Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review, it would make my day!
Kurt used the time he had while Blaine was at work to prepare a few things. He went to the store around the corner to buy some items that were missing around the house and then set to work. He cleaned the house until it was spotless, then re-organized their shared closet just because it was fun to do and then he did the laundry before ironing the clothes that were okay to be ironed. He didnt trust Blaine to do it himself, god knew hed destroy at least half of his clothes, so he spend his morning doing boring chores that had to be completed.
After all of that was done and Kurt was satisfied with his work, he started with the fun part of his plan. He started chopping vegetables and prepared the meat, making what he knew was Blaines favorite dish to get on his good side. He put everything in the oven and set the timer on three hours. The long time it took to make the food was the reason he so rarely cooked it, but today, he would indulge Blaine so hed hopefully return the favor after they were done eating. So the act wasnt entirely selfless. But Kurt couldnt really bring himself to care or feel bad about it. His level of desperation was rising and he didnt know how much longer hed be able to stand the incessant heat, the itch and need to have a nice thick cock filling him up. Only not just any dick. Blaines.
He knew that he was in heat, but he didnt know if his owner knew it. It was the first time it was happening since he started living with Blaine and he probably thought that Kurt was just getting greedy or that it was one of his little quirks.
Kurt didnt blame him for it. Hybrids werent exactly common in their world and full male cats didnt go into heat so it wasnt like Blaine was uncaring per se. Just... uneducated, maybe.
He was going to change that tonight. He didnt want to outright tell him, hed be too embarrassed to bring it up and he thought that if he just showed him instead Blaine would get the hint. But his plan had backfired spectacularly and Blaine, instead of fucking him hard and fast until they both came like Kurt would have expected and hoped for, had punished him in the worst way imaginable that left him desperate and mewling brokenly, just wanting for the hot ache deep inside to go away.
But hed be a good boy today, hed already completed all his chores, and Blaine would hopefully reward him because Kurt knew that his owner was a good man and that he loved Kurt like Kurt loved him, even if he sometimes didnt act like it.
And that hed always want whats best for Kurt.
Because Blaine knew his Kurt, and he knew that his little pet would go positively wild when he finally fucked him like he needed to be fucked and then he would scream, loudly, when Blaine would let him come at last, after two long days without an orgasm.
Blaine shook his head to clear it of the filthy thoughts invading his mind. This was neither the time, nor the place, to think about that. Hed figured it all out when he let himself think about the past two days during his lunch break. Hed leaned back in his chair, fondly remembering the hot, tight grip of Kurts ass around his cock and how responsive he was, even more so than usual, and how unbelievably desperate Kurt had seemed when he wouldnt let him come.
And his disobedience that led to Blaine not allowing him to reach orgasm. It had never happened before, Kurt had always been so well-behaved and eager to comply, eager to make Blaine proud, that Blaine had been having a hard time trying to find a valid reason. Because going through a rebellious phase just didnt seem like something his little kitty would do, that explanation just didnt cut it.
And then it had hit him.
He set his coffee and muffin down on the table before pulling up google, typing his question in the search bar and hitting enter.
And there it was. He had his answer. Kurt had gone into heat and he had denied him the one thing he needed the most. How could he have been so oblivious, so blind, he asked himself. How did he not realize this sooner? Hed been noticing some subtle changes in Kurt for the past couple of weeks, like how hed become more clingy and affectionate and how hed been craving being physically close to Blaine at all times. But Blaine had thought nothing of it. Hed just assumed that Kurt was getting more comfortable around him, they hadnt been living together for that long, after all. And he enjoyed having Kurt be all over him once he walked through the door, having him settle his little body into his lap where hed curl up, butting his head into Blaines hand so hes rub his ears.
And that was another thing. Kurt had become positively addicted to getting his ears and tail petted, they were so sensitive. And Blaine had exploited that. It was no hardship, none at all, and when Kurt would eventually lift his head up to kiss him hungrily, his eyes would be black with arousal and his cock would be hard against Blaine.
Hed slip his hand down Kurts back until hed reach his asshole, only to find it wet with Kurts own lubrication and all coherent thought would leave his mind. All he could focus on would be Kurt, Kurt, Kurt and the notion of questioning any of what was happening seemed simply ridiculous.
So hed been unobservant and he felt bad about it. But he couldnt change the past. He vowed to do better when the next heat cycle came, at least he now knew how to read the signs right. And, he silently promised to himself that the second he got home today, hed fuck Kurt because he knew thats what he needed. He wouldnt even wait for Kurt to come to him. No, he knew that he was the one that made a mistake and he would apologize and make up for it.
Blaine looked back to his computer screen. What better time than now to read up on cats going into heat?
He let out a relieved sigh when he read that Kurt couldnt get pregnant. He so wasnt ready for that and he could very vividly remember coming in Kurts ass, so hed been more than a little concerned about that possibility.
Scrolling down, he came across a very interesting paragraph. The heat would last for a few days and Kurt would want to, no, he would need to get fucked nearly constantly during that time. Blaine would call his boss first thing next morning and pretend to be sick so he could stay home with Kurt until the heat was over. He anticipated the days of continuous fucking that would undoubtedly be what he would be occupying his time with. He couldnt wait.
Blaine turned they key in the lock and opened the door. He reached toward the switch to turn the light on before he stopped. A soft light coming from the living room illuminated the hall, casting shadows across the walls. It was too dark to be the big lamp hanging from the ceiling and Blaine wondered what Kurt had been up to while hed been away at work.
He advanced down the hall until he reached the open door of the room and gasped. Numerous candles were placed on every available surface and Kurt had put their pillows and blankets on the ground around the coffee table, on which he was currently spread out, leaning back on his arms. His gaze lingered on his cute little pet. His tail was curled around his own thigh, gently stroking along his soft skin and his ears were twitching on his head. He looked absolutely beautiful.
Blaine let his eyes travel down from his hair, which looked like Kurt had spent a considerable amount of time on it, to his eyes, already black with lust, to his lips. His pink tongue poked out to wet his lips and Blaine just barely held in the groan trying to escape. He ventured down further, appreciating his long neck which hed adorn with hickeys when the time came, and finally stopped at Kurts chest.
He thought hed come right then, just from looking at his Kurt in a corset. It was his favorite one, champagne colored with a white trim, and white lacing. It wasnt too tight around Kurts waist, just enough to accentuate his soft, almost feminine curves, and it fit his skin tone perfectly. Blaine didnt know how he managed not to faint with the way all the blood was rushing south at a rapid pace.
Kurts little nipples, already hard nubs, were peaking out above the top of the corset and Blaine just wanted to suck and bite them. They were almost as sensitive as his ears and tail and Blaine loved how responsive Kurt got when he paid attention to them.
He took his suit jacket off and loosened his tie before he undid the top buttons on his shirt. Then, he he took the few steps separating him from Kurt and leaned down to kiss him hard. Kurt kissed back with fervor and moaned into Blaines mouth when he took his erection and stroked up and down a few times. Hed been hard for so long, it felt like he would never again not be. He didnt know if that was a good thing or not.
He could sense that Blaine had worked it out, that he knew that Kurt was in heat, because he was giving him pleasure without seeming to expect anything in return, and Kurt decided to play with him a little. Hed been waiting for so long, another hour wouldnt make much of a difference at this point.
With that thought in mind, he let his hand wander along Blaines back, around to his waist and then down until he reached the top of Blaines pants. He slipped the button through the hole and slowly dragged the zipper down, then reached inside Blaines pants and grabbed his cock, which was rock hard already and dripping with pre-come.
He traced the veins with his thumb, not really doing anything for Blaine except frustrating him due to lack of friction. It was a fun game to play and seeing Blaine get worked up was sexy as hell.
Meanwhile, Blaine kept stroking Kurt with a tight grip, trying his best to make him come. He ducked down and took the head of Kurts cock in his mouth, sucking gently, and Kurt had a hard time controlling himself and keeping his hips still. He didnt want to choke Blaine.
When his moans got louder and he felt himself getting close, he dragged Blaine off his cock by his hair and then smashed their mouths together, loving that he could taste himself on Blaines lips.
They kept kissing for a few minutes and when Kurt felt Blaines hand once again reaching for his cock, he broke their lip lock, and, giving Blaine a cheeky smile, stuffed Blaines cock back in his pants before zipping up.
"We should eat first. I made your favorite and we wouldnt want for it to go to waste, now would we?" he purred into his ear. He got up from his place in the soft blankets before strolling into the kitchen, making sure to swish his hips exaggeratedly when he felt his owners eyes on him.