.
"Im sorry that I didnt speak to you last night. And that I broke down. And that I woke you up in the middle of the night," Kurt apologised.
"Dont be sorry. Its nothing to worry about. Anyway, you never told me you were having nightmares," Blaine pointed out.
"Ive never had them here, not when I feel so safe. I was having them nearly every night at home when everything first happened. I didnt want to worry you with them. I talked to my therapist about them though, and theyve gotten much less frequent since. In fact, Ive not had one for at least a week," Kurt explained.
"You dont have to avoid telling me things, Kurt. If somethings wrong then you should tell me, but Im glad youre talking about it with your therapist," said Blaine, standing and pulling the tray onto the bed to offer Kurt some toast. Kurt took it gratefully, nibbling on the edge and leaning over the tray in order to catch the crumbs he was dropping.
"I honestly dont know what I did to deserve you," Kurt stated, between bites.
"I could say the same," replied Blaine.
"You have lots of friends, Blaine. You have Wes and the Warblers and Rachel and New Directions. Theyre much better for you; theyre not broken," Kurt argued.
"Kurt, I may have friends, but I dont have friends like you. The only two friends who I could tell absolutely anything to are you and Wes, and even though Wes is one of the greatest friends Ive ever had, I dont think he understands me in the same way you do. Weve both had our fair share of crap in our lives, weve both had to suffer things out of our control and weve both had people in our lives that have hurt us. I know Wes understands that, but hes never had to go through it. As much as Id love if neither of us had had to go through that, I think its what helps you understand me, and what helps me understand you. Youre my best friend, Kurt. I know you may think that Im helping you, but youre helping me too," Blaine assured.
Kurt just stared for a moment, before placing his drink and plate on the bedside table and throwing his arms around Blaine. He pressed his face into Blaines neck, breathing the scent deeply as Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts waist. "Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you for being there for me, thank you for saving me."
"Thank you for saving me," Blaine murmured back. Kurt took one last deep breath and untangled his arms from around Blaines neck, pulling back to smile at Blaine, before his face turned panicked.
"Oh crap! I didnt call my dad!" Kurt exclaimed, patting at his pockets to find his phone.
"Woah, calm it, Kurt," Blaine said. "I called him last night when you fell asleep. He said to tell you to call him when youre on your way home." Blaine took Kurts phone from the bedside table behind him and handed it over.
"Oh thanks! Id best call him now so he doesnt get too worried," Kurt replied, taking the phone and unlocking it to find his dads number. Blaine watched as Kurt talked to his father, but his mind was otherwise occupied with ways which he could keep that smile on Kurts face.
Since Kurt had returned home on Sunday, Burt had turned back to protective dad mode. He didnt directly address what hed been told had happened on Saturday, but he hovered at every opportunity; he helped Kurt with dinner, even though Kurt insisted that he was just getting in the way, he asked where Kurt was going every time he got up to use the bathroom or get a drink, he questioned Kurt on his mood every half hour. As much as Kurt was grateful that his dad cared so much, Kurt hated him hovering.
The final straw was when Kurt went up to his room to finish his homework, and his dad sent Finn up to sit with him, with the poor excuse that Finn wanted to help him with homework.
"You dont even do French," Kurt sighed.
"I, erm, I thought it looked, erm, interesting," Finn stammered.
"Dad sent you up, didnt he," Kurt accused. Finn went to deny it, but Kurt gave him a pointed look and he reluctantly nodded his head. Kurt stood up and left his room, heading in the direction of the living room. His father and Carole looked up when he entered.
"You okay, Kurt?" his dad asked.
"Dad, please, stop," Kurt begged.
"What?" Burt said.
"The hovering, and the asking if Im okay, and sending Finn up to spy on me. I get that youre worried and I know that you want to help, but youre just making me feel claustrophobic. Im okay. Sure, I had a bit of a break down yesterday and I was really upset, but it was a shock and it caught me off guard. Sure, Ive taken a few steps back from where Id gotten, but Ill get back there with help from Blaine and therapy and you, but that doesnt mean that I need you making sure Im okay every two seconds. Im glad youre here for me, Im glad I have your support and I dont know where Id be without you, but please give me some space," Kurt pleaded.
Burt stared at his son for a few seconds, Carole giving his hand a squeeze to encourage him. "Im really sorry, Kurt," he apologised. "I didnt mean to hover so much. I just worry about you and I hate that I cant help you."
"You do help me, dad; just by being there for me. You dont have to worry about me all of the time. Just be there for me, thats all you have to do," Kurt replied.
Burt looked over to Carole, who gave him a slight nod. "Finn!" he yelled towards the open doorway. "Wanna get in here?" Finn came hurrying down the stairs and into the living room and Burt gestured for him and Kurt to sit on the coach in front of them.
"We were going to tell you guys this tomorrow, but after everything that happened, I didnt want to put too much pressure onto Kurt and I didnt want to risk upsetting you anymore, but you both deserve to know because its a big part of our lives and-" Burt rambled before Carole cut him off.
"Oh, for goodness sake, what Burt is trying to say is that last night he proposed!" Carole squealed. Sure enough, when she held up her left hand, a ring was glistening on her ring finger. Kurt wasnt sure how he hadnt noticed it before.
Burt was still staring at Kurt, waiting for his reaction, which he got when Kurt stood up and let out a shriek of excitement, immediately pulling up his dad and Carole and throwing his arms around them, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Oh my God, this is amazing! We have so much to do! Find Carole the perfect dress, get you fitted for a suit, book the venue and pick a theme. Do you think anywhere rents doves? This is going to be the best wedding ever!" Kurt babbled, his smile growing as he spoke.
"So, youre okay with this?" asked Burt, his smile reflecting his sons.
"Okay with it? Of course Im okay with it! Ive been waiting for you to get the courage to ask for months! You really thought I wouldnt be okay with this?" said Kurt.
"I just wasnt sure how you thought about me getting remarried," Burt replied.
"What about you, Finn? Are you okay with this?" asked Carole.
Finn smiled at his mother, and then at Burt and Kurt. "Yeah, Im okay with it. Im happy for you mom," Finn said. Caroles eyes began to tear up and she rushed to wrap her arms around her son.
"So, Im not exactly one for tradition, so I was wondering if youd both be my best men," said Burt, looking between Kurt and Finn. The two boys looked at each other before looking back to Burt and throwing their arms around him, with replies of "Of course," and "Id be happy to."
"Thanks, boys. And I know that youre going to want to help plan and stuff, Kurt, but dont put too much pressure on yourself," Burt said.
"I wont, dad. Now, I need to go and call Blaine! Hes going to be so excited!" Kurt said, rushing out of the room and pulling his phone out.
Burt, Carole and Finn all looked between each other. Carole was the first to speak, piping up with, "Do you think Kurts going to ask Blaine to be his date to the wedding?"
Burt chuckled and answered, "Im not sure, but I know that, if he does, it will be good for him."