Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Reviews make me happy and write faster :P
Blaine could only stare incredulously at Kurts back (ass) when he walked away. After taking a minute to catch his breath, he stumbled after him as he asked himself what hed gotten himself into.
Hed been certain that Kurt would very much welcome his advances and that theyd fuck until they were too exhausted to stay awake or something so this was an unexpected turn of events to say the least.
He reached the dining room and felt his heart swelling when he saw the table set, his favorite food on two plates opposite each other with a lit candle in between. He took Kurt in his arms and kissed him very softly, almost chastely, on the lips and then pulled Kurts chair out for him before sitting down himself.
He was a little sad that Kurt chose not to sit in his lap but figured that it was all part of the plan. To string him along until he was desperate, much like hed done to Kurt for the past days. Payback was a bitch.
He dug into his food and moaned at the taste. Kurt really was the best cook. He loved that Kurt had taken the time to prepare the dish and everything was just utterly perfect. The romantic setting, the company, the food. Everything.
"Youre so beautiful." Blaine uttered, not realizing that he had until Kurt looked away from his own plate and glanced up at him with a soft smile spreading across his lovely face.
"Thank you." he replied and ducked his head to hide his blush, suddenly growing flustered. Whatever hed expected from Blaine when he got home, it hadnt been this. This Blaine was so different from the one hed experienced the past few days, as if he was a whole new person. He liked this side of him, which was not to say that he hadnt liked Blaine before. This was just so different than what hed gotten used to and he enjoyed being treated with reverence, almost. He could get used to this.
"What are you thinking about?" Blaine asked. He could see the wheels turning in Kurts head and was curious.
"Just... us, you know. How nice this is. Just being together like this." Kurt answered and smiled at him.
Blaine had to agree wholeheartedly. "It really is." he returned Kurts smile.
Theyd never been out on a date before, but this felt like one. Blaine vowed to try to do better by Kurt. Maybe he couldnt take him out on real date since hybrids were considered lesser people than humans and Blaine didnt want Kurt to be subjected to hateful stares and comments thrown their way, but this was better anyway, if you asked him. This private setting with only the two of them, with nothing or no one to distract them, somewhere they could be themselves without fear of being judged.
Kurt studied Blaines face while he was lost in thought. He noticed all the little details hed somehow missed before. His eyes and all the different colors represented in his irises, his lashes that seemed to go on forever, the slight bump on his nose, all the little aspects made him even more perfect in Kurts eyes.
With a start he realized what this was. He was falling in love. And it scared him. He was almost sure that Blaine didnt feel the same and he didnt just want to profess his love and set himself up for heart break when Blaine wouldnt say it back. He had a hard time finding trying to find an explanation for why Blaine was acting so out of character. Was it because he felt bad about denying Kurt what hed needed and this was his way of trying to make it okay? Or did he just feel like treating Kurt like an actual partner for a night and would then revert back to his old ways?
It wouldnt be ideal for Kurt. He wanted everything with Blaine. He wanted the sex just as much as he wanted the cuddles and domesticity. But if he had to chose between having Blaine in a limited capacity and not having him at all hed always chose the former. He was happy as it was, but he knew that he could be happier if Blaine gave them a chance. Though he was sure that that would probably never happen.
Blaine and him exchanged the occasional I love yous but Kurt didnt just love his owner. He was in love with him.
But until Blaine gave him a clear sign that he reciprocated the feelings that Kurt had developed, he would keep his mouth shut and just bask in his presence.
What he didnt know was that Blaine had eerily similar thoughts running through his head and the same doubts accompanying them. Hed felt a surge of affection for Kurt when he saw what hed done for them while hed been at work and hed thought it was weird that his heart had started beating harder when hed kissed Kurt before but attributed it to the fact that hed been excited for what was to come.
Now though, he didnt have anything to blame his sweaty hands and thumping heart on. Sure, he felt anticipation for what would happen after dinner, but he wouldnt even attempt to fool himself. He wasnt that stupid.
He was either sick, or he was developing feelings other than lust and basic affection for his pet.
He knew it was the latter, but didnt want to admit it to himself, or Kurt for that matter, until he was sure that Kurt felt the same.
Resolutely ignoring the fluttery feeling in his stomach he got when he looked up to find Kurt staring back at him, he continued eating.
The silence between them was a little tense, as if they both knew what the other had been thinking but had no clue how to bring it up, and Kurt, in an effort to break the strained silence, pushed his plate away before getting up and crawling into Blaines lap and making himself comfortable.
Blaine neglected his own dinner in favor of snaking his arms around Kurts midsection and nuzzled his face into Kurts soft hair, breathing in his clean smell and reveling in the closeness.
He would let himself have this now and think about how to address his feelings for Kurt later.
"Come on," he said, lifting Kurt off his lap and standing up himself. "lets take this somewhere a little more comfortable."
Kurt seemed to like that suggestion and Blaine took his hand in his own, marveling at their perfect fit, before leading him to the bedroom.