Bubble Wrap
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bubble Wrap: Chapter 14

T - Words: 2,465 - Last Updated: Dec 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 21, 2013 - Updated: Dec 21, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

Kurts life was getting better. He was slowly becoming more comfortable around his old friends, even when Puck or Finn would get a little rough and gave him a hearty slap on the back. Hed even attended a sleepover at Mercedess house, where theyd applied facemasks and watched Hairspray. Kurt had even managed to gush about how gorgeous Zac Efron was in that movie. He was beginning to feel like his old self and things were definitely looking up.

However, they say all good things come to an end and, sure enough, a dent was created in Kurts happiness just a week after Blaines birthday. Theyd decided to go to the mall, Kurt being desperately in need of a new pair of shoes and Blaine just wanting to spend some time with his friend. Theyd traipsed around stores, every so often Kurt pointing out a dress that would look good on Rachel or an accessory that would suit Blaines outfit, and eventually they found a pair of shoes that Kurt deemed suitable. He tried them on, jumping a little and grinning in excitement, before paying for them. Blaine smiled at his friend as he watched the joy on his face. Kurt seemed so much happier.

They decided to go and get a coffee, after purchasing Kurts shoes. They found a table in the coffee shop and Blaine offered to go and get both of their coffees whilst Kurt saved the table. He was sat, idly flicking through texts from the girls on his phone when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You were quick," he commented, turning to grin at Blaine, but his sight was not met with Blaine. It was met with Alex.

"Alex," was all that managed to leave his mouth.

"Hi, Kurt," Alex beamed. Kurt tried to twist away from the grip that Alex still had on his shoulder, but it was tight. "I cant believe I havent seen you for nearly a month. I was going to text you, but my dad got me a new number so I lost all of my contacts and I couldnt remember your number by heart. I missed you so much."

"I… you… I dont…" Kurt stammered. He couldnt get his words out; his voice seemed stuck in his throat.

"I get it. Youre a little shocked after everything that happened. But dont worry; Ive forgiven you for what you did. I understand that you were angry at me for being jealous of Blaine. Maybe you could have handled it a little better, but its okay. Well get through this and make it work," Alex continued, his eyes not leaving Kurts.

"But, I-," Kurt began, finally managing to move his mouth, but he was cut off.

"Its okay, you dont have to apologise. I know you said some things you didnt mean. I know you werent the best boyfriend, but I love you so I can forgive you. Thats what you want, right; for me to forgive you?" Alexs hand seemed even tighter. Kurt wasnt sure what to do. Should he run and find Blaine and get out of there? Should he try and convince Alex to leave him alone? Should he just go along with Alex? After all, he didnt want Alex to hurt him.

However, before he could make a decision, he heard the cry of "Hey!" come from behind Alex.

Blaine ordered his usual medium drip and Kurts grande non-fat mocha as well as a sugar cookie and a couple of caramel wafers that they could share. The woman grinned at him, as she punched his order into the till.

"You here with anyone special?" she asked, watching the dreamy look he had in his eye.

"Erm, just a really good friend," he said. "Really good," he repeated, sighing slightly.

"Ah, I understand," she replied with a wink. "In that case, Ill throw in the sugar cookie free. Just dont tell my boss."

"Thank you, thats awfully kind!" Blaine returned her grin as he handed over the money and she handed over the sugar cookie and wafers.

"No worries. Im sure your great friend will come around soon," she assured him.

"Its a little complicated," Blaine explained. She gave him an understanding nod and went off to make his coffee. He thumbed with his phone as he waited, replying to a few texts that the Warblers had sent him. They were mainly Wes demanding that he called as soon as he was available because, as Wes had put so eloquently: I miss my gay bff and I need some girl advice so I figured you could do some girl translating for me. Nick and Jeff are too busy being adorable to help!

"Medium grip and a grande non-fat mocha?" a voice declared. Blaine looked up to find the girl whod served him holding out his coffees. He quickly pocketed his phone and took them from her, flashing a grateful smile.

"Thanks," he said.

She simply returned a "good luck," before going on to serve the next customer. Blaine went to walk back to Kurt, attempting not to drop the coffees as he juggled them with the sugar cookie and wafers. However, he stopped in his tracks when he found another person standing over their table, towering over Kurt with their hand clutching at Kurts shoulder. He straight away recognised the boy, the hair, the height, the menacing grin. Alex.

"Hey!" he yelled, rushing over to where they stood. He quickly dropped the drinks and food onto the table and moved to stand between Kurt and Alex, effectively breaking Alexs contact with Kurt. "What are you doing?"

"God, Anderson, Im talking to my boyfriend, okay?" Alex huffed, rolling his eyes as if Blaine was being ridiculous.

"Hes not your boyfriend anymore," Blaine stated. "Remember?"

"Ive already told him that I forgive him and still love him. Yeah, he said some things he didnt mean but were going to get through this," Alex declared.

"You forgive him? I think you need to check your facts because last time I checked it was he who needed to forgive you. Youre the one who treated him badly, youre the only who was a terrible boyfriend and youre the one who needs to leave right now," Blaine grunted angrily.

"Whats got your knickers in a twist? You dont care about Kurt. Of course you dont, no one does; only me. Unless…" he eyed Blaine thoughtfully. "Are you sleeping with him?"

"What?" Blaine barked.

"Are you sleeping with him? The only reason youd actually care about Kurt is because youre his fuck buddy or something like thatand you dont want to lose your regular screw. I cant believe you slept with my boyfriend, Anderson," Alex growled.

"I didnt sleep with Kurt!" Blaine argued, trying not to raise his voice too much. "Kurt is my best friend and I wont have you fucking up his life now that hes actually starting to become happy. So please leave or I will be forced to complain to a member of staff about you."

"Kurt doesnt want me to leave, right, Kurt?" Alex objected, looking over at Kurt. Kurt didnt make eye contact with him; he simply looked at Blaine before ducking his head.

"I cant believe you, Kurt. Im giving you an opportunity to get back together and youre wasting it for this loser? You know Im good for you, Kurt. You know that I love you," Alex insisted. Kurt failed to even look up, instead squeezing his eyes shut tight as he stared at the floor. "Fine," continued Alex. "If thats the way you want it, Ill go. But I warn you, Kurt, Im never coming back. You know that Im the only one who will ever love you." When Kurt once again failed to react, Alex just scoffed at him. "Pathetic," he spat, before sauntering out of the coffee shop.

Blaine watched as he left, making sure he was gone before kneeling down on the floor next to Kurt. "God, Kurt, Im so sorry! Are you okay?" he asked, resting a hand on Kurts shoulder. Kurt flinched at the touch, his eyes opening to look at Blaine and revealing the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks. When Kurt failed to reply, Blaine simply picked up the coffee and whispered, "Come on, lets get out of here."

Kurt nodded, snatching up his shopping bags, and stepping up to Blaines side to walk with him to the car. They didnt speak until theyd reached Blaines house. Their coffee cups were empty and abandoned in the hall and they went straight up to Blaines room. As soon as Kurt sat on the bed and the door was closed, Kurt threw his hands over his eyes and sobbed.

"Oh, Kurt," Blaine muttered, sitting beside his friend and wrapping his arms around him gently. Kurt turned his head and Blaine felt warm tears on his neck. He tried his best to whisper soothing words into Kurts ears, but nothing seemed to help. He wasnt sure how long Kurt cried before he fell to sleep, but soon his red rimmed eyes dried and his breathing evened out. He eyes stayed shut as he hung limply onto Blaine.

Blaine held him for a little longer, but when he noticed the time, peeled Kurt off him and settled him against the pillows instead. He then took Kurts phone from his pocket carefully, trying his hardest not to jolt him. He found Kurts fathers number and dialled.

"Hey, Kurt," answered the rough voice of Burt Hummel.

"Actually, its Blaine," Blaine corrected him.

"Oh, Blaine. Is everything alright?" Burt asked him.

"Im not really sure," admitted Blaine. "When Kurt and I went to the mall today we had a run in with Alex. I managed to get him to leave, but he still said some stuff and Kurt literally hasnt spoken to me ever since it happened. We left and came back to mine and he cried until he fell asleep. I didnt want to wake him and knew youd get worried if he didnt return home on time."

"Oh God, thank you, Blaine. You dont know how glad I am that you were there for him. Did you need me to come and get him?" Burt questioned.

"He can stay here for the night, if thats okay with you. I mean, hes pretty upset and Id hate to wake him. Ill do my best to make sure hes okay," Blaine assured him.

"Im sure you would. Thats completely fine with me. Youre good for him; youre a good kid," said Burt.

"Thank you," Blaine replied. "Hes my best friend. Im going to try my best to make him happy."

"Thanks," Burt said. "I honestly dont know where hed be without you, Blaine. I dread to think in fact." Both Blaine and Burt tried to rid of the ideas that came to mind. "Just have him call me when hes on his way home tomorrow, okay?"

"I will. Say hi to Carole for me?" said Blaine.

"Sure I will," Burt confirmed. "See ya soon, kiddo."

"Bye," Blaine returned, before hanging up. He looked over at Kurt for a minute; he looked peaceful, the only signs of his distress being his eyes which were still tinted red.

He was going to do anything in his power to make sure that Kurt never had to go through this again.

Blaine wasnt sure what to do whilst Kurt slept. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched him for a while, but he started to feel creepy and instead decided to call Wes back.

"Finally, Ive been waiting for your call all day!" Wes answered cheerily.

"Sorry, Ive been a bit busy," Blaine whispered back.

"Why are you whispering?" asked Wes. "Its like 9 PM, I doubt youd be in the library or something like that."

"No, actually, Kurts asleep and I dont want to wake him, but I dont want him to wake up and find himself alone," Blaine explained.

"Whats going on over there, Mr Anderson? Youd better not have made any advance without telling me first," Wes complained.

"No, nothing like that. Alex ran into us at the mall today and Kurts really upset about it. He hasnt spoken to me since it happened, he just kind of cried into my neck until he fell asleep," Blaine reassured him.

"Oh, Im sorry. Is he alright? Well, I guess hes not alright, but is he going to be alright? Because I know you have some strange power of making him feel better and you watch musicals and shit, but he was super happy and now hes that upset?" the Warbler babbled.

"I hope hes going to be alright. Im going to try my best to make everything alright again," Blaine declared.

"Youre a good friend to him, Blaine. Kurts cool and Im glad he has you there for him," Wes commented. "Id ask you for your girl translations, but I take it right now you have a lot on your mind so Ill leave it for now. Make sure Kurts okay."

"I will. Thanks, Wes."

"Its no problem. Speak to you soon, bro," Wes said.

"Speak to you soon."

Blaine wasnt sure what time he fell asleep. He got into his pyjamas and crawled into the other side of the bed. He was sure Kurt wouldnt mind. Every time Kurt slept over they shared the bed, although normally they both fell asleep together whilst watching a musical or something. He knew Kurt would hate sleeping all night in his clothes, but didnt dare wake him. Instead, he laid out some pyjamas next to Kurts side of the bed in case he woke up and wanted to change. Blaine lay in the dark for a while, listening to the sounds of Kurts even, deep breaths, and soon he felt his eyes drooping and fell asleep.

He didnt stay asleep for much longer though. He woke up to find Kurt thrashing against the sheets, a steady chant of "no, no, no" escaping his lips. He sat up, switched on the lamp and looked over at his friend. Kurts face was contorted with what looked liked fear, his eyes still squeezed shut. His legs and arms thrashed, barely missing Blaine. Blaine quickly shook Kurt, trying to avoid being hit, until Kurts eyes flew open. His breathing was heavy and he managed to whisper "Blaine" before falling against Blaine and burying his face into his neck.

"Shh, its okay, Kurt. It was just a dream," Blaine reassured him soothingly.

"Oh, God, it was horrible, Blaine. He was so angry. So, so angry. Saying all these things, hitting me, threatening to k-." Kurt cut himself off with a choked sob. "He threatened to kill you. And me. I was so scared."

"Shh, Kurt. Its not real. Hes not going to hurt you; I wont let him," Blaine whispered, rubbing Kurts back. Kurt blinked up at him and Blaine tried to smile to calm him down, but his smile wavered. He couldnt smile when Kurt was so upset. He would do anything to see Kurt smile again.


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