Feb. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review and tell me what you think, if youd like for me to continue writing this and how I can improve! Constructive criticism is always appreciated! Thank you :))
Kurt walks down the corridor, still a little breathless and with a blush high on his cheeks from the make out session with his boyfriend. It didnt go further than kissing and hands exploring each others body north the equator, much to Kurts chagrin, but he understands. Their relationship is still fairly new and he doesnt want to rush things. When the disappointment wears off it will be replaced by relief that they havent done anything they werent emotionally ready for, Kurt knows that. It always does. But its never nice to have to walk through a hotel with the possibility of bumping into a friend while still being half-hard and straining in his pants...
The closer to his room he gets, the louder the noise the girls are making gets, talking over each other and everyone trying to get a word in. Yes, hes sharing a hotel room with the girls. As requested by him. He didnt want to be subjected to having to live with sweaty and unhygienic teenage boys for three days, thank you very much, and him and the girls have sleepovers all the time. Theyre much better company.
But that still didnt prepare him for the sight that greets him when he pushes the door open. His erection dies quickly and the color drains from his face, his mouth drops open and his eyes go wide before he quickly squeezes them shut.
Half of the New Directions female members gape at him, standing there in varying state of undress, ranging from almost completely naked to partially dressed. Doesnt change a thing for Kurt, really. Hes seen enough. Hes seen vaginas! Something hes never wanted to have to see, like ever.
If he werent frozen in place, he would have been out of there already. Alas, he stands there like a dumb idiot, his arms having fallen down, now limply hanging at his sides, and his eyes bugging out of his head while the girls scatter and frantically try to collect their clothes, covering the parts Kurt doesnt care to think about. But somehow, its impossible to for him to look away, to turn around and get his feet to move so he can disappear and pretend that this particular incident has never happened in the first place.
"God, Hummel, fuck off and close the damn door!" Santana yells at him, despite seeming to not have any reservations about her nakedness if the way she still hasnt bothered to find some clothes is any indication. But thats all it takes for him to snap out of it and spin on his heel before hightailing it out of there, nearly running into the doorframe in his haste to get far, far away.
He wanders the halls for some time, unsuccessfully trying to forget the traumatizing experience. But his attempts backfire and only bring the recent event to the forefront of his mind and in the end, he decides that the best way to cope with it is to talk to someone about it.
Obviously, his confidant of choice is Blaine, so he makes his way back to his boyfriends room, the route almost familiar now, and hopes that the other boys are still busy with one thing or another. He doesnt care what theyre doing as long as they stay out of the room and dont interrupt.
He knocks on the closed door, impatiently waiting for someone (hopefully Blaine) to open. After a minute Blaine lets him in, apparently fresh from the shower with only a towel wrapped around his hips for modesty. He seems surprised to see Kurt, but steps back nonetheless, making room for him to walk in.
"Not that I mind, but I thought we were going to... cool down a little?" Blaine asks uncertainly and shuffles awkwardly, feeling a little underdressed.
"We were." Kurt agrees, but still walks over to Blaines bed and settles with his back against the headboard, holding a hand out for Blaine as an invitation to join him.
"I was just going to get dressed, it wont take lo—" Blaine starts but is cut off by Kurt.
"That can wait. Come on." he urges and pats the space next to him.
Blaine still looks a little hesitant but eventually climbs up onto the bed and sits across from his boyfriend, shooting him a questioning look, prompting him to start.
Kurt does just that. "Youll never believe what just happened to me. Im traumatized. Like, Im probably going to need therapy to get over this." he begins and Blaine would be worried if he didnt know that Kurt tends to dramatize things just for the sake of it.
He suppresses the little smile trying to break through and motions with his hand for Kurt to continue. He cant wait to see where this is going.
"I walked in on the girls changing, Blaine. Ive never been so turned off by a sight in my life." Kurt recalls, looking rather distressed, and Blaine cringes and drops his gaze. There is still hope though. Maybe he didnt see everything, maybe he means boobs. He saw the girls breasts and he didnt like it and that would be okay, Blaine could relate. Seeing girls change doesnt translate to seeing girls genitalia and Blaines probably worrying for nothi—
"I saw vaginas, Blaine! Vaginas!" Kurt exclaims and just like that Blaines hopes are crushed. His face falls and he self-consciously tugs on his towel so it sits tighter and more securely around his hips. He feels exposed, more vulnerable than hes ever been in front of his boyfriend and he can feel tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.
Kurt goes on without waiting for Blaine to answer and Blaines eternally grateful that hes at least being given the chance to form a response in his head so he wont fuck up the second he opens his mouth.
"Its like the image of their vaginas is tattooed across my eyelids, Blaine. Every time I close my eyes I can see it clearly. Its going to give me nightmares, I wont be able to ever sleep again. God, Im going to have such horrible under-eye shadows! Who is going to want that prancing around their stage? The only parts Im ever going to be able to audition for will be those for the zombies. The dead." Kurt rambles on and Blaine says nothing. He cant say anything, its impossible to talk around the lump stuck in his throat.
"At least you understand. If I told anyone else theyd probably envy me." Kurt says with an eye-roll. "Youre so lucky you didnt have to see that! I mean, were gay, theres nothing appealing about girl parts to us, theyre gross. Im scarred for life."
Fortunately for Blaine, Kurt misinterprets his silence, thinks that Blaine just silently agrees to everything hes saying, which gives Blaine more time to pull himself together, calm down and keep the tears at bay. He wants to cry so badly, wants to hide from Kurt, from everyone, and sob until hes too exhausted with no tears left, and then he wants to sleep forever so he wont have to see the disappointment in Kurts eyes when Blaine tells him his deepest secret. The secret that could potentially, probably will, destroy their relationship.
To Blaines utter relief, he is saved from having to answer Kurt by a knock sounding on the door. He bites his lip and gestures to his towel, all the while avoiding Kurts eyes at all costs. Kurt nods in silent understanding and gets up to get the door while Blaine flees to the bathroom under the pretense of going to make himself look presentable. But as soon as he pulls the door shut behind himself and turns the lock he breaks down, silent sobs wracking his body.