March 1, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 1, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review!! :)
Blaine didnt get much sleep that night, mostly due to excitement. He kept staring at the ceiling, imagining the tight grip of Kurts pussy around his cock. It didnt really help the situation in his pants, but it served as a good distraction and before he knew it his alarm went off and he had to get out of bed to get ready for another day at school. He showered quickly and then threw on some clothes, not really caring which since theyd come off again soon enough, then went downstairs for breakfast.
His parents looked at him with raised eyebrows, though it looked kind of stupid on them, Kurt could do that much better, presumably wondering what it was that was wrong with him. Blaine was a grumpy person in the mornings, the rest of the day too for that matter, and the secretive, barely there smile and the glint in his eyes were a little... disconcerting. But, once again, they decided that they didnt care enough to inquire about it, honestly Blaine didnt know when they last spoke to each other, other than the generic good morning, yes Im good thanks for asking bitch, how are you? and Blaine was once again thankful for having been dealt such shitty parents. It didnt matter really. Once Blaine had Kurt, which was inevitable since he was already his, he just might not know it yet though Blaine had plans to make it more than clear, hed have someone to talk to about any and everything. And thered be the added bonus of access to a nice and wet pussy, spreading open for Blaine whenever he wanted it. Yes, Kurt was so much better to him than his parents could ever be.
He didnt finish his breakfast, too jittery to even think about it, and after he finished getting ready he was off to school. He might have broken a few speed limits on the way there, but who could blame him, really? He was going to legitimately talk to his boy today, he was going to fuck his cunt open, claim him as his and he didnt want to waste any more time than absolutely necessary. That was enough reason to drive like a maniac, he had a valid excuse.
He spotted Kurts black navigator in the parking lot when he arrived, knew were to look for the vehicle because he always made sure that Kurt got to his ride after school without being harassed by any dickwads and his pretty boy always parked in the same spot, and took the empty space next to his car. Their cars made quite the team, just like him and Kurt made a cute (and unbearably sexy) couple, Kurts shiny black nav and Blaines sleek Porsche which he had his parents purchase for him after hed bribed (read: blackmailed) them. Parking next to each other would make it easier to drive home together after school let out.
The school was still rather empty when he entered and he went straight to his boyfriends locker where he saw him talking to one of his girlfriends and, without preamble, went up to them and fused himself to Kurts side, winding an arm around his waist and pulling him closer and away from the undeserving girl. He felt Kurt tense in his arms, but attributed that to the fact that he probably wasnt used to public displays of affection yet. Hed come to love it soon enough.
"Hi baby" he breathed into his ear, making him shiver slightly.
He didnt get a reaction out of Kurt, poor boy seemed to have frozen, and he only snapped out of it when the annoying girl Kurt had been talking to before he arrived tried to pry Kurt out of Blaines arms, arguing that Kurt very clearly didnt like Blaine. Yeah, sure. As if. Kurt recoiled from her touch and stepped further into Blaines embrace, burying his face in Blaines shoulder before he could even think about what he was doing.
Blaine smirked at Rachel and tightened his arms around his boy.
Kurt was puzzled. Why had his first instinct been to search comfort in Blaines arms in an uncertain situation when hed barely, and only superficially, known him for a day? Rachel had been his best friend for years and yet it was so easy for him to prefer Blaine over her when he was conflicted. He felt bad about it, especially when Rachel just stormed off without another word and he didnt even try to stop her, not when he was so comfortable being held like this. He felt strangely safe, at home one might say, and it was even scarier than the thoughts that had invaded his mind last night.
He took a step back and looked up into Blaines eyes, for the first time noticing the unique color of his irises. And also the way his pupils seemed to have widened, if his own eyes werent deceiving him.
"Hi." he said when he noticed that he still hadnt made a single sound since Blaine arrived and blushed to the roots of his hair at the hungry way Blaine was gazing at him.
Blaine smiled. "Your friend seems to be pretty upset." he pointed out and Kurt shrugged.
"Thats just Rachel. Shell come around." he dismissed the issue and Blaines smile widened. His pretty boy didnt want to talk about her. She was insignificant to him, now that Blaine was there, and that was just further proof that Kurt wanted this, he was practically begging to be taken right there in the middle of the by now crowded hallway. But hed make their first time a bit more romantic, or at least have the setting be a bit more secluded, just because he was an awesome boyfriend like that.
Blaine noticed the attention they were attracting and shot his peers a lock that clearly read yeah, hes mine, you jealous? and dragged Kurt into him again before letting one of his hands travel down his back until he reached his ass. He squeezed on cheek roughly and Kurt whined into his neck and shuffled closer.
He felt like he should be uncomfortable, being crowded into the row of lockers while having Blaine grope him in the middle of a busy hallway, and he did. A little. But another feeling, one he couldnt quite distinguish, overpowered the uncomfortableness and fear. Something he must have felt before, it was strange yet so familiar, but he couldnt figure it out.
The warning bell chimed, shaking him out of his little reverie and he regretfully pushed at Blaines shoulder so hed step back and let Kurt walk to class. Blaine had other ideas and gripped around Kurts hips before escorting him to his classroom. Walking was a little awkward because their hips kept bumping together, but they managed and just before Kurt disappeared through the door, Blaine tugged him close once more.
"Meet me at your car when schools out, baby." he whispered and with a quick kiss to his jaw, he left his boy standing there, trying to digest all that happened in the past twenty minutes.
Blaine arrived to class a few minutes late and his teacher reprimanded him and threatened to give him detention if it happened again. But Blaine didnt mind. He had to walk Kurt to class and if that made him late, then so be it. Never let it be said that Blaine wasnt a damn good boyfriend.