Prized Possession
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Prized Possession: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,183 - Last Updated: Mar 01, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 15, 2014 - Updated: Feb 15, 2014
133 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Oh Blaine...

Please review! Id love you forever :)) Also I still dont know whether Ill make this a long fic or just a few chapters.. tell me what youd prefer?

Kurt didnt spend time at his locker before first period for the next few days, much to Blaines disappointment. But neither could he spot any of the other cheerleaders so he concluded that the coach must have forced them into extra practices. The woman was a particular kind of crazy, but Blaine knew he wasnt really one to judge.

It was quite irksome, starting the day without a beautiful sight to distract him from the low IQ slinking through the halls of McKinley, but Blaine understood. He, after a few days of wondering where Kurt could be hiding, heard talk about the Cheerios preparing for some kind of competition and he of course wanted Kurt to be the best he possibly could be. Not that he wasnt already.

So he got used to waiting until lunch hour, which was when hed seek his boy out and stare at him from afar. Admittedly, the distance wasnt actually a big one, he only sat about twenty feet away. Though that was already too much for Blaine. But he made sure to look inconspicuous, even went as far as buying the grotesque shit they had the nerve and audacity to call food, so as to fit right in with his oblivious peers.

As he observed, he couldnt help but notice that Kurt looked tense and uncomfortable, sitting there in the hard plastic chair with his back ramrod straight. His muscles had to be killing him, Blaine thought. Sue Sylvester was renowned for her hard and unforgiving ways, the extra practices must be all kinds of torture. His legs and arms must be so sore and Blaine would have gladly given him a hard fucking to loosen up those muscles. But sadly, that would have to wait. Hed probably be sore other places after they were done, his virgin pussy achy from being stretched wide and filled to the brim with Blaines cock, and Blaine didnt want to compromise Kurts chances at a win. He deserved to have everybody cheering him on and a pleasant rush went through Blaine at the realization that hed be the one to ultimately have him, out of all the people that were going to want him for themselves once they saw how precious the boy was.

The week leading up to the competition passed awfully slowly, time seemed to crawl along and Blaine was going insane. His insanity levels were spiking, so to say. Even his parents seemed to be getting worried, wondering what the hell had gotten into their son. But they didnt try to talk to him and Blaine, not for the first time, appreciated their disinterest when it came to his life.

When the day finally arrived, he made sure to appear at the gym extra early so he could get a good seat. Thankfully, the competition was being held at WMHS, but he would have driven anywhere to see the pale boy performing. Hell, he would probably cut someones throat if it meant he got to watch, but no one needed to know that. Least of all Kurt. He didnt want to scare him.

They eventually started letting people in, and Blaine secured himself a place right in the front. He wanted to have a good view of Kurt when he jumped around in that flimsy uniform and could barely wait for them to start their routine. The anticipation was killing him and as he saw the seats around him slowly filling as more and more people streamed in, he couldnt help but wonder what kind of event this was. He hadnt bothered to check, really he was only here to see Kurt so why even try to find out? But the amount of people congregating in the building was huge, so it obviously had to be something big. Maybe it was regionals or something. That would justify Sylvesters adamance to be in top form and also explain the foreign squads of cheerleaders that had been arriving at the same time Blaine did.

Blaine decided he didnt care and went back to taking stock of his surroundings to pass time. He could make out some familiar faces amongst tons of unfamiliar ones. There was Rachel, talking someones ear off and Blaine winced. Hed briefly contemplated trying to befriend her to get closer to Kurt and it wouldnt even be hard, starved for attention as the girl was. But he would have probably ended up hurting her one way or another once he had enough of her presence and he didnt want to risk the chance of Kurt resenting him for making that annoying little diva cry.

In the end, his plan was to not have a plan. Hed snatch Kurt up when a good chance arose, niceties werent a necessity. Kurt wouldnt get a say anyways.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when a tall, burly man plopped down next to him, a nice looking woman in tow. The guy looked a little intimidating, kind of like some cray trucker, but that didnt faze Blaine. People would scurry away from him if they had any idea what kind of thoughts he had running through his head.

Suddenly, there was a hand in his face and Blaine blinked and focused his eyes before realizing that the man was introducing himself.

"Names Burt." he said in a gruff voice and Blaine shook his hand, his grip tight and manly, just how his father had taught him.

"Blaine." he said. Short and sweet and hopefully giving the guy the impression that Blaine really didnt want to make conversation. He had much more important things to do, like waiting for his boy to show his pretty face. There was no way he was missing even a second of their performance so he couldnt very well split his attention.

The man, Burt, didnt seem to pick up on Blaines unwillingness to talk. "So, you a fan?" he inquired and Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Yeah." he muttered without turning to him. But then he sighed and looked at him. The man seemed genuinely nice and really excited, like Blaine, and maybe talking to him wouldnt be so bad.

"M here to support the WMHS Cheerios. Who are you going to be cheering on?" he questioned and received a beaming smile.

"Me too!" he laughed and Blaine was glad that hed managed to score a seat next to someone with a brain. "Have a kid on the squad." he said proudly.

Ah. A daddy here to support his girl then. Blaine could relate, even though he was neither a dad, nor here for a girl. No. He was there to cheer his boyfriend on. Admittedly, Kurt didnt know about the boyfriend part or about the Blaine attending his competition part, but that was okay. Hed be more than aware when he and Blaine were going to be involved in hot celebratory sex after his inevitable victory.

He didnt voice any of that though and instead smiled a charming smile. "You must be so proud! Ive heard how hard it is to become a Cheerio." he exclaimed and just like that they were animatedly talking to each other while waiting for the competition to start.


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