Feb. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review and tell me what you think, leave suggestions and constructive criticism! I value your opinions and always strive to improve and expand my skills. :))
He spends as much time in the bathroom as he can, cries and then cries some more, until hes exhausted and out of tears. Then he just sits there on the floor, the tiles cool on his bare legs and a stark contrast to how hot his head feels. But all too soon, the other boys demand use of the bathroom, wondering what could be taking him so long. Puck automatically assumes hes jerking off and laughs at his own crudeness but Blaine doesnt even crack the tiniest smile like he usually would and just gets dressed in his pajamas and brushes his teeth. He washes his face, taking his time with moisturizing his skin which is something he never does, and when he cant procrastinate it any longer, he gathers his stuff and walks out into the shared hotel room with his head down so no one will notice his red-rimmed, swollen eyes and blotchy face. He goes straight to his bed where he proceeds to lie down facing the wall and concentrates on taking deep, even breaths, trying to fall asleep soon.
Kurts busy, looking out of the window as he talks on the phone, and Blaine hopes that once hes done hell go down to his own room to sleep. He knows he should feel bad about wanting to get rid of his boyfriend, but at the moment he just wants to be alone and try to deal with the ache in his chest. Kurts presence, his sweet voice as he talks to his dad, tells him how excited he is to be in New York, how he cant wait to explore the city with Blaine and that he wishes that they had more time because theres just so much to see, only makes the pain spark brighter, and Blaine isnt sure how to act around the boy that essentially broke his heart with just one ignoramus comment.
Hes on the brink of sleep when hes roused by someone shaking his shoulder lightly and he groans and rolls over, away from the bothersome hand thats so rudely keeping him from his well-deserved rest.
"Blaine?" Kurt whispers and Blaine jerks out of his grasp, fully awake at once. He tenses and curls up tighter which makes Kurt look at him weirdly, but luckily he decides not to comment on it.
"Are you awake?" Kurt asks and Blaine wants to roll his eyes and snap at him because of course hes awake, you try to sleep with the worlds worries weighing down on you, but he stops himself. No need to upset him, hes going to be angry enough when Blaine comes out and tells him... if he comes out and tells him.
"Yeah." he mumbles out instead. "Why? And why arent you in your room? Its already past curfew." he cant help but point out.
"Uh, thats what I wanted to talk to you about, actually." he says and shifts awkwardly. "I know that I share a room with the girls, but can I sleep here? At least for tonight? I would just be too uncomfortable around them after the... incident." he sounds almost desperate, his eyes pleading for Blaine to say yes. Blaine cant help but think that now would be a good opportunity to tell him, just to see how hed react. But he doesnt.
Instead, he nods and shifts over to make more than enough room for Kurt to slide in beside him even though he really doesnt want his boyfriend anywhere near him at the moment. He wont make him sleep next to girls with vaginas.
"Thank you." Kurt presses a kiss to the back of his neck once hes settled under the covers and Blaine fights the urge to recoil.
He doesnt expect it when Kurt wraps his arm around his waist and presses his body close to Blaines, his hand wandering around his chest and eventually stopping when its hovering over his pounding heart, holding Blaine tight against him and Blaine goes stock still and stops breathing for a second before he forces himself to relax while trying to evaluate the situation. Their bodies are fused together from head to toe, basically, and he can feel Kurt everywhere. He can feel what what must clearly be his crotch pressing into his backside. And even though it makes him uncomfortable beyond belief, its not what keeps him up the whole night.
Its the fear that Kurts hand might drift drown, lower and lower until its reached the place between his legs. He knows its irrational, mostly, but he cant help but conjure up a scenario in which Kurt will, even in his unconscious state, feel him, or more like the lack of anything him, and wake up because its not supposed to be like that, its weird and its wrong and that would most likely be the end of them.
But when the alarm goes off eight hours later and theyre in the same position they were in when they went to sleep, Kurts hand still firmly placed on his chest and his breath coming out in soft puffs against the back of his neck, he realizes that he was being paranoid and that now, hes got another thing to worry about. How the fuck is he going to get through the whole day on a total of zero hours of rest?!