Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review and tell me if you liked the story, if I should continue writing and how I can improve! xo
"Kurt, why didnt you tell me that you went into heat?" Blaine asked him as they walked down the hallway leading to the bedroom. His tone wasnt accusing, it was soft and caring.
Kurt very obviously wouldnt look at him and Blaine stopped walking and pulled on Kurts hand so hed come to a stop as well, then turned to him and more or less forced Kurt to look him in the eye. Kurt still did his best to avert his gaze, but Blaine wouldnt have any of that.
"You dont have to be ashamed, Kurt. Just tell me, please." Blaine urged and Kurt, sensing he was beaten, finally let their eyes meet.
"Its embarrassing! Its not supposed to be like this! Im male, I shouldnt go into heat and I just felt humiliated. I didnt want you to have to put up with that and I figured that I could just try to hide it and stay away from you until it was over." Kurt replied regretfully.
He studied Blaine carefully, looking for any trace of anger on his face, but he couldnt find any. What he found though, where sympathy mixed with a tiny bit of regret. Kurt didnt want Blaine to have to regret anything. He didnt want him to regret being with him. Blaine amended his worries with what he said next though.
"You shouldnt be embarrassed, Kurt. Never. I am the one who should be. I neglected you a-" "You didnt! Yo-" Blaine held up a hand and Kurt stopped talking. "Please just let me get this out, okay. I swear Ill listen to what you have to say after Im done, but Im sure that once you hear this from my standpoint, youll understand why Im saying what Im saying."
Kurt nodded and Blaine took a deep breath before continuing.
"As I said, I neglected you. I didnt have your best interest at heart and that was wrong of me. Looking back on it, I should have noticed that you were going into heat. And before you say something self-depreciating, you should know that I really liked it when youd randomly crawl into my lap and just be more affectionate overall." Blaine explains and grins at him.
"Its not a chore to look after you, its a pleasure. And about the thing you said, that males arent supposed to go into heat? Kurt, who cares about that? Youre in heat, now what? Its nothing to be ashamed of. Im just glad that Im here to help you through it and I hope that you will let me help you."
"I love you." Kurt says with tears shining in his eyes. But they were happy tears and he hoped that Blaines answer wouldnt give him a reason to cry the bad kind.
"I love you, too." Blaine replied, but with a touch of sadness in his voice that he hoped Kurt wouldnt pick up on.
Kurts heart soared at Blaines words, but he knew that he needed to clarify. "No Blaine, I love you. As in, Im in love with you." he said breathlessly. It just felt like the right moment to confess his feelings.
Blaine just stared back at him and didnt say anything and Kurt felt his hopes shatter. He immediately tried to backtrack.
"I- I mean, I dont mean it like that, I just... you know, I just said it an-" he started to ramble but Blaine cut him off.
"Did you mean it?"
"Did you mean it when you said that youre in love with me?" Blaine asked, almost begging him for reassurance.
"I.. yes, I did." Kurt replied with bated breath.
Blaine felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders, like he could breathe again. But Kurt misinterpreted his silence.
"But you totally dont have to say it back! I understand, Im just your pet but I cant help how I feel. Please dont leave me just because I said that. We can just ignore it and pretend it never happened." he had a hard time keeping the tears at bay. Why couldnt he just keep his mouth shut?
Suddenly, he was engulfed in a tight embrace and he fell into Blaines arms like he didnt have the strength to stand on his own anymore.
"I love you, too, Kurt. Im in love with you!" Blaine told him and before Kurt had a chance to say anything back he kissed him full on the lips, claiming his mouth, and Kurt forgot everything else apart from Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, everything Blaine and wonderful and love.
Their lips parted and without another word, Blaine took Kurts hand back in his and led him the rest of the way to the bedroom.
Clothes were shed, Kurt unbuttoning Blaines shirt while Blaine undid his pants and soon they were both naked and Blaine gently lowered Kurt onto the bed before lying down on top of him and starting to slowly grind their rigid cocks together to take off the edge.
Kurt clung to him desperately and mirrored Blaines movements, both lost in each other. But after some time, it just wasnt enough for Kurt anymore and he gripped Blaines shoulders tighter. He needed to get fucked and he needed it now.
"Blaaaine!" he moaned his loves name loudly and Blaine lifted his head to look at him.
The expression on his face was enough for Blaine to understand what Kurt wanted and he lifted himself up for enough so Kurt could turn onto his stomach and raise his hips up. He was vulnerable in front of Blaine and he loved it. He loved Blaine. He knew that he could trust him and that he was loved in return and it made this whole experience that much better.
Blaine rubbed his finger across Kurts whole and found it wet already, so wet in fact that using any more lube would be unnecessary.
He quickly inserted a finger, pushing it in to the knuckle, and rubbed along his inner walls in search of his prostate. He immediately knew that he found the spot when Kurt cried out and writhed against his hand. He slid in another finger alongside the first and scissored his fingers to stretch Kurt out further.
Kurt was getting impatient. He was ready, like now. So ready to receive Blaines cock and be fucked hard. And afterwards, when theyd both come he wanted to cuddle with him and bask in the afterglow, at least until he would need to get fucked again.
The pleasure he felt when Blaine put in a third finger distracted him from the thoughts running through his head and he closed his eyes and concentrated on the way Blaines fingers stretched him and made him feel so nice and full. Blaine kept hitting his prostate and rubbed around it and Kurt had enough of the teasing. With all the strength he could muster, he reached behind himself while holding himself up on his other arm, and grasped the wrist attached to the hand currently deep in his ass. He tugged on Blaines arm until he got the message and slid his fingers out, wiping them on the bedcover which he knew Kurt would scold him for later.
He shuffled forward on his knees until his groin was pressed up against Kurts ass and then took himself in hand to guide his dick inside Kurts tight heat. He sheathed himself in one long thrust and Kurt cried out in pleasure, his arms giving out under him and making his upper body fall down onto the bed until only his ass was raised in the air, leaving him exposed to Blaine. But he didnt feel the slightest bit uncomfortable like this and when Blaine started thrusting in and out of him, quickly building up a rhythm, he only felt treasured and taken care of.
Hed never felt like this during sex and it just made it better, a lot more fulfilling. Knowing that the person satisfying his needs loved him and wanted to help him out instead of seeing this as a chore or as a way to assert authority or some kind of claim over him... it was all Kurt never knew he wanted.
But he didnt want to think now. Now he just wanted to enjoy the closeness between Blaine and himself and concentrate solely on the intense pleasure Blaine was giving him.
He clenched his muscles and Blaine groaned as he felt Kurts ass clutching him like a vice. He was encouraged by the stream of incoherent babbling coming out of Kurts mouth, interspersed with declarations of love that he wasnt quite sure Kurt was aware he was letting out.
Nevertheless, he reciprocated the sentiment every time and when he felt himself getting closer and closer to falling over the edge, he thought back to what hed read online during his research that day. A section about tips and tricks on how to satisfy a cats needs during their heat hed read through had supplied him with some information that he planned on putting to good use sometime in the future.
But one little trick hed learned would definitely come in handy right now and Blaine pressed himself closer to Kurt and put his hands on either side of him. Kurt began to push his hips backwards to make him move again, making the most delicious noises when the head of Blaines dick hit just right and stimulated his prostate.
Suddenly though, he could feel Blaine biting the back of his neck and fell down in a boneless heap, fully submitting to Blaine. Blaine started up with the hard thrusts again, slamming into Kurts pliant body and after not even a minute, Kurt came hard without ever being touched, Blaine following soon behind, coming deep inside of Kurt and making the unbearable heat go away. At least for the time being.
They curled up together and fell asleep, holding each other tightly and securely.